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Author Topic: Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?  (Read 880 times)


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #75 on: April 17, 2003, 02:47:00 PM »

hey chris, i thought the max hd you can add was 140gb (actual max size 137gb on the xbox)


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #76 on: April 19, 2003, 03:13:00 PM »



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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #77 on: April 19, 2003, 04:14:00 PM »

QUOTE (archanox @ Apr 16 2003, 01:38 PM)
Hey here's a great idea!

Bring out a troubleshooter!

Yay! Then we can settle these n00b's (including myself) and give ourselves a bit of peace of mind!

laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif

as this is only your 3rd post ill enlighten you

there have been hundreds of troubleshooters / step by step tutorials / newbie guides posted. And you still get it wrong.


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #78 on: April 19, 2003, 04:16:00 PM »

QUOTE (chris67rs @ Apr 16 2003, 12:55 PM)
In props to Extreme-Mods, they have been nothing but good people.  you have to take into consideration that many of the "new orders" were after the Tech-TV special on modding your Xbox,

I personally have orderd 4 chips, and 3 of those 4 chips worked fine. 2 pro's and 2 lite's they are very helpfull when it comes to anything. all you need to do is ask,

sure there can be bad chips out there. but these pepoe work hard to make sure your order is completed in a Timely fashon and shipped VERY fast.  they stand strong in their reputation. they also sell thousands of these things a week. I think they know what they are doing...

its just All the Noob's out there that want to mod their Xbox with no real electronics experience. I love my Modded Xbox, Slayers Disc does it all, I just updated to a 160G HD as the 120 was full.

I REALLY DONT think that everyone should not order, even though in a previous angry post on my part I kinda Bashed Extreme-Mods, but they worked with me and fixed my problem. Actually IF your going to order a mod chip, Wouldnt you WANT a company as devoted as Extreme-Mods?"??I know I do... thats why they will have my continued Buisness.

here here



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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #79 on: April 19, 2003, 05:32:00 PM »

QUOTE (Ubergeek @ Apr 15 2003, 10:50 AM)
QUOTE (FIREitUP @ Apr 15 2003, 12:26 AM)
i had fine results with my matrix on xp
athlon xp 1800+
epox 8kha+ mobo
ddr ram 380 something
thats all u need to know, its fine i did it 3 times and it worked all 3 times

yeah this really helps  rolleyes.gif

i appreciate your sarcasm u got some fuckin nerve u little cunt face to criticize just because of the fact that my help may help a slim amount of people, people like you should dig their own grave and wait to be shot by some person that goes crazy because of your inconsiderate thoughts and actions.


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #80 on: April 19, 2003, 05:55:00 PM »

QUOTE (Ubergeek @ Apr 15 2003, 03:49 PM)
well for starters we havenjt shipped you anything - the resellers ship to you

you say we dont help ? Try using our forums

For people to say we suck is really gay - we gave you the first bios, the first lpc mod, the first big cracks

we gave you a mod that works perfect - 3 times now

because you can't flash it doesnt mean we suck - it means you are doing something wrong or possibly have a faulty mod which is very unlickely as almost all of the mods ive seen returned worked fine straight off the bat

so to say that xecuter isnt helping you or everyone else is a bullshit comment

im sick of people posting that the mod sucks - but i guess they are not going to post - hey I suck cus im doing this wrong

rant over

pff.."down for maintanance". Not even an installation url in the box. Not one site mentioning the clips of the FCC-cable...

Xecutor forums, help, faq etc.  have been down for about at least two weeks now. I bought my (faulty I guess) xecutor2 at divineo, and they as well have their FAQ and installation-guides "down for maintanance".

And yes, I could flash mine once, it started two times correctly, after that, 3 boot-attempts and a flashing ejectbutton.

Do you have some hidden ectra info? for instance, what about the jumper on the executor2? The only info I could find was to "remove this jumper for newer revisions of the xbox". Luckily, I found someone in a newsgroup who said the jumper was for write-enabling the chip. After putting it back on, it worked shortly, as mentioned before. And I have a rev 1.1 mobo.

Don't assume the people who don't post got it right. I am posting now because you assumed this, otherwise I would just have frustratedly read other people who aren't being helped much (apart from "he is a newbie" nonsense).

rant over. sad.gif


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #81 on: April 19, 2003, 06:09:00 PM »

QUOTE (chris67rs @ Apr 16 2003, 12:55 PM)
In props to Extreme-Mods, they have been nothing but good people.  you have to take into consideration that many of the "new orders" were after the Tech-TV special on modding your Xbox,

I personally have orderd 4 chips, and 3 of those 4 chips worked fine. 2 pro's and 2 lite's they are very helpfull when it comes to anything. all you need to do is ask,

sure there can be bad chips out there. but these pepoe work hard to make sure your order is completed in a Timely fashon and shipped VERY fast.  they stand strong in their reputation. they also sell thousands of these things a week. I think they know what they are doing...

its just All the Noob's out there that want to mod their Xbox with no real electronics experience. I love my Modded Xbox, Slayers Disc does it all, I just updated to a 160G HD as the 120 was full.

I REALLY DONT think that everyone should not order, even though in a previous angry post on my part I kinda Bashed Extreme-Mods, but they worked with me and fixed my problem. Actually IF your going to order a mod chip, Wouldnt you WANT a company as devoted as Extreme-Mods?"??I know I do... thats why they will have my continued Buisness.

 blink.gif You say 25% of your mods were broken, and still blame not-working mods on people being newbies? Are you a newbie? If 70% of the people are newbies, and 25% of the chips are defective... A lot more newbies will post errors than experienced people.

Ubergeek could have been much more helpfull if he told us there are in fact broken chips, and how many, in stead of
1. saying there are forums and helpfiles ("down for maintanance")
2. saying he gave it up because stupid people still got it wrong.

If only experienced people bought mods, there really wouldn't be much of a market...I mean, the xbox is a consumer-thing, not a Sun Sparcstation...What did you expect?

Anyway, for other people with the blink-not able to flash problem: just return the mod, get another one. I haven't seen anybody posting problems with a replacement-mod...


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #82 on: April 19, 2003, 06:15:00 PM »

damn this is a long thread................and FireItUp........thats quite the flame message you've got there........congrats on showing how to not use proper grammar or sentence structure.  Anyway....I still haven't gotten my chip to work, and will be sending it back shortly.


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #83 on: April 19, 2003, 07:37:00 PM »

Ok here goes I myself thought I had recieved a bad mod chip but, In all reallity it was my set up that was bad. I didn't find this out untill I bought an xecuter2lite used the same pin header install and d0 and ground no go. Sthen the only possibility was my soldering (although everything seemed fine with the v. o. m.). Heres what I did I reheated the pin header added NO solder to any of the pins repluged the x2lite on and bam it worked!!! So that leaves me to the only conclusion MY install SUCKED I am sorry for any and all problems that I may have caused but in thier defence (exmods) the chip was fine the fcc cable was NOT!! The way they sent it to me was folded over the chip twice and twice on it self the new fcc cable works the old (origional )doesn't. The new 17dollar cable does though it's also much mor ridig than the origional. Other than that everything went fine. So for you people having problems I feel your pain (but all I can say is that if you do have a problem and everything seems fine check it all one more time!) I also bought a db25 cable from IOMEGA for my (supposedly zip drive) and it works fine for flashing (even though it's about 3 ft long). so with that in mind no cable problem is out of reach (maby it's just our soldering skills)
 if anybody has a question as to what i did or found wrong with mine to get it to work p.m. me I will answer all I am using win XP pro and figured out that I DIDN'T have to change my settings on my cop using ECP no interupt.

     P.S. I fell like an A__hole for blaming ex mods for something that was clearly MY fault


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #84 on: April 19, 2003, 08:42:00 PM »

look guys i have the same problem........when i connect everythin together and power up the xbox it resets 3 times then i try to flash the x2pro with xbm it says no x2 found i messed with the lpt settings in the bios and as well as  the settings in im about to put lighter fluid on all of this shit and throw a match on there anyone in queens that successfully modded a xbox with a x2 pro and wants to make a few bucks fixing my setup... leave me a message.....


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #85 on: April 19, 2003, 09:52:00 PM »

I'm throwing in the towel too at this point.  I've uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times and tonight I pulled the pin header and used the wired install - no dice.  I also multimetered the FCC cable and I believe it's okay.  I've tried multiple computers connected directly port to port.  Maybe during all the screwing around and multiple installs I damaged one of the LPC holes.  Who knows.  Regardless this has used up way too much time.  What should have taken a couple hours has taken over 20 and still no luck.  I've done everything that can be done, read every tutorial, faq, thread and suggestion on every xbox board.  Hell, I can pull the motherboard like a pro now.

Too much to troubleshoot:  FCC cable, parrel settings in XP, actual soldering, remote possibility of a bad chip.  Hell the only thing I know for sure is that D0 is correctly wired and that's supposed to be the hard part.  If it even had Cromwell on it I would at least be able to narrow it down.

Got to know when to cut your losses.  This puppy is going back and at this point I'm not sure I want to try another.


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #86 on: April 19, 2003, 10:23:00 PM »

I had the FRAG but not able to flash problem. I multimetered my original FCC too and it said it was fine. However after repeatedly bumping it while using X2BS I noticed I was getting different settings. So instead of sending the X2 back for testing, I decided to buy the Extreme FCC cable.

I got it, hooked it up, used a direct connection to my laptop and now I have four 256k banks with a different bios on each. I have my 120 GB HD installed and EVoX running fine. Don't give up. Keep at it and you'll get it. I get to practice on family and friends systems next. Right after I mod my PS2. I'm not going for that no soldering crap either. 23 wires to solder baby! Who would have thought M$ would make a hacker friendlier system than the competition.


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #87 on: April 20, 2003, 12:28:00 AM »


peace and good luck


p.s. I am very tired

p.p.s.  What am I supposed to do with all these used Xecuter 1 chips that I have building up?  I have 3 now.


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #88 on: April 21, 2003, 05:12:00 AM »

same thing happened  to me when i won a x2l here @ the contest on xbox-scene ;(


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Bad Batch Of X2 Pros?
« Reply #89 on: April 21, 2003, 05:27:00 AM »

QUOTE (FIREitUP @ Apr 20 2003, 01:32 AM)
QUOTE (Ubergeek @ Apr 15 2003, 10:50 AM)
QUOTE (FIREitUP @ Apr 15 2003, 12:26 AM)
i had fine results with my matrix on xp
athlon xp 1800+
epox 8kha+ mobo
ddr ram 380 something
thats all u need to know, its fine i did it 3 times and it worked all 3 times

yeah this really helps  rolleyes.gif

i appreciate your sarcasm u got some fuckin nerve u little cunt face to criticize just because of the fact that my help may help a slim amount of people, people like you should dig their own grave and wait to be shot by some person that goes crazy because of your inconsiderate thoughts and actions.

telling people what cpu, motherboard and memeory you use is not going to help ANYONE

if you want to help post your

Bios Lpt Settings
OS LPT Settings

now that is the correct info to give

and "little cunt face" - very intelligent  rolleyes.gif
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