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Author Topic: Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help  (Read 45 times)


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« on: April 02, 2003, 07:16:00 PM »

I had the same problem tonight. I tried for over an hour on my v1.0 xbox until I broke the clip that holds the FCC ribbon in place. See this thread about fcc clip.
I never did get it lined up and now I can't try because the ribbon cable isn't connected.


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2003, 07:57:00 AM »

QUOTE (eightbit @ Apr 3 2003, 04:16 AM)
I had the same problem tonight. I tried for over an hour on my v1.0 xbox until I broke the clip that holds the FCC ribbon in place. See this thread about fcc clip.
I never did get it lined up and now I can't try because the ribbon cable isn't connected.

You think my FCC cable is the problem?

I got both ends in with no trouble or force...

Almost put my xbox out the window though.

Any other ideas ?


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2003, 11:39:00 AM »

pogo pins suck balls
youd be better off soldering


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2003, 11:56:00 AM »

the problem is your pogo pins, i had the same problem with a friends xbox, he really wanted pogo's, and then he tried installing them and it was no go, so i attempted to get the pogo pins, and also had the same problem your having now, i used the wires method and soldered the chip in and it worked beautifully.



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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2003, 05:59:00 PM »

my first post here.
Just installed xecuter pro with pogo pins and had the same problem as you.
Always booted up to normal xbox bios but I did notice that with the screw provided, there is not much slack to move the pogo pins over d0.  My pin wasn't exacly lined up so what I did was (I think I read this somewhere in the forums) I drilled the screw hole a little larger so I could move the pogo bd directly over d0.  Tightened screw and gotthe reset twice and then FRAG (flashing red and green).  

My problem now is no matter if d4 on SW1 was on or off, it always booted with FRAG.  But I flashed anyway with bios and it seems to be working for me.  Just not sure if my switch is working.  It always boots with the xcecuter logo on bottom of xbox logo nomatter what my swich is on or off.

Any suggestion on that problem please  leave some feed feedback

But my guess for you is you're not lined up exactly on d0.  I also did gently rub d0 with a knife for better contact.


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2003, 06:04:00 PM »

Thx, I'll try that...  ohmy.gif


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2003, 08:46:00 PM »

QUOTE (MrSmith @ Apr 5 2003, 03:04 AM)
Thx, I'll try that...  ohmy.gif

PogoPins working, what a bitch though... thanks to a friend who came with a keen eye.

Thanks foryour suggestions !


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2003, 10:42:00 PM »


Ive read this toic and it seemed similar to the problem im having, thought  Id post here and continue the thread...hope some one checks it.  

Heres my story and Im sticking to it:

As most people on here now, Im a nOOb and just recently installed a X2 Pro Mod chip on my own v1.0 xbox.  Used the Pogo Pins on mine, got the d0 points all lined up.  Flashed it via my programmer with 3 diff BIOS Ill list below in my config.  Able to boot up via the Slayer CD (dont laff, its a great way to get introduced to the whole variety of functions available.)  My XBox worked great, able to back up my games, no problems.  

Came over to install my friends X2 Pro mod chip on his v1.1 XBox.  Made the Pogo Pins contact no problem, able to connect with the X2BM and flash the chip.  Around 99% writing, power cord came out, said verify problem, not sure the code, sorry, didnt think it would be such a problem tho, I was able to flash the X2 Pro chip again with the same BIOS.  Came back written and verified and thought everything was ok.  Went to hook up the XBox to the the TV, loaded up with the mod chip installed, flashed, connected to programmer and switch 4 for power and 1 for BIOS #1 which was EvoX V2.6-V1.0, #2 was same but with Eject Fix, #3 was  EvoX D.6 , # 4 EvoX D6 w/Eject Fix, only switch one & four were "ON".   Turned on the XBox and and inserted the Slayer CD, booted up to ...drum roll...XBox Screen w/MS Logo.  Couldnt read the DVD in the Drive.  Tried every combo of switch configs there were, for 256, 512, 768, and 1024 w/ switch 4 on. No luck.  Re-connected programmer to compuer, made sure there was a connection thru X2BM and got the correct code back.  Still no luck when I connect to the XBox to the TV and try to get the BIOS to boot.  So what am I doing wrong?  Are the BIOS Im using not working with a v1.1 XBox but with  my v1.0 XBox?  Does the Mod Chip need to soldered? I am able to detach the Mod Chip, set switch 4 to on, hook up XBox and get it to FRAG, so I thought this meant that the Pogo Pins are set correctly.  I can talk to the chi to flash it.  SO I see the problem as:

        1:) I CAN connect to mobo
        2:) I CAN connect to programmer and Flash X2 Pro
        3:) I CAN get XBox to boot with chip installed and ON, just boots to the normal XBox BIOS.
        4:) I CAN'T get the Mod Chip to talk to XBox to noot varied BIOS mentioned above.  

This detailed enuf? And for my BIOS on my own persoanl machin, they are the same as the ones on my friends Flashed chip, just in different order.  

Questions? Answers? HELP!?!?!?!?!?! Please and thanks in advanced.



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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2003, 10:48:00 PM »

Ok, I think you got a cd problem. If he has a sucky thompson (most likely) then try and try again on the cd-rw.
But first try a color bios so you know that the chip is not the problem.
If you're really desperate, might consider switching a philips or sammy on to his box and use a cd-rw, or burn a dvd-rw!


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2003, 11:04:00 PM »

Thanks I will try that leigao84.  Just, maybe its a dumb question, whats a colory bios? Sorry I dont know.  And btw, his DVD Drve is a Phillips.  The media the Slayer CD AUto Install on is a DVD-R.  This any more help?  Ill get that BIOS if ya just explain what it is.  Dont have to give  it to me, I can do that no prob ;-)  Thanks.


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2003, 11:38:00 PM »

Don't ask where to get one, but they are bios with modified colors of X when booted up. Try the usual places.


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2003, 11:26:00 AM »

my pogo's installed with no problems...took about 30 min. total, and they havent given me any problems at all...i scraped the D0 with a small pocketknife before installing, and everything is well!

guess i'm one of the few lucky one's w/ pogo's smile.gif

glad its not a wasted $30 on my part


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2003, 03:50:00 PM »

ive installed a couple pogo x2's....and for a few i had to pull the mobo out completley....the screws that hold the mobo to the box, dont always allow for the x2 D0 pogo point to touch id line up  d0  out side of the box...then screw the board back in..........


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2003, 05:42:00 PM »

Ok this not about bragging you installed the chips correctly, if you can't help peopl then don't post.


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Noob Installing X-ecuter 2 Pro With Pogopins, Help
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2003, 07:15:00 PM »


  Short Story: Couldnt get friends X2Pro chip to work in his machine, he has v1.1, I have v1.0. And i cheked d0 over and over, took Mobo out and I know I was on d0, was able to FRAG.  Mine worked no probs.  
  Took my chip out, switched chips, tried to boot his with my chip, only get MS Dash  , boot mine with his chip, MS Dash again.  Replaced my chip, now I only get MSDash no mattter what BIOS i try and load.  Try to re-flash my X2Pro hooked directly to computer parrallel port, hit info in X2BM says Man Code 00 Deice Code 00, checked tut, says means a switch is "ON", Checked switches, none on, used 2nd programmer i had and the 2nd FCC ribbon cable, still get 00 code for both.  I hit write 1st time w/o looking, wrote, comes back cant verify.  Still cant get the correct dev and manu code to come up.  Am I screwed? Since i get some dev and man code, i assume that means chip gets power and CAN be flashed, just wont.  Any ideas? Thanks.  Listed below are the specs for my XBox.  I installed all the mods succefully first time thru on my own box Friday night.  Had probs w/buddys, hence the switching chips all around.  I know (or at least hope) nothing is irreversible. I do have the color BIOS, just havent tried working on his machine yet cause I need to get mine back up and running.  Hope im not going off on a tangent.  Just wanna figure all these problems out.  ARHHHH!!!...The things I do to entertatin myself.

Sigtoms XBox:
v1.0 X-ecutor 2 Pro w/ Pogo Pins
120GB Max Locked Drive
Original BIOS:EvoX D6 w/eject fix, now am trying to flash with X-ecutor 2 4973 v1.0
Used Slayer Auto-Install CD to install EvoX and other apps/XBMP.

My buddys Xbox:
OEM Seagate HDD
Phillips DVD-Drive
X-ecutor 2 Pro w/Pogo-Pins; can get XBox to frag w/chip powered on but not connected to PogoPins.  Last night, was able to Flash chip also.  

Hope Im not too verbose, just want to give all the info I can.  Thanks.
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