
Author Topic: Is There A Tentative Release Date For The X-ecutor  (Read 16 times)


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Is There A Tentative Release Date For The X-ecutor
« on: October 28, 2002, 01:08:00 PM »

As the title says:

Is there a tentative release date for the X-ExcutorII?

I purchased an Xodus...but it either never truely arrived, or my mailroom lost it.  And when I went to purchase another one EasyBuy refused the Credit Card even though I authorized it after I was contacted by my CC's fraud control to verify the request.  And I know that card is good.  Either way...I am never using Easybuy2000 again, and I will wait until another more reputable shop decides to sell what seems to be a better chip.  

The folks at Xodus are crazy for signing up an exclusive reseller like EasyBuy2000.  I know that they sent the chip, but the customer service, how do I deal with the issue regarding my card being refused...their line is always busy.

Look forward to the XecuterII Pogo pin model.  I hope it has less issues surrounding its release than the Xodus.