
Author Topic: Games Lockup During Load  (Read 101 times)


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Games Lockup During Load
« on: December 07, 2006, 12:36:00 AM »

The OS on the chip has nothing to do with it.  The OS is what you see before the bios loads, then it is gone, anything that happens before the flubber is wiped out.

Try all the typical fixes first and report back:

Delete the contents of e:/cache/  (dont remove the folder)
Delete the contents of x:/  y:/ and z:/ drives
Set your clock on the M$ dash
If using Evox as your dash, make sure TSR is turned off and game region is set to auto

Additionally that bios is crap, I always recommend x2 4981 for a version 1.0 box if you have your bios banks configured for a 256k bios, or x2 5035 for a 512kb bank.