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Author Topic: New To Xbox Back Up And Modding  (Read 180 times)


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New To Xbox Back Up And Modding
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2005, 11:59:00 PM »

Well after all this my router gave out.
Only way to connect to internet is direct cable connection to my modem from pc ethernet card.
I have another pc that is not able to connect to internet now that my wireless connection is done.
Should I use that one to flash bios and set up chip or do I need an internet connection?
If so, would getting another ethernet card and installing on my main pc with internet connection and useing the new ether. card for setting up


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New To Xbox Back Up And Modding
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2005, 08:03:00 AM »

QUOTE(rajung @ Jan 8 2005, 02:30 AM)
Well after all this my router gave out.


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New To Xbox Back Up And Modding
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2005, 11:49:00 AM »

Thanks for the responce.
Just to add to all this.
I did get another wireless router, linsys B
And I did run smartxx remote flasher-search xbox and this time did get a ip address and mac address. ?? dont know why now and my belkin didnt find when it worked.
So now I am ahead again from last night.
Glad my router gave out now than later.
So as not to burden you further, can we pick up  from the past posts -thanks


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New To Xbox Back Up And Modding
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2005, 02:10:00 PM »

well I have the smartxx os set at 3333 now
 bank L1  now with m8_16 loaded, and edonchip flashed into bank M1
So  I assume I disconnect  box from PC now and connect xbox to tv and then what?
I'm getting there I hope!


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New To Xbox Back Up And Modding
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2005, 04:46:00 PM »

Well I connected xbox and launched ed@chip
It shows the penquin with password and user but the IP address is 0000 even though the IP address showed on smartxx flasher?


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New To Xbox Back Up And Modding
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2005, 07:49:00 PM »

Just to add more to this
I reconnected xbox to pc and re ran smartxx remote flasher
it has

mac address                           IP
box details                              bios flashing
ip:                     evox v18 (1.6) (256)
mask:                bank L 2 (256)
gate                                  3 (256)
                                                           4 (256)
smartxx 3333                                       5 (256)
                                                           6 (256)
                                                          ed on chip 0.0.4 (2048)

As far as going to set up page for the router , my linksysB
Since its already installed and set up before I attached xbox, also I do not see a DHCP client list to search for mac address and find IP for xbox
You might not be able to help from here on out with my router issues.
Wish I could attach a jpeg to my posts from the set up page.

Here is what I have at the main setup page of the router

internet setup
connection type -obtain IP automaticly

(optional) host name--XXXXXXXXXX
domain-(left blank)
mtu (disable

network setup
Router IP-local IP address
subnet mask -

network address
server settings (DHCP)\local DHCP server (enable)

start ID address 192.168.1.(100)
number of addresses (50)
DHCP address range
static DNS 1
static DNS 2
static DNS 3

Maybe this no where what I need .



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New To Xbox Back Up And Modding
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2005, 02:25:00 PM »

Well I managed to find DHCP client table
Router must auto set ip address
under client host name it has some jibber jabber- ,#Da,  and  the mac address that showed up under smartxx remote flasher on upper left corner
the IP address that shows up under DHCP client list is the same as what shows up on upper left corner of smartxx remote flasher.
Also this is the same IP that is on the lower left corner of remote flasher under box details.
When I open flashFXP and put in the IP
and xbox password and user name and connect it says connection failed (connection refused)
thanks for any help.


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New To Xbox Back Up And Modding
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2005, 08:08:00 PM »

Anyone else?
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