
Author Topic: Xbox Prolems  (Read 61 times)


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Xbox Prolems
« on: November 28, 2004, 10:18:00 AM »

ok here's the deal im posting this in tsop and hardware just cause some people know more about other things than others.

I have a v1.0 XboX oops i should say had mad.gif mad.gif

and i split the tsop a long time ago so a few weeks ago i decided to be a idiot and flash the sonofa..... Xecuter 3 bios to my board so i got into Evox and had the thingy up where it says press y or something and pressed y and it erased my bios and then got 1/4 the way on the flashing bar and ..... STOPED completely so i waited 15 minutes and nothing happed and i turned off the xbox then turned it on and the green light went on then off, i second, then the green light when on and off, then my least favourite colours. p.s. after the second wire switch i saw smoke so i turned off xbox and waited a bit then keeped on tring the switches

Red and green. so i figure i messed up one bios so i switched to another of my four banks and xbox does the exact same so i tried all banks and it does the exact same thing; green off green off red green red green until i turn it off i tried every possible cobinations with the wires and nothing worked. So i went to and bought the smartxx modchip the pinheader way

so 3 weeks have pasted maybe 2 i unno lost track off time cause no xbox lol and the chip comes so i solder it up and turn on xbox and what do i see same fucking bullshit as b4. so if anyone could please damm help i would be a happy boy again smile.gif

i well specify more and show picture if you want but please remember i am a student on a skim to nothing budget well more like nothing budget after the 83 dollar modchip.

peace bob1122

edit : holy shit i just relised one more thing look
........ ..........
.......... ........
thats what the back off my cd drive looks like i am missing the pin and the blank spot
and down and over one maybe that contributes to some off my problems

p.s. again i would like to ask people that are unsure about a answer they give to retain typing it because i dont want to mess up it even more than it is currently. so only respond if ur pretty sure u know what ur talking about and rn't a noob thanks and sorry.

i have the smart xx v2.0 chip  


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Xbox Prolems
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2004, 01:50:00 PM »


ok here's the deal im posting this in tsop and hardware just cause some people know more about other things than others

Don't f*cking double/erh trebile post!!! This is the godam smartxx forum not tsop. Mate you need this to fix your tsop

Edit nvm mod didn't see his smartxx mod chip bit guess that counts?

This post has been edited by bucko: Dec 1 2004, 09:52 PM


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Xbox Prolems
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2004, 06:46:00 PM »

kinda figured


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Xbox Prolems
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2004, 06:48:00 AM »

after the second wire switch i saw smoke so i turned off xbox and waited a bit then keeped on tring the switches

you'll probably need a new board.  You could try to fix it, but I'm guessing your soldering skills aren't great, judging by the comment above (mine are bad too, but i'm getting better).  It would cost $40 minimum to fix it, then add in shipping costs.  You could get a virgin board for around $60.
There's even one guy on these forums that will take broken boards as trade-ins + cash for a refurbed board.  Wish I could help more.

p.s. again i would like to ask people that are unsure about a answer they give to retain typing it because i dont want to mess up it even more than it is currently. so only respond if ur pretty sure u know what ur talking about and rn't a noob thanks and sorry.

that came off kind of flaky....probably why no one wants to respond.  take it out and more members might give you some solid advice.   biggrin.gif
