
Author Topic: Chips Installed Whats Next?  (Read 40 times)


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Chips Installed Whats Next?
« on: August 20, 2004, 06:14:00 PM »


First you have to get your HD working (ZEROing the first 4096...) Then take a CD like Slayers Evox auto installer or Firefucker's X-DISK. Boot your XBOX with a BIOS as like Evox M8 oder X2 4983 an boot from the CD. Then Select "Clean Full format of Retail/large hd". don't forger to baykup you savegames if you want to! then do the "install evox, apps, &...." then you shoul have a wroking base. from there on you can "tune" it up to your wishes....

ou shoul be able to run Stuff from CD's either to copy it over the Network.

Bevor yu get on with ReplayTV, get all those other things to work. Then Use
XBMC to deal with ReplayTV.
