
Author Topic: Oh Boy (dx2 Lite Tickin Me Off)  (Read 156 times)


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Oh Boy (dx2 Lite Tickin Me Off)
« on: August 24, 2005, 11:45:00 PM »

Hola hola.

Problem rundown:

Got a 1.0 xbox that was getting a service 21 error on bootup.  I've got a few duox2 lites sitting around, so this afternoon i desoldered the lpc and and put one of the lites in.  Put the d0 wire on the backside connection, etc etc.

Screwed the motherboard back down, reconnected everything.  Booted up...

Xmas lights.

So, as my nature, I said "fuck!" and took the drives off, and lifted the chip up off the pinheader.

Service error 11 now!  Yes, the dvd drive was connected (phillips one if that makes any difference, *shrug*).  The last two installs I did on duox2 lites were both 1.0's, and I never had a problem with them }:|

I'm going to go resolder the d0 and pray i get it working.  I've done more then a few chip installs now, and this is the first major problem I've had, I'm hoping theres some suggestions to be had, as I'm a bit peeved at this point :/

Thanks for any suggestions!


resoldered d0, the box is booting again... but...  (sigh)

still getting error 11 (not getting the lites differently color'd X logo, don't know if thats normal when getting service errors with the chip.)

now, on a whim, i unplugged ide ribbon, and the box will boot up normally AND eject the drive.  if the ide ribbon is plugged in, the drive won't eject.  which has me worried, as the drive WOULD eject before i put the chip on.  heeeelp!


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Oh Boy (dx2 Lite Tickin Me Off)
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2005, 11:52:00 PM »

the bt point could be soldered bad (its the + for the eject button which could cause it to stay/think it open and cant close)


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Oh Boy (dx2 Lite Tickin Me Off)
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2005, 12:30:00 AM »

except i avoid the BT point until i know the rest of the chips working fine, so i haven't soldered it yet :(

just did another 1.0 box (god damnit, 4 in a row) and the install on it went beautifully.  lpc desoldered without much trouble (did touch the iron though.  first iron burn ><), chip went in nicely, and i worked out how i'm going to be doing d0's from now on.  flash breezed through, as well.

maybe this error 21 box i picked up for cheap had a few other problems besides just the error 21 ><  the fact that its losing the dvd when the ide ribbon tells me something is shorting somewhere.  guess i'll go over it with the magnifying glass tomorrow :/  oh well, have to work tomorrow, and i refuse to acknowledge the headache this boards giving me any further!


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Oh Boy (dx2 Lite Tickin Me Off)
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2005, 11:16:00 PM »

this box is starting to piss me off :|

the phillips drive is dead on it, it would seem.  its still doing the eject only when no ide ribbons attached to the drive (or not connected to the motherboard).  put a modded 8163B drive on it and that works no problem.

anyways, after resoldering d0, i got the chip to boot a few times.  each time, it would have the evox logo in the upper left, and the xbox logo would be blue.  just before the xbox logo would finish coming together, it'd stutter for a second, and then sit there (one of the boots, i got a service 07.)  then it would only boot the standard bios and dump to error 21.  now its just flashing green/orange }:|

anyone else think this box is toast?


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Oh Boy (dx2 Lite Tickin Me Off)
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2005, 12:46:00 AM »

well i did my 1st 1.0 today and had a time where
the screen would freeze
the dvd wasnt connected very good

oh the install was a success (wire install w/female header on)
i got pics if you care


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Oh Boy (dx2 Lite Tickin Me Off)
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2005, 09:11:00 PM »

well, i did ANOTHER 1.0 box today (going to start charging extra, just to recoup the costs of desoldering braid!), but i'm still stuck on this one box.

i took the chip off and disconnected the d0 wire, and the box is back to error 21 again.  which is somewhat a relief.

tested the ohms on the backside d0 point, along with the rest of the circuits there.  (from the solder points and both terminations) and they're all reading (whew)

so at this point, i'm trying to find a way to test the chip itself.  i got it to boot up once or twice, but the dvd drive seems to have bit the dust.  so i had to turn it off to get a working drive hooked up :(

any help at all?  i know i've been bothersome with this post, but i'm getting to my wits end here :(


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Oh Boy (dx2 Lite Tickin Me Off)
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2005, 12:15:00 AM »

ok.  resoldered the pin header, still didn't work, gave up and put a new chip on, still not working (glad i ordered a few extras).

this has become a hardware help issue i think :|


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Oh Boy (dx2 Lite Tickin Me Off)
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2005, 01:42:00 AM »

have you tried connecting the BT wire, i had one that would boot 1 in 10 times and was really pi$$ing me off i moved the chip into another xbox wihtout the bt connected and it worked fine, moved it back to the original xbox and still had issues but when i connected the BT it worked 100%


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Oh Boy (dx2 Lite Tickin Me Off)
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2005, 06:19:00 PM »

hmmm.  i wasn't aware that could be an issue, but i'll give it a shot before i take the motherboard back out and start testing the lpc :)

but, i will say, that i did try a second chip in it, and it still didn't work.  but none the less, i'm going to go warm up the soldering iron right now :D  thanks!


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Oh Boy (dx2 Lite Tickin Me Off)
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2005, 10:00:00 PM »

This is probably old news, but I had a chip with the Evox bios that my 1.0 did not like.  It fragged.  When I used an X2 it worked like a charm.  I installed that same chip in a 1.1 box and the EVOX bios booted perfectly.  Not sure if this is going to help you but Ill bet some of the 1.0s do not like the EVOX bios that comes on the lites.


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Oh Boy (dx2 Lite Tickin Me Off)
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2005, 10:13:00 PM »

hooked up bt, still didn't work :/

going to go through the lpc repair jpg tomorrow with an ohmmeter and see whats busted.

the box isn't fragging anymore, its just acting as if theres nothing on the lpc at all.  evox booted up a few times at one point, but the dvd drive was kaput already :/

and to top it off, i had to redownload auto installer deluxe, the torrents going majorly slow, and he wants his box back tomorrow :|