
Author Topic: A Couple Of Duo-x2 Questions  (Read 248 times)


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A Couple Of Duo-x2 Questions
« on: January 11, 2005, 07:57:00 PM »

I am going to solidier a copule of this chips into 1.6a and 1.6b xboxes,
Okey here it goes:

1)  Can I flash bank 0 but boot on bank 1?

2) I have heard that you can't move the bank switch while the chip is mounted is that true.

3) If 2 is true and 1 is false how do I flash bank 0 alone, do I have to make a hotswap or does I have to flash the hole Megabyte bios at once.

4) I am planing to use evox is there any better apps for this (evox is kind of untrustable then you flash).



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A Couple Of Duo-x2 Questions
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2005, 08:12:00 PM »

I would get the new white version since they have a 1.6 compatible flashbios on them.

1) On 1.6 boxes, you have to boot the 1.6 bank.

2) You can flip the switch with it mounted. I keep a cromwell bios on the extra bank in case I screw something up, that way I can boot the flashbios then flip the switch and flash.

3)Once the chip is booted, you can flip the switch and flash the other bank. You can't flahs the whole 1MB at once, it is split into two 512kb sections. Each switch setting select a different bank.

4)Evox flashes the Duox 2 chips just fine. I've never had a problem with it and I have done all of my friends boxes.