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Author Topic: Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?  (Read 506 times)


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« on: February 20, 2006, 05:14:00 PM »

As far as I know no one has gotten the xlite and the solderless adapter to work.  Im betting that its the same as the xchip(power supply issues).  Soldering one wire should make the xlite work.  No one updates their post once they get stuff working.  Most just come here when they have problems or seek advice.  My suggestion would be to purchase the xchip(works for a 1.6 xbox(requires one wire to solder)).  Let us know which road you take. Or chose another brand of chip all together(they seem to have the same issues(fragging)


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2006, 03:11:00 AM »

Wow thanks for the quick reply. So you recommend the xchip over the xlite then huh? and I would still need the "solderless" adapter (although I would have to solder one wire anyway)? That shouldnt be a problem. I will wait until I know for sure which version my xbox is, and then I will investigate other chips. either way, I will let you guys know what I decided on when I finally choose and let you know how it went. Thanks for the tip and I am still open to other suggestions.

PS As far as the xchip goes, does soldering the wire seem to be a final solution (ie, it will work once you solder the wire)? I want to know that even if it needs more work, it WILL work at some point  smile.gif

Thanks a lot everyone and I will be back...


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2006, 06:54:00 AM »

Once you solder the one wire the xchip works.  Keep us updated with what you choose


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2006, 07:08:00 AM »

ok thanks. i am now looking at the smart xx opx thing with the solderless adaptor, but you never know. either way, i will let y'all know what i choose


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2006, 04:34:00 AM »

although my xbox has not yet arrived, i have pretty much decided on a modchip. i think i will go for the duox 2. It's cheap (15 euros), and from what ive seen it seems to work fine. i plan on soldering it myself, since the place im buying it from want to charge me an extra 45 for the installation. i guess questions on this chip should be posted on another forum, but just our of curiousity, is it worth 45 euros to have someone soler a chip (ie, is it easy to do)?



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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2006, 07:00:00 AM »

If you have never soldered before Yes it would be worth the money.


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2006, 07:24:00 AM »

well, i have not soldered before, but a friend at my work has and said he could do it for me. he is also planning on getting the same chip and will solder it himself. so i suppos its a matter of whether i trust him or not... hmmmmmm. we shall see. either way, once this chip is soldered, i think it has the evox m8 bios or whatever, so it shouldnt be difficult to installevox dash or xbmc right? and yes, i realize this belongs in another forum, but since this is basically a conversation between me and tihspeed, i dont think it should matter smile.gif .

by the waym, thanks tihspeed.


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2006, 08:36:00 PM »

I'd say let him go first on his xbox then follow up with yours biggrin.gif  Listen to what your friend says if he's modded a xbox before this should be basically the same thing.  I'll look into the duox 2 chip and see if there's any way I can help out.  I doubt it but It won't hurt.  good luck


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2006, 03:01:00 AM »

hmmm. good tip, hehe. but it looks as if i will be soldering. what i can do is wait for him to solder to make sure things go right. but i don't know if im patient enough. i just got a message saying my xbox will come within the next 48 hours love.gif
cant wait! but his will be coming in a few weeks. so i think i may take the safe route and pay an extra 40 euros to get it soldered (i guess its like paying an insurance of 40 euros. plus, they put in evox and xbmc, two things i will definitely put on). on another note, i wasnt planning on putting a hdd in, since i have almost a hundred blank dvds laying around my house. however, will i be able to play all games from dvd, or do some need to be put onto a hdd to work? oh, and one last thing for ya tihspeed. do emulators need to go on the hdd? i heard that the new xboxes have 10 gb. if thats true, maybe i can put an emulator (and possibly a game or two) without needing to install a new hdd?

as always, thanks a lot for all your quick responses and your help!!!


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2006, 06:50:00 PM »

It depends what you plan to do with your newly modded xbox.  Do you plan to use xbox live?  Are you only going to be playing backups of your games?  I personally use backups on dvd's and have kept my Hdd stock because I planned to access xbox live(I wanted to take no chances).  Recently people have complained of being banned by xbox live after a reported Hdd scan program accessed their xbox.  If you plan to use dvd media you must use specific media(ritek ridata G04 DVD-R's or Taiyo Yuden TYG01 DVD-R's are among the most compatible) there is a wider range but if you run into problems this is a good place to start.  A new Hdd is not nessary but it really is cool to access your games without disks.  People have reported loosing all their backups with a Hdd failure(this can even happen with a origional xbox Hdd).  You can access live with a new larger Hdd but once you connect to xbox live they take note of your Hdd serial number and the serial number of your xbox(eeprom) and if at any time the numbers don't match your xbox gets banned(there are ways around this but it gets pricey).  So if you plan to put in a larger Hdd but still access live do so now then connnect to xbox live.  A Hdd upgrade could always be done in the future but you must remember to change your xbox serial number(eeprom) when you change your Hdd or you'll just get banned.  

In the beginning I'd just stick with evox because its pretty much fool proof and it has the least ammount of problems.  Once you get a feel for you new machine expand your horizions and try new dashes.  Among my favorite dashes is Unleash X it has the ability of moving dashes.  So do other dashes but for some reason I really love this one.  You can still keep others but you have to make sure you don't run out of Hdd space.  

Emulators are really fun especially if you actually remember playing the atari way back in the day.  Once again Hdd space is a must you can burn threw this really fast if you don't watch what else you have loaded.  As far as playing emulators from a disk I have no idea I don't see why not but you can look this up later in the designated forum.  You might just end up finding two year old posts so maybe pose some of your own questions in there and see what you come up with.  

Lastly you said you heard that MS is now putting larger Hdd's in the xbox's that are comming off the assembly line.  I wouldn't believe this because the origional xbox is last years product.  Why put in larger hdd's that cost more money and cut into their profits, but you never know you might be right.

P.S.  be patient when it comes to soldering your new xbox.  One speck of solder dropped to the mother board(solder splash)and you'll end up with a really nice, new paper weight. grr.gif


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2006, 05:11:00 AM »

excellent thanks for all the info and the extensive answers!!!

So, I got some news. My xbox arrived last night! It came much faster than expected, and it was quite a pleasant surprise. It turns out it was made in mid 2005, so it is at least a version 1.6. I have been having some second thoughts about soldering, and, although I haven't decided yet, I am leaning towards haveing it professionally installed. I guess it is sort of like paying 40 euros for insurance, which isn't too bad.

I do not plan on playing xbox live, so that will not be a factor for me. I currently have tons of fujifilm dvd-rs. They have been the best ones to play movies on my laptop, and they are not a cheap brand like Prince, so I do not think that will be a problem. I will stick with the evox dash as you mentioned for a while then, until I get the feel for it. Ok, so as far as the emulators go, with a stock hdd, I should be able to put in several roms of different emulators shouldn't I? They seem to not take up to much space. So basically, I would be alright if I only used the stock HDD for emulators/roms, and a dash or two? I plan on streaming movies and music from my laptop via WiFi, and then to play backup games, I can just use dvds. Do you think this sounds possible?

That's pretty much it. If I decide to get the chip soldered professionally, I will get in done early this week and let you know how it went. However, if I plan on soldering it, I'll probably take a few weeks. That also makes me lean towards getting it installed so I can mess around with it already!!!!

Take it easy, and I will be back to let you know how it all went.


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2006, 09:33:00 AM »

hey, i just have one more quick question. its way off topic, but on the off chance you may know...

I currently have an WD external 250 gb hdd. do you know if it is possible to either A) make this internal in the hdd or cool.gif connect the xbox to it via usb or firewire?


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2006, 01:05:00 PM »

like you said emulators don't take up much room, but you have to be carefull what else you have loaded to your box with a origonal Hdd.  I personally love the xchip and the solderless adapter(I know it works) but if I were you and went with the other chip I'd just pay for it.  

I'm pretty sure the things you plan to do with xbox are possible.  I'd ask some questions in the Newbie forum just to make sure(the brightest minds are in there).

With the Dvd Media.  Try not to burn to many coasters.  I mean your media, just because its expensive, dosn't mean it will work.  Your friend with the modded xbox should know which types of media are most compatible.  I frankly go with the cheapest media I can find.  Ritek is my brand of choice.  So If you hit a dead end with your media not booting up this is where I would look.  

As far as using an external Hdd.  I've heard of people piggy backing an external hdd for extra space but it has limitations.  I think it could only have music and video with no real applications on it or maybe it had to have a switch to move between the two Hdd's.  I cant remember(check the newbie forum).  I'm pretty sure the USB thing with the Hdd won't work.  

I think you have reached the end of my magic carpet of knowledge.  I hope I have helped you. come again.


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2006, 01:15:00 PM »

ok thank you soooo much for all of your help, especially considering that almos all questions were outside of the topic of the forum. i will heed your advice, and will look around and ask questions in the newbie forum. i finally decided that i will pay for the soldering and will get the chip installed tomorrow morning, so within a few days i should be ready to go.

anywayz, thanks again, as this was first experience asking questions here and it is nice to know that people are so willing to help


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Is The X-lite And 1.6 Adaptor Not A Good Solution?
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2006, 10:50:00 PM »

Hey just wanted to let you know.  You were right.  You can squeeze an extra two Gb's outa the new seagate Hdd's.  All you have to do is format the F drive in the Hdd and your golden.  As it turns out this is in the newbie faq.  question 13.  Congrats on the chip.  Hope you have fun with your newly modded xbox biggrin.gif
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