
Author Topic: Xbox Likes To Take A Break. Any Clues?  (Read 65 times)


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Xbox Likes To Take A Break. Any Clues?
« on: November 28, 2004, 02:04:00 PM »

Ive got an xbox v1.4 with an xbit 1.5. Everything has been running smoothly for about a week until all of a sudden i played a game that tried to update my msdash...which is a prob bc i run a hacked ms dash. So i turned the system off in the middle of the update and since then Ive had problems. My problem is that once i push the power button on my box to turn it off (after a succesfull boot to the chip) it frags if i try to turn it right back on. NOW, if i remove the power cord and let it sit for 2-3 minutes, it usually comes right back on. Any ideas wtf could be going on under there? I also noticed that it does the same thing when i do a reboot from within the ms dash or evox dash.

Something you might should know...i used the pogo installation except for the D0 point. I have a wire running from the alterate (bottom) D0 point, through the screw hole, up to the top of the board, and soldered to the top of the D0 pogo pin on the xbit.

Please help if youve seen this type of crazy ass shit b4.
