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Author Topic: X-bit  (Read 869 times)


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« Reply #60 on: August 07, 2003, 12:06:00 PM »



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« Reply #61 on: August 07, 2003, 12:25:00 PM »

The official UK retail price at divineo is 40GBP (~64.40USD ~56.50EUR) for the new xbit version.
The US retail price should be lower (all chips are more expensive in UK/EU then in US/CA).
Divineo is also not the cheapest store around ... but it's not really their fault, they are one of the only OFFICIAL EU stores (they have VAT on the chips and pay taxes).

My first reaction was also that is was expensive ... but in fact you should compare it to an X2.2Pro with pogo-pin addon (with usb instead of ltp and 2mb instead of 1mb). So it's not so expensive as it looks like.

Why fight about this chip if it's not released? We'll see what it offers compared to other offers once it's released!


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« Reply #62 on: August 07, 2003, 12:33:00 PM »

Talk about DMS3 at divineo they need to slash £10 of that price now, its toooooo expensive £40 for a DMS3?! I can get em from BaldBouncer or MRModchips for £30 shipped!


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« Reply #63 on: August 07, 2003, 01:36:00 PM »



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« Reply #64 on: August 07, 2003, 03:34:00 PM »

Fuck Xbox-scene , Fuck your shitty Xecuter biased forums , Guys wake up no matter how much u brag about xecuter and promote them you will never  get a share in the millions they make off you
This forum is getting Pathetic wait a minute it always has been pathetic.

What's the point guys , if its not xecuter you're not interested , You have all brought into a slice of the propaganda and followed the various xecuter fan boys as moderators.

Dont' delete this post , stand up and answer it like real men rather than deleting it because your worried it will make the visitors of this biased xecuter forum see the light


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« Reply #65 on: August 07, 2003, 03:51:00 PM »

Okay well let's make a Calculation.

The Xecuter dude, bought the chip for 3-5$ per unit.
He sells them to retailers for 15$ each.
Retailers sell it for about 50$
Now lets see the benefits shall we?

10 units sold :
Xecuter = 100$
Retailer = 350$

Now lets just think 500.000 People did buy an Xecuter Chip at this price(it been higher before, yet stayed the same product) :

Xecuter = 10 * 500.000 == 5 Million $
The Retailers = 17.5 Million $

Now Let's see even if its only half of the money, do these people really desrve it?

I mean didnt we buy a modchip for the simple purpose of playing Emulators, watching videos? Weren't they out there for free? Don't the porters and coders in the Xbox Community Deserve this money?

Hmm i guess, everyone who bought an xecuter instead of a cheapmod was somehow an idiot giving idiots money they did not deserve.
And Bunny made it possible, he could have just made all this money with it
instead of having trouble releasing his book.

Fanboy community, look guys xbox-scene isn't what you think.
I won't get into details about indivduals, but its just all shallow and majorly fucked up. Now you could say "why dont u leave the scene" basically cause
i still like the console, and the day may come where all users build up a community, and dont read news off a PS2 Fanboy's Website.


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« Reply #66 on: August 07, 2003, 03:54:00 PM »

laugh.gif sounds like CraiZE's luxermburg got to her


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« Reply #67 on: August 07, 2003, 08:43:00 PM »

QUOTE (RandyJ @ Aug 7 2003, 04:29 PM)
Well said Xantium , There is no need to panic just yet you Xecuter fanboys out there , panic when the xbit is released and you see how good it is , I don't think DMS will release a below-par mod , just look at the dms3 for PS2.


Nobody said it's a subpar mod.  What we're saying is that the hype is somewhat unjustified as their "features" look like they're going to shape up to be worthless.


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« Reply #68 on: August 07, 2003, 08:44:00 PM »

QUOTE (cyphex @ Aug 7 2003, 07:34 PM)
Fuck Xbox-scene , Fuck your shitty Xecuter biased forums , Guys wake up no matter how much u brag about xecuter and promote them you will never  get a share in the millions they make off you
This forum is getting Pathetic wait a minute it always has been pathetic.

What's the point guys , if its not xecuter you're not interested , You have all brought into a slice of the propaganda and followed the various xecuter fan boys as moderators.

Dont' delete this post , stand up and answer it like real men rather than deleting it because your worried it will make the visitors of this biased xecuter forum see the light

Once again, I have a Chameleon in my Xbox and a DMS3 in my PS2, so shut your trap toot sweet.  I'm sick of hearing people say we're biased.  Those people are lashing out in desparation when the mod of their choice gets blown out in the market.

/me stops holding the gun to cyphex's head.  "Okay, man...I'm no longer forcing you to stay at X-S.  You're free to go."

EDIT:  If you don't want your post deleted, then stop mouthing off for no good reason.  Telling me to fuck off is actually a real good way to get something canned.  Next time, please use reason when making demands.


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« Reply #69 on: August 08, 2003, 04:33:00 AM »



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« Reply #70 on: August 08, 2003, 06:29:00 AM »

Ubergeek i do now what had to been said a long time ago, get down from your high high post, and come back to the planet. If you don't make a new
Bios, nobody is going to care. There will be someone else making just the
same and in the end perfecting it and adding stuff. You don't do something
that only _you_ or crap team xecuter can.

I think it is so damn hilarious about nexgen. You were all (team xecuter) behind this dudes back to brag and say how great you are, but then when
the alpha wasn't pleasing the community, you retreated and said "we just
supported this guy, it wasn't really ours". If i was that guy, i would be pretty
pissed that you are shit backstabbers.

"secondly xecuter has a big name because we code the bios's that you all use"

Yeah ubergeek, and the next evox bios will just do the same fucking thing as the X2 4977 plus work on a matrix in mode 3 as rumours do say.  As i said before you don't make the impossible possible, you are just having enough
time to do something as time consuming. If you feel great to waste your time
on it to get a name in the scene, oh well, i hope you are satisfied.

xbox-scene is not biased - WRONG
They are, xecuter fanboys from deep down, xantium is more of a PS2 Fanboy, thats why he spammed the news twice on an xbox site with PS2 crap. That really made sense rite?

Anyways, see if its 4 times less, and you sold about 2 million pieces, calculate the price, woop, thats alota cash for ppl who dont deserve it.
Im really fucking happy there is no-modchip hacks and as it ain't hard, and able to use your bios without problems, now newbies use that instead of
some overpriced pointless modchip.


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« Reply #71 on: August 08, 2003, 06:39:00 AM »


Many, MANY BIOSes work on Matrix mode 3, including 4976.02.  That has the whole kit and kaboodle, including no patch hack 2.  Now, allow me to travel in my time machine to 9 months ago the last time EvoX released a BIOS and see what it can do.  My money says it doesn't compare to an X2 BIOS featurewise.  All your imaginary biases aside, X2 BIOSes have more features than EvoX BIOSes.  Nobody can dispute this.

Also, I'm unclear on what you think gives you the right to say that Team Xecuter doesn't deserve the money.  They designed the product.  They marketed it.  They get a portion of the profits.  It is one of the best series of chips out there, and as a result it has warranted enormous market saturation.  As Ubergeek said, the BIOSes are a large factor.  For Joe Cheapmod, hearing a lot of people rave about the chips and lot of people rave about the BIOS, his next chip is a no-brainer.  Team Xecuter definitely deserves it.  I don't know what 3rd-world country you're from, but I'm used to a capitalist economy.  To the victor go the spoils, and justly so.


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« Reply #72 on: August 08, 2003, 06:48:00 AM »

For the record, I have never had a pin header work less than perfectly with an X2.  I don't think it's fair to say it doesn't work well...


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« Reply #73 on: August 08, 2003, 07:03:00 AM »

The 4976.02 doesnt even have a standard evox thing, which is called Eject Fix, how long did it take the X2 Bios to get this? 9 months ? why ?!!? LMAO

Then uuhhh i spoke about the upcomming release, not the current one.

Xeero i think it's funny how much you back team xecuter up, for being so
neutral. Did you pay for a bios 50-70$ ? No you paid it for a modchip, so
uhm, their bios has nothing to do, else they should say you pay people
to code a bios. Yet i even think the BIOS coders don't see alot of money.

And what gives me the right to say so?

Well first, bunny found the method to surpass the xbox's security, not Team Xecuter, get it? So instead, why didn't bunny keep it to himself and make cash? Because he clearly wanted people to be free to do as they wish, he
left the information for us, and we had the scene in our hands. Mame-x and
various other emulators came out, including XBMP, that was the start, with the Xtender and Enigmah modchips. Now wait, after all applications were more or less stable, and stunningly doing things everyone wanted, Team Xecuter shown up, was it their work? wouldnt a Bios with Retail Media Checks removed still work? i mean, it was meant for homebrew, not pirating games. But i believe Xecuter means we support piracy and anything, to make money, or am i wrong here?

So that eject fix is the only real valuable portion of code, but wait a second evox D6 EF has this too, so an X2 Bios isnt erally required. And in most emulators we got a function to return to the dashboard, so there is no point in IGR for homebrew stuff either.

If you think it is correct to make money out of other peoples work, and you try to call that capitalism, you are wrong. Capitalism is alright to me, as i live
in a non-3rd world country ( i think it was stupid enough to call Luxembourg a 3rd world country, as if you were a true capitalist with money, you would know luxemburg very well ). That aside, you have pride into something becase you spent money into it.

Atleast i see more and more users who read this, that they agree, yes
we wanted to play homebrew, we paid the wrong people to do this. Evox
isn't in the scene for the money, have they asked 1cent? LMAO , NO!
Although their dash has some bugs and i switched to avalaunch, i still like
evolution-x and i would rather pay those guys for doing some updates then
giving some fatty lardass money.


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« Reply #74 on: August 08, 2003, 07:05:00 AM »

QUOTE (CraiZEAH @ Aug 8 2003, 03:29 PM)
Ubergeek i do now what had to been said a long time ago, get down from your high high post, and come back to the planet. If you don't make a new
Bios, nobody is going to care. There will be someone else making just the
same and in the end perfecting it and adding stuff. You don't do something
that only _you_ or crap team xecuter can.

I think it is so damn hilarious about nexgen. You were all (team xecuter) behind this dudes back to brag and say how great you are, but then when
the alpha wasn't pleasing the community, you retreated and said "we just
supported this guy, it wasn't really ours". If i was that guy, i would be pretty
pissed that you are shit backstabbers.

"secondly xecuter has a big name because we code the bios's that you all use"

Yeah ubergeek, and the next evox bios will just do the same fucking thing as the X2 4977 plus work on a matrix in mode 3 as rumours do say.  As i said before you don't make the impossible possible, you are just having enough
time to do something as time consuming. If you feel great to waste your time
on it to get a name in the scene, oh well, i hope you are satisfied.

xbox-scene is not biased - WRONG
They are, xecuter fanboys from deep down, xantium is more of a PS2 Fanboy, thats why he spammed the news twice on an xbox site with PS2 crap. That really made sense rite?

Anyways, see if its 4 times less, and you sold about 2 million pieces, calculate the price, woop, thats alota cash for ppl who dont deserve it.
Im really fucking happy there is no-modchip hacks and as it ain't hard, and able to use your bios without problems, now newbies use that instead of
some overpriced pointless modchip.

So all you can do is insult. very clever.

Im not on any high horse. All we do is release bios's for fun. If you have a problem with that fuck you.

You say the next evox will do everything 4977 does ??? How is that supposed to be something worth crowing about ?

And nexgen - why is that hilarious ? The guy gave his free time. He was the first to use 3D models - which no one has done to this day. Perhaps it is you who needs to get down from the high horse - you sound very pleased with yourself.

So what if there are exploits ? people have been able to hack their xbox for free or very chjeap or a year now with either a tsop flash or with a cheapmod - using ur bios or evo'x bios I might add. You say X2 is pointless - to you mayeb and that is fine. But many in the scene enjoy using it. Actually what you are saying is Xbit is useless too if you go buy your comments.

And 2 millio peices hahaha - plesae tell me how you calculate these wonderful figures. Possibly 2 million cheapmod users but certainley not xecuter.
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