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Author Topic: Chameleon Rules !  (Read 248 times)


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Chameleon Rules !
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2003, 06:47:00 PM »

QUOTE (gainpresence @ May 22 2003, 07:56 PM)
Just out of curiosity here.. What exactly is added into the Evox.INI file for "software control", Bank switching, etc?

I too would like to find out smile.gif. Xantium posted something about the Evolution-X Dashboard "recognizing the Chameleon," but was pretty vague about it. I read one review about adding something to evox.ini. I guess we won't find out until we get our chips  biggrin.gif .


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Chameleon Rules !
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2003, 03:15:00 AM »



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« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2003, 03:25:00 AM »

QUOTE (ravencry @ May 22 2003, 08:36 PM)
QUOTE (XbOxGoD @ May 22 2003, 07:23 PM)
QUOTE (Reality_check @ May 22 2003, 07:17 PM)
You don't have to use the dip switches on the x2 pro if you have half a brain.

Please explain your self ..?

Are you trying to say that x2 pro  can do software control ?

Please don`t be fooled, and don`t try fool ... x2 is dead ..


I have both ... so speak when you know what you talking about ..

my god u are such a spanky fanboy

flashX allows the software selection of x2pro banks afaik.

x2 is far from dead as 1) people actually own them 2) easybuy aren't in charge of them 3) because i say so smile.gif. my xecutor pro has stealth function too it's called dip switch 4

FlashX does not offer Software *Control*
It only allows bank bios "flashing" not switching or selection

No disabling the chip
No TSOP control
No Evox Support ! <--- this is important!

listen fanboy

first of all flashx is a free app just to show X2 customers that we still support them even tho we're working on a LOT of new stuff - way beyond what you have right now. So if this is wrong of us we apologise rolleyes.gif

and for you to say no evox support really is a little retarded - that is up to evox to add not xecuter - if they want to be anti-scene and only support one device then thats up to them - but of course you can run flash x from a cd or ANY dashboard of course - its functions are not tied simply to one dashboard - we have made all the source code available to all the dashboard groups - and they can add anything they like of ours - dashboards will be what they should be - opensource. Then you will see an end to anti-scene behaviour regarding dashboards and bios's.

anyway, flashx is just a small app we did for fun - it needs a few more things adding to it and fixing - but the point is it works and again its free for those that want to play with it - with no need to buy any new hardware.

X2 will not have XBE software control (at the time it was the latest and best - of course things move on and improve) - however it does have software control from PC - and it has had this since the beginning 8 months ago. We always have to try and improve and better the last design, which is exactley what we've been working on for the last couple of months. Ppl posting X2 is shit X2 is dead etc etc doesnt really help matters and doesnt really make them look very intelligent - in fact what they are really saying is that its taken 8 months for anyone else to come up with anything to compete - So see you soon with an X3 review, then you can enjoy that being the best for another 8 months until someone decides to attempt to better that too......


now no bitching or tantrums ppl - use your mods and enjoy them. chameleon have finishd their next stage of dev - we're just starting - so there is lots more for you to enjoy and play with very soon.


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Chameleon Rules !
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2003, 04:54:00 AM »

bah...all chip r the same:P as long as u can get a flashable chip...x2p/x2l or chameleon, basically all the same. Chameleon is just better because it's newer. xecuter will com out with something a few month from now then xodus a few months after and vis versa..maybe every 8months they will fight back and forth until xbox 2 comes out and then the battle beggins all over again. It's good competition and fun to watch and see how good people are getting. but whne it came down to it a few weeks ago i went for a chameleon:( newer, more options, killer price...mod with all option+ a few more and cheaper than a much cheaper than a x2pro...dizzam...

$30.50 US DOLLAR


YAY!:) Just today...wonder when it wil chip out...not tracking number yet...maybe later this morning...get it by sunday is my guess...i can spit on the easybuy building form my house:P


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Chameleon Rules !
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2003, 05:41:00 AM »

Dude, why have them ship it.  Walk over and pick the thing up!  Get mine while you are at it!


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Chameleon Rules !
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2003, 12:03:00 PM »

Team Xecuter posted exactly what needed to be added in evox.ini.

Where did Team Executer post the info on what needs to be added to the evox.ini for the Chameleon?  A link would be appreciated.  Thanks


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« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2003, 12:07:00 PM »

QUOTE (Heykrop @ May 23 2003, 09:03 PM)
Team Xecuter posted exactly what needed to be added in evox.ini.

Where did Team Executer post the info on what needs to be added to the evox.ini for the Chameleon?  A link would be appreciated.  Thanks



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« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2003, 04:34:00 AM »

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