
Author Topic: X2.2 Pro  (Read 53 times)


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X2.2 Pro
« on: August 28, 2003, 11:54:00 AM »

I installed my friends X2.2 Pro and everything is fine, it boots up the cromwell fine and everything but my bios cd wouldn't boot when inserted so I thought I'd try with the external programer. When I try doing it with X2BM it doesn't find my chip when I know all the switches are right and then I read this post

He used a program called X2pro all and I used it and it started working and it wrote it but when it finished writing i get this error

Error at location 00000h! Read[FF] Actual[09]

Anyone know what that means?

Also when I tell it to read my device ID it brings up

Manufacturer code:FFh Device code: FFh

Again what does that mean? or is that the same as the X2BM's FF meaning theres no power to the chip?

Thanks in advance... please help a.s.a.p.!  unsure.gif


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X2.2 Pro
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2003, 02:40:00 PM »

did you try to see if it work or not? same thing happen to me but when i tried it work fine.


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X2.2 Pro
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2003, 08:10:00 PM »

I am getting the same error except when I verify my X2.2 Pro w/Pogo Pin adaptor it says Manufacturer Code: 01h  Device Code: D5h.  I was getting the FFh FFh codes when I had it missaligned or a switch wrong on the front clip.  From what I have read I need the Bios Flash switch (number 4) ON and all remaining switches OFF including the seperate Modchip on/off toggle.

I am getting the XECUTER2 logo on my flubber screen.  Does that mean it's flashed correctly? blink.gif


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X2.2 Pro
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2003, 08:20:00 PM »

Hmm so FFh FFh probably means it cannot even find the chip... crap... and to answer your question SexyNa22 yes you did it correctly...  I have the switched right and it still doesnt work judging from jasonkid's method... my only guess is that the FCC cable is broken? And if that is the case could someone give me a good tutorial on how to flash with CD-Bios? Cuz I tried once and it didn't work and I know I have a good bios cuz I use in on 4 other xbox's! Please help!


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X2.2 Pro
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2003, 03:54:00 PM »

hi, just a quick fix that worked for me,

i turned my 256 bios into a 1meg bios with x2bm and saved it as bios.bin (case sensetive!)

then made a 100 meg dummy file named ABC.dat

Burned both bios.dat and ABC.dat to cd using the slowest possible speed.

Cromwell bios found it and installed it fine.

hope this helps.   biggrin.gif