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Author Topic: New Modchips Thread  (Read 493 times)

El Nermo Diablo

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New Modchips Thread
« Reply #105 on: June 07, 2003, 04:48:00 PM »


Australian modders rejoice!

Check out for the "Aussie Chip Dual Mod"

I recently ordered one of these over the X2 lite and Matrix chips. Initially I thought I was taking a bit of a calculated risk, as I hadnt really heard much about this chip (it certainly didnt have any internation exposure).

The chip arrived 2 days ago, I finally decided to whack it in the other night. Now I dont consider myself a "guru" by any means, but I didnt have any dramas installing the pin header and D0. I rigged the 3-way single switch to the rear of my box after drilling a neat hole. The BIOS it boots from is determined by the switch position. Up is BIOS A, middle is normal boot, down is BIOS B.

Worked a treat from the word go, the beauty is that for the excessively paranoid (moi!), one never has to worry about getting stuck with a dodgy flash. Its comes packaged with 2 CD's of software including OzXFlash V1.2

All I can say is that I love this mod chip - its a bit of a shame they dont ship internationally, coz Im sure many others would see it the same way. If youre Australian, or lucky enough to get hold of one, I highly recommend it at $80AUD.......   love.gif

FYI - I have a ver 1.1 X-Box, and the bulgey Phillips DVD-ROM doesnt impede it.....


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New Modchips Thread
« Reply #106 on: June 07, 2003, 05:39:00 PM »

QUOTE (Jager @ May 21 2003, 04:08 AM)

Where does that txt you use in your sig come from?  I kind of find it disturbing myself, just courious.


I saw it going around as an email joke about 3yrs ago atleast.


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New Modchips Thread
« Reply #107 on: June 16, 2003, 02:53:00 AM »

QUOTE (Morglum @ Jun 8 2003, 02:39 AM)
QUOTE (Jager @ May 21 2003, 04:08 AM)

Where does that txt you use in your sig come from?  I kind of find it disturbing myself, just courious.


I saw it going around as an email joke about 3yrs ago atleast.

oh shit i better change it then  rolleyes.gif


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New Modchips Thread
« Reply #108 on: July 25, 2003, 06:23:00 PM »

OK 3 days ago i found the blade electroniics website ( when checking on modchips to buy for my xbox and decided to buy the alx2+ from blade becuase of the features they described.

Rememebr im in Australia here and all other places didnt even have a shop or warranties and they offer 3 year warranty even on their modchip Cash on delivery- so I bought 1 of the newer alx version 3 by Online orders and received it in 2 days and decided i couldnt do the soldering so i took it in to the guys there and they installed it on the spot infront of me while i waited in the best video games shop ive ever been in. (and ive been overseas as well)

I received the same email on the alx2+ 3 2 days after the order as an automated response not a reply-you and it never said the part about airconditioning tests at all???  i think you are having a tossoff and added that part in.

After they showed me what my xbox does after it was modded my xbox destroys my mates xbox with all the new applications and way they were set up - my mates have xecutor 2 and the revelence here is that the chip i got from blade is better that my mate is upgradoing his xbox with blade now as well.

I think you should oput your post in the newbies section as this chip is the best and i put in a really top vote as the best chip and ive got many mates w modded bocxes and none compare with the way that blade set it up.

And 3 years warranty ontop means $159.00 for all that was the best deal around anyway. and the shop was the busiest shop ive ever been into in my life and everyone gets there boxes done at blade in australia anyway- i think stop looking at sites and emails just shut up and get your xbox modified and enjoy it instaed of waisting time posting stupid emails.

Xbox V1.3  XALX2+ Version3   180Gig HDD showing all 137Gig and 2 extra 80Gig Hard drives with swap channel.
Fuuly customized with all apps.


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New Modchips Thread
« Reply #109 on: July 30, 2003, 08:59:00 AM »



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« Reply #110 on: August 17, 2003, 11:07:00 AM »

well just read most of this thread ..
and TBH theres not that much news on 'new modchips' ! lol

i mean im trying to find a chip thats similair to the cheapmod (as in cost and functionality)
but can also be used on 1.3
now before i even read this thread i was looking at the smartchip( but i wanted this kinda chip but with headerpins as i like the idea of these as its easily ugraded later on in life

and all i found on this BIG thread was the same old news discussed ... and only talked about 3-4 chips ..(the 1/2 chips discussed and milked to death .. hmm i wunder which ones!)

for example the chamleon(spelling?) is one chip i wanted to know about but its only mentioned not really discussed or reviews put up or anything..
as im under the impression that this was one the the few that support 1.3 xbox's???
as there no talk of which chips now work with 1.3...
so i dont really see this thread having the content to be pinned ?

Mick ...



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New Modchips Thread
« Reply #111 on: August 17, 2003, 11:36:00 AM »

QUOTE (-Gadget- @ Aug 17 2003, 03:07 PM)
well just read most of this thread ..
and TBH theres not that much news on 'new modchips' ! lol

i mean im trying to find a chip thats similair to the cheapmod (as in cost and functionality)
but can also be used on 1.3
now before i even read this thread i was looking at the smartchip( but i wanted this kinda chip but with headerpins as i like the idea of these as its easily ugraded later on in life

and all i found on this BIG thread was the same old news discussed ... and only talked about 3-4 chips ..(the 1/2 chips discussed and milked to death .. hmm i wunder which ones!)

for example the chamleon(spelling?) is one chip i wanted to know about but its only mentioned not really discussed or reviews put up or anything..
as im under the impression that this was one the the few that support 1.3 xbox's???
as there no talk of which chips now work with 1.3...
so i dont really see this thread having the content to be pinned ?

Mick ...

The Chameleon has a section of it's own (along with the Xecuter and DMS chips) - look under "Team Exodus"

This forum is for all the rest, and this thread is for confining all of the spurious new threads that get launched every time somebody sees an oddly named cheapmod for the first time.


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New Modchips Thread
« Reply #112 on: August 17, 2003, 07:15:00 PM »

looks just like a damn x1 except it's red.


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« Reply #113 on: August 19, 2003, 01:02:00 AM »

QUOTE (Kooda @ Mar 4 2003, 11:38 PM)

Don't go near these guys.They are highly unreliable eg 6 weeks since a phone order and still no chip despite being told its in the mail just about about every week and blaming Aust Post for losing them all,highly overpriced eg $159 Aus$ to mail me an ALX2 when I have since found them here in Aus for $70

Kooda...   mad.gif

Hi Kooda,

Where abouts did you get your ALX2 chip from ?
I'm on the sunshine coast so if you know anywhere in Brisbane
or the coast that would be sweet.



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« Reply #114 on: September 13, 2003, 06:11:00 PM »

I've also purchased an ALX2+ R2 modchip from , I went to the shop asking for an X2 and he brought down the price of the alx2+ cause " he didn't have any x2's in stock " ( i know the mod is probably only worth $20 )

For people who know how to solder and want a functional chip with a failsafe backup bios ... the alx2+ isn't a bad option ( for the general gamer not interested in dev. etc. )

FuriousD : has all the nfo you need if you're on the SC and wanting a dealer in Brisbane.



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New Modchips Thread
« Reply #115 on: December 01, 2003, 12:27:00 PM »

QUOTE (Ubergeek @ May 8 2003, 10:51 PM)
and you say nothing left to hack - mmmmm where's your gamecube hack then ?  rolleyes.gif

Well, where's yours?

I have a Gamecube hack (seriously) - but it's boring to manufacture stuff.

(Übergeek, you know how to reach me)

I'm a bit surprised "the usual sources" aren't doing chips in the thousands ...

[one caveat though, but anyone who knows anything about the cube knows what that is already]

Regarding modchips - Akirachip was the best. $12 in 10+ quantities, had a pin contact already soldered on the PCB and had 1Mb of flash. Too bad they disappeared.


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New Modchips Thread
« Reply #116 on: December 11, 2003, 01:54:00 PM »

Is there any place that sells modchips in Canada alberta?


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New Modchips Thread
« Reply #117 on: December 12, 2003, 02:11:00 PM »

What do you guys think of a chip called X-Killer at


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New Modchips Thread
« Reply #118 on: December 16, 2003, 06:41:00 PM »

More legit as in real?
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