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« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2003, 04:40:00 PM »

QUOTE (enigmatl @ Aug 25 2003, 01:38 AM)
If the power supplies and network cards had different abilities, I would complain.  But I haven't heard of any.  But the ability to play audio CD-Rs is a big deal.  For the person who implied that it's illegal to have your own audio CD-r disc, that was a funny one.  Maybe you should go back to the 1980's.  It was a time when I believe they were arguing your right to be able to produce digital media at home based on the premise that with that ability, it was possible to clone commercial music.  A time when the big record producers tried to insinuate that everyone who could produce digital media was a thief.  lol

so, stop complaining to us, go swap your xbox for one taht has the drives you want in it, and then dont post stupid shit like this again biggrin.gif solved, everyone is happy, move along!


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« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2003, 04:56:00 PM »

QUOTE (Mad_Gouki @ Aug 25 2003, 01:25 AM)
you sir are a fucking prick, and i dont intend to flame but to get my point across its gona look that way...
MS has not broken any part of their "promise" i guess is what you coudlc all it, when you buy the xbox, it is made to play retail games, retail audio cd's, all things legal, the cd drives to them dont make a bit of difference xcept cost.  that means youre jsut soem greedy prick that goes onto xbox-scene and vents his anger at us and tries to ge tus to go into a store and bitch because they carry an xbox with a certian brand dvd-rom...

what you need to do is never post another stupid thread like this EVER again and go return your xbox untill you get one with which you are satisfied.
thank you, have a NICE fucking day pal! grr.gif

 muhaha.gif amen


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« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2003, 05:06:00 PM »

QUOTE (enigmatl @ Aug 25 2003, 01:50 AM)
What are you on M$'s payroll or something?  You think people shouldn't have the right to know what's in their xboxes?  That's not how it is.This website far as I know is about educating ones self on the xbox.  It's about other things too but people go to xbox related websites sometimes before they go shopping and I think some of them would be really happy to know to watch out for the bad DVD drives in them.  Even if they do everything MS says they do, I'm sure someone wanting to spend $179 on an xbox will take the unit with the extra features over the one without.  Maybe you don't.  That's your right.  But other people do.  And maybe you use your xbox for nothing but ftping games up to it and putting retail Xbox DVDs in it and that's fine too.  Other people however will want greater compatability out of their DVD drive maybe even if they don't have a modded unit at all like me.

i never said people shouldtn ahve a right to know whats in their xboxes, youre putting words in my mouth. im just saying MS has no obligation to put a certian type of dvd drive in there, they can put whatever the fuck they want to, and as long as it does everything an xbox is SUPPOSED to do, they have nothing to worry about, they have done nothing wrong...
while sure, id love to have the best xbox out there, but i bought my xbox when it first came out, i intended to mod it, but i didnt want to have to solder, so i waited, and finally the bert and ernie shti came out, i did it, ok...

but i really dont even think its polite to complaina bout a feature you shouldnt even have. and youre bitching at the wrong people, none of us really care what preference of dvd-rom you have.  If you want a different dvd-rom, do like ive told you to about 3 time snow, GO SWAP YOUR XBOX FOR A DIFFERENT ONE.
if thats too hard for you to do then maybe you should rethink why you just HAVE to have a specific dvd-rom anyways.

be happy with what youve got, dont come here trying to put us into bad moods.


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« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2003, 05:19:00 PM »

QUOTE (enigmatl @ Aug 25 2003, 02:15 AM)
Yea I see exactly what the deal is now.  You're stuck with an out-of-waranty xboxwith a Philips in it.  I feel your pain.  But, a good xbox-user poster should not downplay this issue just because they were cought in it.  New people come into these forums many who don't even post, come in here to learn before they buy.  And, if I were just shopping for my first xbox, I'd be one thankful mofo to have read this post just as surely as there are thankful people who have read this thread and now know that they should be searching these very forums for the pictures of the 3 drive trays so that they don't also get stuck with a crappy drive.  Well for those people, I'll list it briefly here just because it came up.  Here's what the drive trays look like when you eject them.

Thompson - has an oval-shaped tray
Philips - has an oval-shaped tray with a belly on the bottom
Samsung - oval shape but irregular on the bottom but the revealer here is that there are 2 round holes, one on each side of the tray just big enough for you to insert your finger.  Thisis the good drive.

christ, are you that shallow, to think everyone gives a shit what theyr dvd rom drive is?
im sure youve helped someone, and i did learn from that post im quoting what he different drives are, but i really dont care what my cd rom drive is, and like i said, if you want a different one, go get a different xbo and dont post threads telling us to go complain to a store becuase they dont carry the specific dvd-rom that allows you to do something you arent supposed to be able to do in the first place.


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« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2003, 05:36:00 PM »

the bottom line is, any xbox, sammy, thomson or philips will do everything that an xbox is supposed to do, if for some reason inthe future MS start using a pioneer dvd rom drive and its better than a sammy are you gonna spit your dummy out over that too?

you friend may be going back and forth to compu usa or whatever its called ofr a long time aswell, ive bought about 15 xbox in the last few months and every one has been a philips

who gives a rat ass about playing cdr anyway! jeezus.

whoever said u need to be a millionaire to buy a dvd burner is off a bit off too, wtf!


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« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2003, 05:38:00 PM »

QUOTE (enigmatl @ Aug 25 2003, 02:27 AM)
christ, are you that shallow, to think everyone gives a shit what theyr dvd rom drive is?
im sure youve helped someone, and i did learn from that post im quoting what he different drives are, but i really dont care what my cd rom drive is, and like i said, if you want a different one, go get a different xbo and dont post threads telling us to go complain to a store becuase they dont carry the specific dvd-rom that allows you to do something you arent supposed to be able to do in the first place.

You don't get it.  It's just not important that you don't care.  It's not even important that I do.  What's important is that that information is out there and readily available for new people coming in so that each person has the right to make their own judgement call.  If you don't care that you have a Philips, that's fine.  I'm glad you're happy. But to put down someone who does care just just assenign.  For someone to insinuate that making a product exchange and posting about it is acting like a 6-year-older as someone posted above is retarded.  This isn't kindergarten milk-and-cookies here.  It's a $179 purchase.  People have a right to go into this purchase informed.  While MS is under no "obligation" to give everybody an undocumented feature, if they give it to some but not to others, that leaves a bad taste in people's mouth and people have the right to express that in public and let others have the right to form that opinion or not form it.

ok, so i guess

The Xboxes at our Wal-mart have recentely been manufactured on 1/2003 and have contained Samsung drives. A friend from DC picked one up from a CompUSA store in that area and brought it up. It was dated 5/31/03. It had a Philips DVD drive in it. Needless to say, he's taking it right back and telling them exactly why. I'd suggest that when you guys buy xboxes that don't contain Samsungs in them that you do the same thing. Let's piss these merchants off guys. Let's get them seeing red and calling MS and telling them not to send their shit to their stores. This issue needs buried. It's not fair that one guy gets a Samsung and the other guy gets a piece of crap philips that can't read burnt audio CDs. I wish some rich guy would file a class action suit. They'd win just as surely as other class action suites were won. MS needs to disclose this information on the box or stop doing it! Yea I know it's an old subject but I think it is worth repeating.

isnt 6th grade milk and cookies either?

and you A: got off topic and B: quoted me and then amde a comment about my psot that i didnt make in the first place (the 6 year old thing)

the truth is, you never MADE this post with the intent of educating potential buyers, you made this post to vent your anger at ms changing the drd-rom drives, which they have every right to do.

if you had intended to make this post as an educational post for potential buyers you wouldnt have said things like
he's taking it right back and telling them exactly why. I'd suggest that when you guys buy xboxes that don't contain Samsungs in them that you do the same thing.
, or
Let's piss these merchants off guys. Let's get them seeing red and calling MS and telling them not to send their shit to their stores. This issue needs buried.

and this shows that you are jsut angry that one guy got something you didnt, which is quite immature i must say, at least in this case
It's not fair
.  Oh boo fucking hoo, go cry! maybe mommy will buy you a new one if you throw a fucking temper tantrum.

and this is also immature and i must personally say it is a moronic comment
I wish some rich guy would file a class action suit.
. again i must say... how immature.  You wish a guy would sue them, a rich guy at that... you are probably one of the people taht made frivilous lawsuits such a big problem in america in the last few years.

and for the end... you say
I think it is worth repeating.
. so clearly the topic ha salready been covered... anyone visting these forums can find the same informatin you waited till the end of the 2nd page to post in any other number of threads on these forums.

please feel free to retort.


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« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2003, 06:07:00 PM »

Youre an idiot to think that theres a lot of people out there who actually give a crap if there xbox will play burned cds.  Thats what a cd player is for, people buy xboxs to play games, and thats what they do!  Besides, i have a thomson drive in mine and since my xbox is modded i can put a cd-rw in there and play an mp3 cd with 200 songs on it.  So frankly i couldnt give less of a shit if my xbox doesnt play cdrs.  I have a 120 gb hard drive in their with about 2,000 songs on it, and if i need to get more music onto it, thats what the ftping is for.  Bottom line is, if your not modding your box, and the only reason you bought an xbox was to play games, you shouldnt give a shit about cdrs.  I was willing to be civalivzed with you earlier but your just starting to piss all of us here off.  Get over yourself! NO ONE CARES!!!!


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« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2003, 06:18:00 PM »

Look.  You can let MS rip you off if you want.  They probably already have.  And you probably can't exchange your xbox.  It's probably out of the 30 day period and you're probably just pissed because other people can do something about having a philips and you can't.  What MS is doing is unacceptable and everybody should take their xboxes and use the 30 day exchange policy if they don't get the sammy.  That's what I do and that's what I advise others to do.  If you don't care and you want a philips, that's fine.  But don't get bitter because others don't.


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« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2003, 06:22:00 PM »

QUOTE (enigmatl @ Aug 25 2003, 03:18 AM)
Look.  You can let MS rip you off if you want.  They probably already have.  And you probably can't exchange your xbox.  It's probably out of the 30 day period and you're probably just pissed because other people can do something about having a philips and you can't.  What MS is doing is unacceptable and everybody should take their xboxes and use the 30 day exchange policy if they don't get the sammy.  That's what I do and that's what I advise others to do.  If you don't care and you want a philips, that's fine.  But don't get bitter because others don't.

were getting "bitter" because youre goign off topic, avoiding our comments... you keep going on this education thing which is total bullshit if you read your first post...

the moral of this story is "dont CHEAT, and dont try and cheat MS"
what you are telling peopel to do is boycott the xbox, which is a strong anti-xbox statement, if i didnt know better id say youre a ps2 fanboy

and ms isnt ripping us off, we are ripping them off if you would fuckign stop to thinka bout it, oh wait, i bet its hard for oxygen to get to your brain when your head is that far up your own ass!


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« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2003, 06:28:00 PM »

QUOTE ({{909}} @ Aug 25 2003, 01:56 AM)
somethin thats worth noting about this case is that we would be stupid to start threatening MS with legal action just cos we cant play pirate games on cdr, MS have and still are being very forgiving, they are virtually turning a blind eye to the whole hacking scene, give bill a break! MS supposedly loses $100 per xbox sold and alot of these sales will never see an original game.

Ok you're insinuating that people want the samsung because they pirate games.  You're insinuating that people wiith CDR's are stealing music.  You can speculate all day about how likely it is that I'm using my CD-R to play content that I own, you are in error.

And then you're suggesting that I should forgive MS because they turn a blind eye to piracy, I don't think so.  My xbox is not modded.  That has nothing to me.  And besides, like MS is gona ruin some 16-year-old kid's life.  That'd be good PR.

As far as suites and such go, I just said I wish some rich guy with legal knowhow would try it.  Sprint in my area of the country was sued for a lesser reason and Sprint lost!

What MS is doing is wrong in some people's eyes.  But, if the merchants want to continue to deal with returns and if MS will continue to keep blindly accepting them, I guess it's all okay.  And if enough of you think it's alright that you get a DVD that's not as good as mine though you paid the same price, that's ok too.  Me, if I'm paying, I want what the next guy got if we paid the same price.  But then I'm also the guy who if I found someone doing the same job as me at work for more money, I'm the guy who'd be bitching and/or working elsewhere.  So far, that hasn't been the case but if it were, that's what I'd  
do.  Doing otherwise would be being a fool.

Bottom line, $1 is worth $1 wheather it's mine, Bill's, Bob's, Gonzolez's, Jacques, or whatever as long as it's an American dollar.  And for my dollar, I want the best deal and I want the price that these people paid.


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« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2003, 06:30:00 PM »

i like to also add that "IF" M$ did start labeling parts as DVD drives .. dont you fucken think they would starting charging more for systems with higher demands ?

think about it

Tompson Xbox - $179
Phillips Xbox - $189
Samsung xbox $229.

would that make you real fucken happy? or would you come back and complain about this issue now?



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« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2003, 06:36:00 PM »

QUOTE (enigmatl @ Aug 25 2003, 03:33 AM)
QUOTE (andrusk @ Aug 25 2003, 02:07 AM)
Youre an idiot to think that theres a lot of people out there who actually give a crap if there xbox will play burned cds.  Thats what a cd player is for, people buy xboxs to play games, and thats what they do!  Besides, i have a thomson drive in mine and since my xbox is modded i can put a cd-rw in there and play an mp3 cd with 200 songs on it.  So frankly i couldnt give less of a shit if my xbox doesnt play cdrs.  I have a 120 gb hard drive in their with about 2,000 songs on it, and if i need to get more music onto it, thats what the ftping is for.  Bottom line is, if your not modding your box, and the only reason you bought an xbox was to play games, you shouldnt give a shit about cdrs.  I was willing to be civalivzed with you earlier but your just starting to piss all of us here off.  Get over yourself! NO ONE CARES!!!!

Hey dumbass, there is no way you can put your own custom music in a video game if you have a Philips!  And depending on the brand of DVD you have, the Thompson is no better.  Part of what the xbox does is let you put custom music in your games!  You can only do that on those crap a$$ drives if you get lucky.  My Samsung will take anything I throw at it.  So I'm sorry you got ripped by MS, but I have a Samsung and now, anybody who wants one knows what to do.

why are you still posting? nobody gives a shit, we all realized your just bragging that you have a "better" dvd-rom...
and like i said, we dont give a fuck
and actually, we CAN add our own custom music, we can play it off a dvd-r or the hdd, so please stop with your immature braging... especially when nobody really cares, its the best thing you could do.

or hell


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« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2003, 06:40:00 PM »

oh i think i see the garbage truck coming...


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« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2003, 06:40:00 PM »

QUOTE (enigmatl @ Aug 25 2003, 03:37 AM)
QUOTE (Mad_Gouki @ Aug 25 2003, 02:22 AM)
QUOTE (enigmatl @ Aug 25 2003, 03:18 AM)
Look.  You can let MS rip you off if you want.  They probably already have.  And you probably can't exchange your xbox.  It's probably out of the 30 day period and you're probably just pissed because other people can do something about having a philips and you can't.  What MS is doing is unacceptable and everybody should take their xboxes and use the 30 day exchange policy if they don't get the sammy.  That's what I do and that's what I advise others to do.  If you don't care and you want a philips, that's fine.  But don't get bitter because others don't.

were getting "bitter" because youre goign off topic, avoiding our comments... you keep going on this education thing which is total bullshit if you read your first post...

the moral of this story is "dont CHEAT, and dont try and cheat MS"
what you are telling peopel to do is boycott the xbox, which is a strong anti-xbox statement, if i didnt know better id say youre a ps2 fanboy

and ms isnt ripping us off, we are ripping them off if you would fuckign stop to thinka bout it, oh wait, i bet its hard for oxygen to get to your brain when your head is that far up your own ass!

Boycott the xbox?  Boy are you good at changing words.  Thar's a far stretch from returning your xbox and getting another one til it has a Samsung inside.  And um, YOU may be cheating MS but I am not.   And just because you may be cheating MS doesn't mean I'm gona kiss their asses and let them cheat me.

so this isnt called trying to get people to boycott?
Let's piss these merchants off guys. Let's get them seeing red and calling MS and telling them not to send their shit to their stores.

thats called a fucking boycott attempt if ive ever heard one
hell, if you feel that trongly about it, go to and make a petition agaisnt MS... *laughing at the thought of an attempt at that*

well, have fun with your samsung!

and again i beg


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« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2003, 06:52:00 PM »

QUOTE (enigmatl @ Aug 25 2003, 03:46 AM)
QUOTE (NightL1fe @ Aug 25 2003, 02:30 AM)
i like to also add that "IF" M$ did start labeling parts as DVD drives .. dont you fucken think they would starting charging more for systems with higher demands ?

think about it

Tompson Xbox - $179
Phillips Xbox - $189
Samsung xbox $229.

would that make you real fucken happy? or would you come back and complain about this issue now?

And that's perfectly their right to do.  I would consider the Samsung'ed unit or play on another gaming system.  I'd decide that IF this happened.  But I would not have a problem with MS giving people xboxes of different worth because at least it would be understood and labeled.  I'd simply either buy it or think the price was too high.  (NeoGeo comes to mind.  Loved it but wouldn't own it.  Never bitched  other than "Wow.  Salty price.")
But what's unfair is MS wrapps up this hardware in a mysterybox that I as a consumer can not fully ascertain until I get the unit opened.  Some stores will not let you return this unit.  And you don't even know what you bought til you get it home.  That's crap.

well see, the thing is, modding an xbox is perfectly legal, but the bios isnt...
but you cant mod it without the bios...
so if you are breaking the law to mod your xbox wht should ms give you an extra like a cdr reading dvd-rom?
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