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Author Topic: 400gb Problems  (Read 297 times)


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400gb Problems
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2004, 11:36:00 AM »

what is your xbox specs?


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400gb Problems
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2004, 09:44:00 PM »

I have tried my 320gb on xbox 1.0 matrix chip x 2, xbox 1.1 matrix chip with every conceivable bios and dashboard that you could think about,  strangely, I got a 250 gig WD 7200rpm drive which works with no problem.  There must be some formatting issue with the FATx is my guess.  I am going to continue looking around the forum....


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400gb Problems
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2004, 07:01:00 PM »

Well I can report similar problems with drives greater than 250GB.

Hang problems and speed drop-offs with FTP regardless of the program.

Eventually, game directories on the F: start disappearing as new data is written to the drive.  I think 250GB seems to be the limit.


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400gb Problems
« Reply #18 on: November 16, 2004, 08:07:00 PM »

All of you with speed problems and HDDs larger than 250 --

Did you not have speed problems with a smaller drive?


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400gb Problems
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2004, 12:45:00 PM »

QUOTE (BurntTech @ Nov 7 2004, 03:41 AM)
Yes i am also having 400GB(HGST drive - DESKSTAR) problems. I'll go through the steps.
1. HD comes, Placed in Xbox
2. Ran Slayer 2.6
3. Did full rebuild on large HD
4. I can't remember but it was running dog slow about 30 mins to load
5. HD makes lite clicking noises - Takes over 20 mins to load - Logo fades very slow
6. I tryed running slayer again, no go slow fading logo again
7. Must be HD problem, so i take it and ran HGST tools on the HD in a PC to find it had bad sectors and ran the low level format once i got no errors the second time the tool was ran. This got rid of the clicking noises.
8. I put the drive back in the xbox and Ran Slayer again(FORMAT, INSTALL EVOX, INSTALL APPS), went fast and well
9. For about 4 hours i loaded apps and roms to test.
10. Come back to find the xbox frozen on Dash Main Menu(dimmed from SCR SAVER)
11. No HD activity, so i powered off the xbox and powered it back up to find that clicking and fading logo

Tompson DVD-Rom
HD: 400gb Hitachi DeskStar - C:(.5gb) E:(5gb) F:(365gb)
BIOS: X2 4893
CHIP: X-Chip

Well thats my problems with the 400gb I'm going to run the the tools again but until that i'm going back to seagate.
If any one has any ideas that would be great.

the slow fade from the "X" logo and the GRRRT GRRRT GRRRT noise was exactly that I was getting. But here's what I've found to work SO far. I used slayers 2.6 to rebuild the drive as a retail (installed everything on E:\) i then used another boot disk with xbpartitioner and formated the F:\ and G:\ evenly (also used 32k clusters, which btw I think is a KEY factor in getting these 400's to work)

I then put slayer's 2.6 back into the drive and flashed my bios to evox m8 f/g

Took out the disc and evox booted off the e:\ showing f:\195 and g:\195. I just finished installing all my apps and games. Everything appears to be working and booting normally.


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400gb Problems
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2004, 01:00:00 PM »

QUOTE (BurntTech @ Nov 7 2004, 06:01 PM)
I just used updated the bios to x-chip 1.2 to find that C:, E: are there but F: is gone.
It doesn't seem the industry can't handle it, to me it seems to be a limitation of software/bios.  Might just be having a partition of 365gb or just a incompatiable bios. My Xbox is just a portable media center, I don't want a larger setup just to save some money.

When buying a larger HD expect to play more, and a $1 for a 1gb for mass storage device at 7200rpms with 8mb cache is a good price.

From my experience it didn't matter if you did ALL f:\ (either with 16k or 32k clusters) the data would "disappear") When i installed the data with 16k clusters, I filled the drive upto 280gb before it failed. Somewhere it was calculated a limit of 280gb WHICH on my first attempt I did one as ALL f: (391gb) Using flashfxp, I got down to 110-108gb of free space before the current trasfer starting failing. It automatically went to the next folder which I waited until that was done to reboot. I logged back in and ONLY that one folder was there. With 32k clusters and one BIG F:\ i was able to fill the drive up and everything was there but fable froze and i rebooted to find EVERYTHING was gone.

Starting over I used slayers to format the f:\129 and g:\262 filled the drive and tested....h2 froze, igr'd and ALL my f:\ was gone, however my g:\ was there. (side note: I've posted another topic regarding m$ game studio games possibly doing this on purpose to the f:\ if it hangs and we hit IGR....possible trojan???)

Lastly, i used slayers 2.6 to rebuild the drive as a retail (installed everything on E:\) i then used another boot disk with xbpartitioner and formated the F:\ and G:\ evenly with 32k clusters.


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400gb Problems
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2004, 01:07:00 PM »

to get g and f instead of f get .67 bios not .6


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« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2004, 11:43:00 AM »

When i filled the 400gb i tested and booted games just long load times NOTHING. Before I was to take it over my friends I deleted a few games to make room for better ones.....MISTAKE.

It appears that I'm back to square one. Now I've got 30-50sec of load time at the "X" logo with games loading REALLY s...l...o...w then giving a DDE

Media player plays videos and music with a little delay, nothing too bad. No emulators will work

So it appears that once the drive is full, nothing should be deleted...

Would more RAM/Different Cable help reduce the boot process/load times?

Alright whose going to be the first team to realease a defrag program for our boxes????


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« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2004, 04:44:00 PM »

I had slow tranfer speeds before I even got a 1gb  worth of data on  it. I'll going to try this with 32 cluster. I'll report my findings with having one F: at 365gb


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400gb Problems
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2004, 05:43:00 PM »

QUOTE (BurntTech @ Nov 20 2004, 01:47 AM)
I had slow tranfer speeds before I even got a 1gb  worth of data on  it. I'll going to try this with 32 cluster. I'll report my findings with having one F: at 365gb

i'm using the 10-29 build of xbmc; I get between 7-9,000kbps


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400gb Problems
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2004, 01:33:00 PM »

QUOTE (BurntTech @ Nov 21 2004, 09:49 AM)
It was a little tricky to do but i used the XPpartioner off the HD and got the f at 32 cluster. First time I forgot to write the table but after that I put 200gb of data on it and no problems yet.
I wish you guys good luck with your HDs
My Speeds are back up to about 7-8mb/s

Can you try something out for me? I've been having probs with my complete f:\ dissapearing after a hang up or a IGR. I found that if I also installed evox on my E:\ it would boot off that, i would go to Settings and check "Use F:\" and my data would come back...VERY odd

So...Before you start testing, add a copy of your dashboard (i assume evox) to your E:\ and make sure that your bios is configured to boot off F:\Evoxdash.xbe then E:\evoxdash.xbe

BTW set "Use F:\" to "NO" under the evox.ini on the E:\
that way if there is a prob on the F:\ you'll know as soon as the dash boots up..


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400gb Problems
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2004, 02:21:00 PM »

QUOTE (t_skraggs @ Nov 2 2004, 09:21 PM)

Yup, it's worth $60.  And no, I didn't forget it.  I specifically mentioned and figured the price of this gadget.


I was comparing the price of two 250s and this gadget that does "preserve the look of the XBox" and does "close the XBox."  I assumed he already had a drive in his XBox and replaced it with a 400GB.  Let's assume he had a 120GB.  Doing it this way, he'd have 620 GBs of HDD space instead of 400.  Of course, I know I am ignoring the fact that all three drives would be formatted independently, so there would be duplicate C and E drives, which are negligible when we are talking about 620GBs in an XBox.  He'd also have the benefit of having a drive that has been proven to work -- the 250.  It's been out for over a year.  He is obviously having issues with this new 400.

And yeah, I was assuming he wouldn't have to buy a 2nd TV nor build a 2nd room.  If all else failed, he could always put the 2nd XBox right next to the first and use the same TV, just a different input (then wouldn't gain local system link capability).

has anyone used the x-tender before?  I did not see any instrudctions on their website how it works.  I know that you have 3 hdd's.  i assume that the c drive will be your xbox orginal, and 250 gb for f drive and 250 gb for g drive.


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400gb Problems
« Reply #27 on: November 24, 2004, 01:43:00 PM »

QUOTE (t_skraggs @ Nov 24 2004, 12:29 AM)
...So, why store more than 250 GBs of games that you won't play anyway?  (Just my thoughts...)

It's called a collection ; biggrin.gif

and it's more for my friends...I've got a 40gb in my personal that i just move data from my pc to xbox as needed.


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400gb Problems
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2004, 07:46:00 PM »

back to drawing board.
all failed with only 100gb left
Has any one got it to work with a F and G drive?


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400gb Problems
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2004, 08:33:00 AM »

This isnt looking to good. I had my Maxtor 320Gig HD die on me last week so this morning I went out and picked up a Seagate 400GB HD. I get home, pop it in, try and boot my trusty evox HD prep CD-RW and all I get is 1/2 the SuperFro error screen cut diagnally, botton left corner is all screwed up graphics, I can see the error in the top left, its Error 16. I looked that up, it has to do with not having Dashboard files (duh!) but I cant get my Xbox to boot from my barely used Samsung DVD-Rom. Any thoughts?

BTW, my Maxtor 320G as well as 2 Maxtor 250G HDs did the EXACT same thing to me this week, the super slow loading Evox bootup. I ran the Maxtor PowerMax software and it claimed all the HDs were bad, even though the 2 250G HDs were brand new retail drives bought from different stores. They all worked fine for a day or 2, then went belly up, then the next day my 320G does the same thing. I am starting to wonder if there isnt something else going on here. This all happened in different Xbox's as well, so it wasnt one Xbox causing it.

BTW, I had the 280Gig problem when I first got my 320Gig a year ago, that is definately one limitation for size, but if you split it to F/G like you did, no problems.

EDIT: Ok, the problem doesnt seem to be related to the 400GB HD, I just popped in a new 160G I picked up for my PC and it does the same thing with that drive. That makes me feel a little better, at least its not a problem with the 400 (yet). Now time to figure out WTF is going on.

EDIT 2: Ok, I am the idiot of the day. I didn't check the first thing I alway tell my customers... make sure the clock is set. Now its done formatting and getting ready to load up, wish me luck.
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