
Author Topic: Component, Hd And Crashing.  (Read 81 times)


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Component, Hd And Crashing.
« on: February 03, 2020, 03:39:00 PM »

Let me preface this by saying that I just got this xbox. I don't know what version it is or what mod chip was used in it. I know that's not very helpful but I purchased it from some random person. I just wanted something I could run some old emu games on and I don't really have the time to purchase everything and set it all up. Btw, I'm using the ms branded component adapter.

The system boots into EvoX, or a dash that looks like it (says v3 I think). It already had a version of mednafen-nes I think and another snes emu. I added some roms and it played just fine, pretty much what I wanted. In the settings menu for these emus I saw the resolution option, the snes didn't let me change it and didn't give any warnings. The nes emu stated that I needed to set this option on the dash first. Since there isn't an option in w/e dash it was running I booted into the ms-dash and enabled 480p, 720p, 1080i, turned on widescreen mode, rebooted and it was in 1080. However, none of the emus would load. One would quit back into the dash and the other would hang the system, red ring and give error 27. I tried to boot back into the ms-dash but that would also hang the system with error 27.

I ftp'd several other dashes onto it, one looking like a newer Evo, which was the only one I could get to boot. I still could not load the emus from this dash but I was able to get the ms-dash to boot and turned off all the HD modes.

Ultimately, it does what I want and thatÂ’s fine but I'd like to know what you guys think. What can I do to narrow down the problem? Different dash, bios, emus?