
Author Topic: Video "tracking" Is Off.  (Read 81 times)


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Video "tracking" Is Off.
« on: September 27, 2007, 11:26:00 AM »

First off, a little about my setup:

I have a Xenium ICE chip on my XBox that has been modded for years.
I also have the official M$ hi-def cable going to my older, non-high def TV (8yr-old Mitsubishi 50" rear projection).  I use this one because A. it's component and B. it has the digital output for my sound system.

I'm writing this at work, so I'm away from the XBox right now.  I'll be as specific as memory allows.

I have always run XBMC as my default dashboard without a problem, however yesterday I downloaded the latest version of the T3CH build (rev10259) and installed it.
Everything was running fine until I was a curious dumba$$ and decided to turn on the 720p and 1080i in the video settings.
When I rebooted, the video was garbled.  The startup sound still came on and I could FTP into the XBox, but video is now useless and looks like VCRs used to when the tracking was off (I don't know the proper term for this...interlacing is off???).  So far, here's what I've tried:

1) FTP'd into the box, found the .xml file that had the values for 720 and 1080 set to true.  Changed them to false, rebooted.  Nogo.
2) FTP'd into the box, modified evoxdash.cfg (or whatever my loadfile in the root of C is called) to point to an older, backed up, fully functioning version of XBMC and rebooted.  Same problem, only the startup sound was my older one, so I know it loaded the backed up version of XBMC.
3) Powered off the XBox, hit the eject button on the DVD drive which evokes the modchip BIOS screen or whatever it's also has the video garbled.
4) Tried a regular composite (RYW) adapter to my TV.  Same thing.
5) Downloaded Enigmas video switcher disk to make sure it hadn't gone to PAL somehow.  I can see enough of the screen as it scrolls by quickly to see that it's set to NTSC as it should be.

Also: The initial XBox "boot" screen displays video correctly, but then goes garbled when it loads XBMC, or chip BIOS.

Can anyone help??? Have I bricked my XBox?  Many thanks in advance!


This post has been edited by MarkEllisAllen: Sep 27 2007, 06:27 PM


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Video "tracking" Is Off.
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2007, 09:26:00 AM »

what the problem is when the xbox boots. the xbox switches into 1080i. which your tv does not support. all i can think of is install msdash somehow, and get to the video settings in blind mode (once your in there its 2 presses down, press a then i think its 2 more press a one down press a and 2 up to at least get it to 480p. lol remember not to do that. i have my xbox connected to component but when i switch to 480p or higher my screen garbles but i use thc dash so i kno how to revert back. but i dont think reinstalling xbmc will work cuz i think the screen mode is stored in the eeprom