
Author Topic: X2vga2 Not Working  (Read 43 times)


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X2vga2 Not Working
« on: April 26, 2006, 03:43:00 PM »

Hello all, I'm new to the forum but I'm hoping someone can help me.

I've just bought an X2Vga2 and I'm having trouble with it. Firstly I'll say what I'm trying to use with the X2Vga.

I have a Toshiba 32WL56 HDTV that I'm playing my Xbox 360 at 1360x768 through a VGA cable. And a new HP LCD monitor capable of 1280x1024 resolution.

When I plug my Xbox or Xbox 360 to the X2Vga with component cables and connect that to either the LCD monitor or HDTV the screen is over-stretched and with vertical lines going across the screen (PS I'm using a Belkin Pure AV HD VGA cable to connect the X2 to the TV).

I have been trying to play with the dip switches but it makes no difference. The only thing that does change is if I play with dip4 then nothing comes on the screens when its in a certain state (on I think).

The weird thing is that if I go into the 360's settings and change the options to 480P or 720P then and  click ok then the screen look perfect until I confirm the setting. Once confirmed the image goes back to being stretched.

Any help would be much appreciated.



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X2vga2 Not Working
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 12:21:00 PM »

Is the HD output enabled on normal xbox? I'm assuming that this is a NTSC xbox, or an xbox capable of outputting in HD (M$ not one to give nice images to those in the UK)
However, this does not sound like a easyview 480i issue

This post has been edited by icedemon360: Apr 27 2006, 07:24 PM


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X2vga2 Not Working
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2006, 05:10:00 PM »

Thanks for the reply mate. I've currently got an original soft modded pal xbox that I'm looking into how to enable HD on (any advice would be appreciated) and an xbox 360. I wasn't to surprised that there was a problem when running the xbox through the x2vga but I was expecting the 360 to work.

When I plug the 360 vga into the vga input of the X2VGA everything works sweet when connected to the LCD ot HDTV. But when I connect the 360 component to the X2VGA and the LCD or TV then the screen is all messed up. I've tried changing between 480P and 720P (LCD won't do 1080i) and it makes no difference. I had heard somewhere that this only effects the dashboard and not the games but they are messed up the same way.

Basically the screen is stretched outside of the sides of the screen, lines going through the middle and the colours aren't right.

It was the same when I plug my original xbox into the component even though there was no hd mod applied.

Could it be a faulty X2VGA?


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X2vga2 Not Working
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2006, 04:48:00 AM »

Have you tried setting the xbox360 to pal-60 ? I havent used the x2vga, I used the official vga adapter, and it works quite well on my widescreen monitor. Im guessing the x2vga 2 isn't designed for PAL compliance at all.


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X2vga2 Not Working
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2006, 11:36:00 AM »

Right, on the 360 I hadn't enabled the HD mode on the connector (Doh!). So now I have a 360 that runs perfectly through the X2VGA on the LCD monitor but not on my HDTV.

When running in 480P mode the screen is correct, the screen is ever so slightly off center to the left (this can be changed with the TV screen position options). When playing games they look fine but just not in HD mode.

When running in 720P mode the screen is in focus but everything has a green hue to it. All blacks are green and I can't see why. This happens on the dash and in games.

Any idea's?

PS. Where do I enable PAL 60?


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X2vga2 Not Working
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2006, 02:05:00 AM »

I've got the same problem with my original Xbox when connected to my monitor or tv through the X2VGA2.

Got the Enigmah patch and converted to NTSC and now I can enable the different modes in UnleashX (ver .038 not 0.79 as originally posted). I immediately noticed the change (when connected through Scart RGB) as the screen went into widescreen mode by default (I hadn't re-enabled this since I rebuilt the hard disk).

Anyway, when I connect the high-def cables to the X2VGA2 I've got and enable 720P mode all I get is an image thats stretched and with a overly green hue. I have tried connecting the X2VGA2 to a 32in HDTV and new HP monitor and it makes not difference.

Is my X2VGA2 duff?


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X2vga2 Not Working
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2006, 05:07:00 AM »

After a long nite of trial and error testing I figured it out.

So, first the bad news. It appears that no matter what you do, the X2VGA2 will not work correctly with the 32WL56 so for me it was a duff purchase. I tried the X2 on my tv and a mates Dell 20" HDTV and it didn't work. Whether its my box or its just so picky I dunno but I'll be selling mine soon.

Anyway, here is the solution. You'll need to have the advanced av hd cable for the xbox. I picked up one from ebay recently for £20 but you can also find them from Liksang dot com. This connects to your xbox a gives you a small box with component video, stereo audio and optical audio outputs.

Next, buy a component to VGA adapter like this ( ).

When you have all of these, plug the adapter into the xbox, component into the adapter and vga to the tv. Switch the tv to channel YUV (ie Component) and turn the xbox on. And that's it.

I've tested this with a softmodded xbox using the official M$ dashboard and it gives me the high-def options. Also modded it to boot with XBMC and that worked too.

It was a complete ballache (and frankly I blame myself for not thinking of this method before buying the X2VGA2) but it is worth it for the complete media center experience.

Points of note, if you haven't got the YUV channel available to you on your tv then you need to contact Toshiba. They will send an engineer to flash the firmware which enables it. Apparently the very first models didn't have this enabled.

Also, if you want to split the VGA port I recommend you get a Kramer VGA splitter like this ( ). Though I got the 2x VGA splitter off ebay for £17 so you may find a bargain. If you get a cheap one you run the risk of having ghosts on your picture. PS, I using Belkin Pure AV VGA cables to connect all this kit together.

Now I have my xbox plugged into one of the VGA splitter ports using channel YUV on the tv and the 360 plugged into the other using the PC channel (running at 1360 x 768) and everything is sweet.