
Author Topic: Monster Component + Optical W/o Optical Addon  (Read 76 times)


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Monster Component + Optical W/o Optical Addon
« on: November 09, 2005, 05:20:00 PM »

I bought the Gamelink 400 Monster off ebay for 45 (it came with a blue S controller, so not too bad I thought).  Anyway, I was unaware that you had to buy another piece of Monster mark-up to get optical audio.. and I almost crapped my pants at the 45 they wanted for it.  so, I have a 1/8th inch plug (from my now dead TI-83), is there anyway I can solder together an optical out using that?  
     I'm thinking this: borrow a multimeter,  see if I can get some continuous points, and follow this tut after that  Optical Tut. To connect it to the Gamelink 400, I'd take apart that 1/8th inch plugged cable, does this sound viable? Has anyone done this?
