
Author Topic: A/v Pins  (Read 50 times)


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A/v Pins
« on: November 21, 2003, 11:02:00 AM »

I made a post in some other forum about this but im posting here cause well this is the forum for it

ok my xbox worked one day then the next day i plugged it in and well it didnt.  I got the flashing orange light (meaning no video or overheating) ive since tested the A/V pins on two different xboxs and on my xbox (the one with the flashing orange light) pin 3 or 7 (im not sure which) isnt giving me any reading when i test it.  On the working xbox i get a signal on every pin(which i imagine i should).  ive looked around and found out that acording to "pin 3 outputs line-level Left channel linear audio."  ive also read on that pin three is used for "SP-DIF Digital Audio"... either way i just want some way i can get the xbox to boot right now i dont care about sound or even video i just want to get back to my FTP.