
Author Topic: Changing Xbmc Boot  (Read 416 times)


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Changing Xbmc Boot
« on: February 25, 2008, 05:37:00 PM »

Hello good people!

I have a softmodded XBOX with an old (pre v2) version of XBMC which it boots to. I also have a newer version of XBMC installed (self contained) in the apps folder. I don't really use the old one, so I boot the XBOX, go to apps, then run the newer version. Seems about time to erase the old XBMC and have it boot the new one.

In my C: folder there is an xboxdash.xbe

The old XBMC is installed in E:\Dashboard
The new XBMC is isntalled in E:\Apps\XBMC

I see an explanation here of how to do this

But I'm not sure, if I follow step2 and rename xboxdash.xbe to say evoxdash.xbe (I've got that in the apps folder) will it falls back and launch that if I screw up?

I love my XBOX/XBMC, would like to change the boot but not at the expense of losing it.   (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

Any other tips or suggestions??


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Changing Xbmc Boot
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2008, 08:13:00 PM »

yea read the first pinned topic on this page....


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Changing Xbmc Boot
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2008, 10:43:00 AM »

If you have UnleashX, go to File Explorer, and navigate to your Apps/XBMC folder. On the other side navigate to your Dashboard folder. Delete all cotents inside the Dashboard folder. Once that is done. Select All the files/folders inside your XBMC folder, and copy them, or move them. Just make sure you have a back up of your Xbox before you do this, so you can reverse it, if anything happens. If you follow this exactly, you should be good to go. This way, you don't have the old XBMC cluttering up space if you don't use it anymore.