
Author Topic: Video Mode Settings On Ms-dash - Where Are The Options?  (Read 74 times)


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Video Mode Settings On Ms-dash - Where Are The Options?
« on: September 04, 2006, 06:11:00 AM »

480i output!

My stuff:
- A 1.6b Xbox
- Alladin EX modchipped (I believe, not sure)
- 40 Giga Hd Samsung
- Unleash X dashboard
- Samsung Slimfit 21'' CRT (No HD-TV! It has only a 480i video component input)
- Recently I used AID. 3.0 to install Unleash X, Emulators, Apps, and a MS-Dash
on C: (Since I switched HDs)

What happens:
- When I plug my brand new MS High Definition cable on the component input
I get a totally garbaged image on screen. It looks like my Xbox is sending a
480p (or higher) signal, and since my TV does not support, it brings me a total
damaged image. I see the flubber, I see the dash, but it's impossible to navigate
on it --- Screens is fuzzy and distorted (please note it is clean, but on a wrong

What people adviced me:
- Put back the regular AV cable, boot with modchip off, go to the official MS Dash,
go to settings, video, and change your resolution to 480i.
- Or, plug you Component cable, go to original dash, and do the same

The real problem:
- When I use the regular AV cable, there is no such options on my video settings
inside MS-Dash!!! I can see only Normal, LetterBox and Widescreen.
- And, if I use the VideoComponent Cable, I CAN'T navigate to the
settings screen, since my image is completely distorted on a CRAZIEST way.

My questions:
- What the hell is wrong?
- Some people say that my MS-Dashboard is an out-dated version. It looks like
oldest MS-Dash did not have the 480i, 480p and etc options in the video resolution.
Is this true? Perhaps the AID installed a out of date MS Dash!
- Or maybe my Xbox is farted...
- Or the cable?
- The TV is fine because I plug a DVD Philips on it using Videocomponent and everything
goes perfect.

Last help
- Just downloaded from somewhere else a "Latest Clean C:/Drive MS-Dash files".
Someone got his MS-Dash update to the lastest version (using MS-Live I think) recently
and --- before modchipping/softmodding --- made a backup of it.
- How do I install this official and Updated MS-dash in my C:?
- The package has 85.653Kb.
- May I just REPLACE my ACTUAL C: XBOXDASH.XBE with the new downloaded one
using a FTP connection? (With the Xbox booted inside my UnleashX, of course...)

- What files on C:/ do I need to replace? All of them?
Doing that will not damage my Unleash X booting routine?
I am afraid to just replace everything on C: and lose
the access to Unleash X and everything else...

Thank you very much for your attention, fellas.
Regards, and sorry for my poor english!

Giovani Cospefogo.


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Video Mode Settings On Ms-dash - Where Are The Options?
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2006, 05:00:00 PM »

My HD-AV cable was defective.
I fixed it and everything looks superb now running in 480i.

Sorry for the scary post!