
Author Topic: Dash2gam Setup, (3.0b +)) Small Howtos  (Read 116 times)


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Dash2gam Setup, (3.0b +)) Small Howtos
« on: January 20, 2006, 06:20:00 PM »

hello ok, so ya want more tabs on the 'mainmenu' (that being the screen ya see when ya first load it)
OK everything in Dash2Gam is configurable, and all the configurable files are in /Dash2gam/
and to be honest this can ALL be found out in the included readme, config_pro_eng.txt (found in the 'a lire' folder

first thing to do, is set up dash2gam so that it knows what/and were the apps are and what ya wanna call um
this is done in the file named Applications.xbc out of the pack this is whats there...
3=Applications\Xbox Media Center

Now a description...
1=Evolution X ................ Enter the Application Title (e.g. 'Evolution X')
2=C: ......................... Enter the Drive where the Application directory is (eg: 'C:', 'E:', 'F:' or 'G:')
3=Dashboards\Evolutionx ...... Enter the Directory where the executable (.xbe) of the Application is (eg: for the directory Dashboards/Evolutionx/ enter 'Dashboards\Evolutionx'). Enter 'root' if the file is on root / of your drive.
4=evoxdash.xbe ............... Enter the name of the executable WITH extention (e.g. 'evoxdash.xbe')

now u can name/list as many 'aplication' as ya want here.. as long as the numbers follow on, (so the next app set up would be from 5 to 8, the next from 9 to 12 .. etc etc etc

ok now thats set up, we move onto the main menu file setup, this can be found in ConfigMenusMainMenu.xbc (same folder)
out of the pack this is whats there

3=Launch Menu

5=Media Center




Now a description...
1=5 ............................ Number of teh tab that the dash starts on
2=oui/non ...................... Scrolling du text ?
3='Title Menu 1' .............. \
4=Action/Application Menu 1 ... | Each menu action is an [Application] or an [Action]
5='Title Menu 2' .............. |  can ya guess ?? .. the name ya want it to show a s!
6=Action/Application Menu 2 ... |
7='Title Menu 3' .............. |
8=Action/Application Menu 3 ... |
9='Title Menu 4' .............. |
10=Action/Application Menu 4 .. |
11='Title Menu 5' ............. |
12=Action/Application Menu 5 .. /

Hope this helps on this section smile.gif .. again this is ALL in the help files ! .. its how i learnt wink.gif ..
and believe me its ALL configurable !!
(the only thing this dash lacks is icons ! )

Mick ...

ps think the pinned topic should be updated ! .. no mention of v3 ! lol