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Author Topic: X-select 0.6  (Read 274 times)


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X-select 0.6
« on: June 05, 2004, 04:49:00 PM »

smile.gif ), ohhhhhh are there any screen shots of X-select 0.6 so i can get an idea of what it is before i start using it?



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X-select 0.6
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2004, 07:02:00 PM »

I would'nt excactly call it a dash, just a menu on the boot screen allowing  you to load any app or dash without going thru any particular dash. it should work with any modchip. I think it really comes in handy when hacking the msdash because u can boot to another dash no matter how bad u screw up something


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2004, 08:50:00 AM »

QUOTE (dl0n3_1_wahks_0n @ Jun 5 2004, 08:49 PM)
does X-select 0.6 display text on LCD screens hooked up to SmartXX modchips? this would be really sweet! especially when i read that X-select 0.6 is simple use dashboard with no graphics (no lagging, weeeee smile.gif ), ohhhhhh are there any screen shots of X-select 0.6 so i can get an idea of what it is before i start using it?


If you want the clean and simple with few bells and whistles..

I'd have to say evox is your best bet...


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2004, 07:46:00 AM »

Muerte now has the X-Select 0.6 source code, so hopefully, there will be new progress on it.

In retrospect, it could add several small (to keep load times down) icons to represent all of the different dashboards, as well as a generic one for other apps.

Perhaps some procedural imaging to spice things up...?

My intention was to keep it very tight and unobtrusive, though, as a selector goes. Adding too many things to it would bog things down. It should never have too much stuff going on - after all - if you want a ton of bells and whistles, that's what full-blown dashboards are for!


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2004, 02:17:00 PM »

Bug: when IGR the box from my wireless xbox controller (Cozmo RF) x-select keeps looping the boot screen forever. But if i IGR with my MS controller it boots fine.


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2004, 11:18:00 AM »

to upgrade 0.6 do i just transfer the xbe over? can i do that.  


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2004, 03:13:00 PM »

nezff: Yes, you could just copy the 0.6 XBE over a 0.5 XBE and it would upgrade.  But why would you want to do that, when 35 hrs 56 minutes before your post XSelect 0.9 was posted on X-Scene's main page (and is still on the front page there).  If you're going to upgrade... why not grab the latest version?  Is 0.9 inferior in some way that you know of?

(I notice Exusers UnleashX Installer CD v3.1 comes with XSelect 0.6 but Iriez posted the new version of the CD less than half an hour after he posted of XSelect 0.9 so I'm guessing the CD maintainers may have made the CD before knowing about the new version.  But then again, they do call it "XSelect 0.6", which is more consistant with the name that 0.9 uses.)

And while I'm discussing this program:

The subtitle of this thread says "Bug reports here!"  I've tested and found that, as 0.9's docs state, the simple presense of a *.XBE file with a very long name in E:\ would cause a major problem seeing the Config Dashes screen (even if that program wasn't listed in the dashes.txt file).  Ends up being quite horrible, actually.  It seems that the rest of the changes in 0.9's change logs aren't so much bug fixes, as new features or improvements, but not really bugs.

I don't know that the other "bugs" reported in this thread are X-Selector 0.6's fault.  For one, the D: often refers to the current directory of a launched title, rather than the DVD Drive, hence the ID_No_D_Mount option that Evolution-X RemoteX can see in the evox.ini files.  It probably depends on how X-Selector is launched.

And I dunno about that issue blittan has with the Cozmo RF controller.  I suspect it is more likely an issue with IGR which has become infamous for incompatibilities.  If your IGR involved you pressing some key combination, maybe by pressing those buttons you ended up telling X-Selector to run some other program by default (possibly itself, or something that caused an Error 21 which the IGR code could cause to re-run X-Selector again).

X-Selector seems to be pretty bug-free from what I can tell, other than the issue of a really long filename in the older versions.  The program probably just doesn't have much opportunity to have a lot of bugs since it is a fairly simple program.

0.9's text file has a misspelling "formtted".

So, is this topic going to be renamed to XSelect 0.9 (or a new topic started)?  Seems there wasn't much conversation (averaging less than one page of discussion in four months since July 10, 2003) about the old versions, even on a pinned topic.

July 10th, 2003 post says Gigabyte and another author will be new author.  June 8th, 2004 post says Muerte has the source (which was available at the usual place right by the old versions of XSelect).  X-Scene News says 0.9 was made by "a new author", but doesn't say which of these two, or if it was someone else entirely.  At very least, it seems there may have been multiple authors looking at this.

Has there been any progress since 0.6 by some authors that isn't in 0.9, and if so, will their changes be based on the 0.9 source or would people need to pick and choose versions?  (PBL seems to have become a mess lately, with Metoo, Frosting, PBL Lite... and even before that there was 1.4 which was made by a different group, 1.3.5i which was supposedly an internal build leaked).  I'm wondering what BenJeremy knows/thinks about what the future holds for the software now.  And BJ, will you admit to being an author of 0.6 or 0.5?, 'cause in this thread you kinda sound like this has been your project but none of the software versions seem to have any authors names in them.


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2004, 03:28:00 PM »

nezff: Yes, you could just copy the 0.6 XBE over a 0.5 XBE and it would upgrade. But why would you want to do that, when 35 hrs 56 minutes before your post XSelect 0.9 was posted on X-Scene's main page (and is still on the front page there). If you're going to upgrade... why not grab the latest version? Is 0.9 inferior in some way that you know of?

Ok first of, I WAS asking about upgrading 0.6 to 0.9. i ASKED if i could just upgrade 0.6 with a new xbe like the one from 0.9 and just not change anything else?  is this ok to just do this?  not sure i used the firefuckers install disc and it is pretty cool.  What i need to know is will it be ok to just upgrade the xbe or is there something else that needs it also?


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2004, 08:08:00 PM »

Oh, you wanted to actually upgrade 0.6, like you actually said, meaning to upgrade FROM 0.6.  Sorry, I thought you wanted to upgrade TO 0.6 (from 0.5).

The answer is: Probably.  Just replace the 0.6 XBE file with the 0.9 XBE file and all will be fine with just one possible exception: Possible issues related to XBE signatures.  Other than that, replacing the XBE will work painlessly.

Since the hacks I prefer use Habibi signatures, there was no issue for me.  I can give you some advise to find out if signatures will be a problem.  Of course you take this advise or ignore it at your own risk: Don't blame me for you not knowing how to handle signature issues.

If you did use the old font hacks or whatever, then all you need to do is make sure 0.9 is signed using the same digital signature that your copy of 0.6 uses, and then you can replace the file just fine.  I have no idea what digital signature gets used with the install disc you're referring to.

You can test with more certainty is to run 0.6, and then see if you can run any executable from 0.6, or if you can only run certain files like Phoenix BIOS Loader.  If you can run a version 0.9 directly from version 0.6, or if you can run a dashboard directly from 0.6 and then run 0.9 directly from that dashboard without doing anything else fancy like running nkpatcher for Phoenix BIOS Loader between when 0.6 launched the dashboard and when the dashboard launched 0.9, then you should be fine.

As long as you're not using an old font hack, it likely won't matter, but I don't know what the install disc you're using uses.

If you're using a mod-chip and you use an alternate BIOS, that BIOS likely has signature checking disabled, so you should be fine replacing the files.


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2004, 01:09:00 PM »

I don't like how the 0.9 assaults my screen with the huge box telling me how to enter the config screen.. it's completely unnecessary and mighty ugly. Went back to 0.6 goodness for that, although I liked the reduced wait time of 0.9.


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2004, 10:12:00 AM »

Okay, I happen to really like XSelect 0.9, I use it quite a bit.  So I thought I'd report on all my findings so far from further usage:

Passwords don't work in 0.9.  NeoNitiPheus pointed this out in his forum post.  My conclusion: bHasPasscode = LoadPasscode(); runs before g_PassCodeFileToRead is set, and changing if ( bHasPasscode ) to if ( LoadPasscode() ) would fix that.

E:\UDATA\01010001\0123456789ABC\ is not a standard saved game name, because 0123456789ABC is 13 hexidecimal characters long, not 12.  The version of the MS Dash on my Xbox seems to not care, but I recall my version copying saves without some icon files, and this did not work on my friend's Xbox.  I suggest future versions should look for stuff in E:\UDATA\01010001\0123456789ABC\ as well as E:\UDATA\01010001\, but use E:\UDATA\01010001\0123456789AB\ as its main directory.

QUOTE (macel @ Aug 13 2004, 09:05 PM)
I don't like how the 0.9 assaults my screen with the huge box telling me how to enter the config screen.. it's completely unnecessary and mighty ugly. Went back to 0.6 goodness for that, although I liked the reduced wait time of 0.9.

I for one like how XSelect 0.9 visibly gives directions on how when to press the configure buttons, which is also when to press any other buttons to run another dash.  It's better than run writing some small text which, depending on the background (such as the blue-and-white Evox2.Jpg), may not be quite as noticable.  I really disagree with macel's choice to use the half-done version 0.6 over such an issue, perhaps because I'm just biased and am also disagreeing with his choice on which method is better.  To each his own, I guess.  I do think the other advantages (namely being fully self-configurable) outweigh that, at least for my uses.  XSelect 0.9 have saved me and a friend of mine from needing to re-run the saved game exploit (very good for my friend who now lives in an other state and didn't have a commercial game to use an exploit).

Still, to make XSelect 0.9 run like the old version in that respect, one simply would need to change the "\r\r(Press Left and Right" to "\0\0(Press Left and Right", and change the call to RenderMessageBox() in the next line of code so it passes false on the next line.  The first part of this could be done by hex editing (search for "Configure" and modify the bytes a bit before it), and then re-signing to be Habibi again would probably be needed.  The second part may require changing just one bit (or optionally byte) in the executable from 1 to 0, but I don't know which bit that would be, so I'd suggest just re-compiling with the XDK to make that change.  I do hope that macel's suggestion to remove the border is NOT taken as I prefer the other way.  But perhaps this could be a configurable option (similar to how XSelect 0.9 handles SHOWPATH.NUL: whether a zero-byte file exists.)

(Hopefully all this is done while keeping the XBE file at 256K of less.  I have a memory unit image I like which has 0 bytes free so I hope any new XSelect doesn't grow in size.)

What else have I found?  The author of X-Selector (which would be version 0.6) is reported to be "BenJermy", confirming my earlier thoughts from this thread.  (I'm guessing that's just a misspelling of his name on that other page, especially since that page and this thread, IIRC, show BenJeremy as responsible for both this program and MXM.)  I still wish BenJeremy would have responded in this thread to my questions about the future of this program.  Ah well.  I guess now there may be two publicly unknowns (whoever made 0.6 and whoever made 0.9).

I've looked around the source a bit.  I myself am considering making a clone of XSelect using the OpenXDK.  Since XSelect seems to use DirectX, and I'm guessing the OpenXDK may not, I figure I may as well release the program under an entirely different name, which I haven't decided on yet.  Does anyone have anything they would like to see in XSelect's future?  (Keeping in mind that one of XSelect's chief features is a small size, so adding tons of unrelated niceties may not belong?)  I think the one new feature I'd like to see, which apparently would be extremely small, would be to build in nkpatcher to have an option to nkpatch before running the executable.  Then XSelect could have signing, and a program with nkpatcher's functionality wouldn't be limited to what it runs.


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2004, 03:16:00 AM »

BJ is responsible for 0.5 and 0.6. I remember him saying someone else will be taking over the reigns of the project after 0.6.


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2004, 01:30:00 PM »

QUOTE (TOOGAM @ Sep 6 2004, 06:15 PM)

I've looked around the source a bit.  I myself am considering making a clone of XSelect using the OpenXDK.  Since XSelect seems to use DirectX, and I'm guessing the OpenXDK may not, I figure I may as well release the program under an entirely different name, which I haven't decided on yet.  Does anyone have anything they would like to see in XSelect's future?  (Keeping in mind that one of XSelect's chief features is a small size, so adding tons of unrelated niceties may not belong?)  I think the one new feature I'd like to see, which apparently would be extremely small, would be to build in nkpatcher to have an option to nkpatch before running the executable.  Then XSelect could have signing, and a program with nkpatcher's functionality wouldn't be limited to what it runs.

I for one would like to see a menu saying

Press A for XXXXX
Press B for XXXXX

As I cant always the buttons for 8 different dashes/apps

but from the other posts in this thread it seem this would not be popular.


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2005, 03:44:00 AM »

this project is dead?


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X-select 0.6
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2006, 12:16:00 PM »

Where to Download???
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