OG Xbox Forums > Skins and Tools

Ux Architect

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Ok guys, UX Architect is finally done. I hope it was worth the wait. Get it here.

This is the main limitation of UXA, the preview canvas is not 100% perfect. This is a vb.net limitation. I will continue to work on this.

Also, I didnt finish the tool tips. The option to turn it on and off is ther, however I disabled the code till im done with all the docs.

This post has been edited by Hectobleezy on Jun 21 2004, 08:41 AM

when you use Item editor, and try to change the size or location, you must highlight the number and backspace to delete it, as opposed to just pushing it. And it claims there is a problem with all of my skin.xml files, even though there isn't

This post has been edited by vintage_guitar on Jun 21 2004, 06:51 AM

QUOTE (vintage_guitar @ Jun 20 2004, 11:48 PM) when you use Item editor, and try to change the size or location, you must highlight the number and backspace to delete it, as opposed to just pushing it. And it claims there is a problem with all of my skin.xml files, even though there isn't
 I had to block out the textboxes so only numbers could be added. you can also click on the coordinates then use your "+" and "-" buttons on your keyboard to adjust.

The importer will never be 100% perfect. Ive had people send me skin.xml's files, telling me that uxa wont read it, that it is a good file. Everytime ther was a problem with the skin. I tested almost every skin out ther. I could sit here and go down the list of all the jacked up skins out ther. Skins made with notepad are the worst. Importing releashed skins should work.

Shit. sumthing tells me the bug reports are gonna come rolling in.

is it possible to have a blue version??

When you set the size of an object, (say a round box), if you immidiately set the size to numbers(Before you manually resize it), it will be blurred weirdly , and you must manually rezise it, THEN put in the numbers for it to appear correctly. I don't know if it is just appearance on the editor or if it would really blurr the object.

Hey man if there's alot of bugs, oh well, this is the FIRST public release, and no other skinner comes close. It's already the best skinner I've used. Very professional! Even an installer

This post has been edited by vintage_guitar on Jun 21 2004, 07:14 AM


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