
Author Topic: Modded Regular Xbox (unleashx)  (Read 372 times)


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Modded Regular Xbox (unleashx)
« on: March 18, 2011, 11:43:00 AM »

I bought a modded xbox awhile ago and have now started playing it a lot.  It has genesis, gameboy, n64, nes, snes already on the system.  The reason I come here is because there are not many N64 games on the system and there are some games I really want to put on the system .. problem is - I have absolutely no clue how to do.  I have searched the internet and finally give up.  If there is anyone, ANYONE, that can email me (since I will be able to check my email easily) and walk me through it I would be very appreciative!  I will give you any details about the xbox you need!

Thank you so much if you can help!

my email is [email protected]



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Modded Regular Xbox (unleashx)
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2011, 05:16:00 PM »

welcome to the site.  I am relatively new to this website, as it seems you are also.  I spent many months just reading the website and hundreds of threads before I ever posted anything. that said....

JUST A QUICK WORD OF ADVICE:  your question can possibly be interpreted in such a way that one might think you are asking how to obtain a digital copy of N64 games (ROM's).  NOT ACCUSING, JUST SAYING.  this forum has VERY strict and specific rules on asking questions about obtaining games (ROM's).  although you didn't specifically ask about OBTAINING said files, you are kinda walking close to the edge, so just make sure you read through the rules of the site if you haven't done so already.  here is a link to the RULES.

now on to your question....

I'm guessing that since you posted this question in the UnleashX category, that you are running UnleashX as your dashboard.  I too am running this dashboard, and I have transfered many many gig's worth of data to my Xbox from my computer.  to do this best, you must install an FTP program on your computer, connect to your Xbox through the FTP program, and transfer your files.  this is also useful to transfer files FROM your Xbox back onto your computer.  a good FTP program for PC's = FlashFXP, for Mac = FileZilla.  below I have listed a couple extremely helpful links to threads on this website that will help you to do all of this properly:
How to Transfer Files to and from Xbox HERE.
Very Helpful Question/Answer Threads HERE.

please don't take my reply the wrong way, I'm not trying to talk down to you or tell you that you did something wrong, I am only trying to give you a couple pieces of advice since this was your first post, and you may not have been aware of the forum rules.

your Xbox sounds like an awesome machine and I hope it brings you as many good times as mine has brought me and my family.  This forum is the BEST resource for all things Xbox on the internet, so you came to the right place!  Please reply with any questions, I'm happy to help.



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Modded Regular Xbox (unleashx)
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2011, 09:57:00 PM »

I apologize.

In other words.  The first thing I think I need to figure out is how to connect to the internet.  I do not have an Xbox live account, does that matter?

I was able to find the settings page where you change it to DHCP (?, but it was already on that setting) and I the xbox username and password were already entered in.  I feel I know nothing about this system so some of the terminology is throwing me off.  I think the first step I need to do is connect to the internet.

I found File zilla but other than getting the program, I have made no progress.

I appreciate any help, if I were to figure this out I'd be pumped.  



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Modded Regular Xbox (unleashx)
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2011, 06:04:00 AM »

You don't need to connect your Xbox to the Internet. You need to connect it to your local network so that you can FTP from your PC to your Xbox.

For FTP to work your PC and Xbox need to have IP addresses in the same subnet i.e. the first three parts of the IP addresses for your Xbox and PC have to be the same - usually 192.168.1.x or something similar, but the actual numbers aren't essential as long as they are the same. If you are running DHCP then this should happen automatically.

Once you have that sorted it's easy. Use Google to find the programs you want on your Xbox, then use Filezilla to copy them to your Xbox. Most dashboards are set up to have applications (including emulators) in E:\Apps\ or F:\Apps\, but you can edit the dashboard config to set up a specific entry for emulators (e.g. E:\Emulators\ and F:\Emulators\) and put the emulators there. A quick look at your existing dash configuration will help you sort out what you need to do.

However, you don't say how your Xbox is modded (chip/TSOP or softmod), or which dash you are using, and I'd suggest you might want to find that out before you make any changes. You'll find that the stock hard drive fills up really quickly, so you'll soon need to think about a larger hard drive. How you do that depends on how your Xbox is modded.

Finally, if your Xbox is softmodded then you should take a backup copy of your Xbox EEPROM contents, and put it somewhere safe.


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Modded Regular Xbox (unleashx)
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2011, 09:51:00 AM »

Okay, great, first thing has been established for me.  I don't need to connect to the internet, but only to my laptop/network.

Does that require an ethernet cable?  I've heard cross over cable referenced in several articles.  

I'm running UnleashX.  If that's what you mean.  I'll send you a PM of what exactly I see when I turn on the xbox, so I do not clutter this thread.  The amount of programs I'm planning on adding is very small.


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Modded Regular Xbox (unleashx)
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2011, 10:13:00 AM »

cross over cable is if you are connecting your xbox directly to a PC. standard cat-5 is used for connecting to a router.

you could always burn them to a disc that your 360 can read and use a file manager to copy them if as you say the list is small on what you want to copy but it is always nice to have a working inet connection to the xbox for future transfers.

some xbox1 drives are picky on the media they will read tho.


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Modded Regular Xbox (unleashx)
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2011, 10:43:00 AM »

It's a regular xbox.  I don't own a 360.

So I'm running UnleashX.  I don't need to use MSDash I'm told.  The second step I've figured out.

I feel like I'm actually making progress (very little, but some).  I have FileZilla on my desktop.  I'm just confused how I can connect to my xbox if my xbox has no internet connection.  I guess that's what the FTP client does?


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Modded Regular Xbox (unleashx)
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2011, 10:47:00 AM »

Networking 101. It doesn't have an Internet connection, it has a NETWORK connection. Use an Ethernet cable to plug your Xbox into your home router at the same time as your PC is plugged into your home router, turn on DHCP on your Xbox, and voila, your PC will be able to communicate with your Xbox, and you'll be able to use Filezilla to transfer files.