
Author Topic: Who Agrees With These Requests?  (Read 131 times)


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Who Agrees With These Requests?
« on: February 07, 2007, 12:03:00 PM »

Unleash X is, in my opinion the best dashboard around for xbox.

HOWEVER, XBMC is right on its tail. It has only gotten bigger, and it leaves Unleash in the dust production-speed-wise.

I would like to see:

No more flickering on the boot screen. Makes unleash look unsophisticated.
A FASTER boot screen.
Live updates brought back from the grave
More updates, More often. XBMC has a new build about every week. I've been using build 57x for what...a year now?
Power Cycling!

Anyone agree? Anything someone wants to add?


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« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2007, 06:03:00 PM »

Until the developer of the app comes in here or releases the source code for other people to work with this is a pretty pointless poll because as of right now I don't see any of them happening no matter how much you may want them too


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« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2007, 12:44:00 PM »

wow! a couple of yeses! at least I can try!  muhaha.gif


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« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2007, 10:41:00 PM »

great thinkin although im the only user of my xbox


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« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2007, 08:50:00 PM »

i voted no cause im guessing development of UnleashX is probably non exsistent right now for the most part.... although i think UnleashX is already FAST in terms of general menu navigation... it's faster than XBMC is in areas like this.... but XBMC is a far better dashboard overall (especially if you watch videos/movies etc etc on your xbox)

but not counting XBMC (with MC360 v1.02 skin) i would say unleashx is next best dashboard ... although default skin SUCKS for UnleashX thats why im using the adsorption skin for unleashx.

also i think theres only so much one could do on a dashboard like UnleashX as far as updates... cause it's a very basic dashboard im sure there aint to much they can improve/fix unlike XBMC as XBMC is far more complex and feature loaded so im sure bugs etc turn up often in XBMC, so updates for this are much more necessary then updates are for unleashx in general.


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« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2007, 07:30:00 PM »

QUOTE(007bond @ Feb 22 2007, 04:58 AM) View Post

I find that the XBMC, especially with the MC360 skin, is actually very hard to use to play music and videos.  I can't do anything with it at all except play music from one folder, which pisses me off.

UnleashX is still a must for me.  I even created my own skin.  It's called "Blue" but that really means nothing.  It has everything an advanced user of UnleashX would want.  I can upload it if you guys want to see it

very hard how?!?!? ... playing videos with it is about as easy as it's going to get, same for music.

you just have to set it up properly to see all of your music.... just store ALL of your music in a folder like F:\MUSIC\ and then goto MUSIC section on MC360 skin and highlight the "music" and press the white button and select "edit source"  then guide it to music folder.... and thats that ... if you set it up properly it will see ALL the music in F:\MUSIC\  wink.gif (this process is basically the same with the "videos" to)

have a good day.

p.s. i used to think UnleashX was a must until the MC360 skin came out ... now im a full time user of XBMC ... i only use UnleashX when i need to transfers alot of big files as it's FTP server is faster than XBMC's (mostly due to XBMC using more CPU cycles though)

also i use the "adsorption" skin for UnleashX as the default skin in UnleashX SUCKS! (as im sure you already know lol)


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« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2007, 01:26:00 PM »

I feel UnleashX is completed.

If you absolutely don't use XBMC (i.e. only play games and emulators) then UnleashX offers far better speed then XBMC.

After Evolution-X (pioneer) came MXM which was kicked from it's throne by UnleashX.
UnleashX provides the slickest skinning and appearance compared to any other dash.
With the exception of XBMC. Although the latter may be less pleasing to the eye compared to UnleashX when only used for launching of games. UnleashX provides smooth video-previews and better speed.

I don't see any reason to change / update anything in UnleashX.
It work perfectly and if you're not satisfied with it then you'll want to use XBMC.

* No more flickering on the boot screen. Makes unleash look unsophisticated.

* A FASTER boot screen.
like it's not allready fast enough. It's the fastest dash availlable.

* Live updates brought back from the grave
What updates?

* More updates, More often. XBMC has a new build about every week. I've been using build 57x for what...a year now?
Again.... what updates?

* Power Cycling!


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« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2007, 04:00:00 PM »

i gotta agree with a pretty high percentage of what RolfLobker said... as UnleashX is much better than XBMC when it comes to pure speed of navigating through menu's... plus it's FTP server is faster than XBMC's to, but mainly due to XBMC using quite a bit more CPU cycles in general.

i mainly just keep unleashx installed for big file transfers and when i need to clean install XBMC... i just load up UnleashX then delete XBMC folder , then install new version, then reboot xbox and i got new XBMC running.

as for ftp like i was saying... UnleashX pretty much maxes out my router (around 10MB/s) while XBMC on average i only get between 5MB/s-7MB/s ish (closer to 7area)

so basically unless you really need XBMC's features like playing videos and playing mp3's etc then your better off using UnleashX... but since i play alot of XviD Video files i tend to use XBMC alot for features that only it has..... plus like i said once the MC360 skin came out i switched to XBMC as my main dash cause it's just cool the way it works.... and it's speed got noticeably better since the pre-releases (before v1.0) the skins just all around better now than it was before.


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« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2007, 01:54:00 AM »

QUOTE(RolfLobker @ Feb 27 2007, 03:33 PM) View Post

I feel UnleashX is completed.

If you absolutely don't use XBMC (i.e. only play games and emulators) then UnleashX offers far better speed then XBMC.

After Evolution-X (pioneer) came MXM which was kicked from it's throne by UnleashX.
UnleashX provides the slickest skinning and appearance compared to any other dash.
With the exception of XBMC. Although the latter may be less pleasing to the eye compared to UnleashX when only used for launching of games. UnleashX provides smooth video-previews and better speed.

I don't see any reason to change / update anything in UnleashX.
It work perfectly and if you're not satisfied with it then you'll want to use XBMC

QUOTE(ThaCrip @ Feb 27 2007, 06:07 PM) View Post

i gotta agree with a pretty high percentage of what RolfLobker said... as UnleashX is much better than XBMC when it comes to pure speed of navigating through menu's... plus it's FTP server is faster than XBMC's to, but mainly due to XBMC using quite a bit more CPU cycles in general.

i mainly just keep unleashx installed for big file transfers and when i need to clean install XBMC... i just load up UnleashX then delete XBMC folder , then install new version, then reboot xbox and i got new XBMC running.

as for ftp like i was saying... UnleashX pretty much maxes out my router (around 10MB/s) while XBMC on average i only get between 5MB/s-7MB/s ish (closer to 7area)

so basically unless you really need XBMC's features like playing videos and playing mp3's etc then your better off using UnleashX... but since i play alot of XviD Video files i tend to use XBMC alot for features that only it has..... plus like i said once the MC360 skin came out i switched to XBMC as my main dash cause it's just cool the way it works.... and it's speed got noticeably better since the pre-releases (before v1.0) the skins just all around better now than it was before.

I agree UX is complete but I know there can some improving, I just don't really wanna see it just die off XBMC is great for what it does, however I use UX all the time unless I got ppl to entertain I love just loading it up and have the music on startup and it just never stops. I have even edited the config.xml file to suit how I want the menu to appear and like someone mentioned they wanted to see with UX, thru editing that they can add pretty much 2 "accounts" with totally differant menus.(They aren't really accounts but top menus).

I just hope someday there maybe an update for it I really miss the Live updating even tho I only used it once since I've had it. The only things I can think of right now that I would like to see updated or added is,
1. Better look to the filemanager.
2. SMB Sharing so if possible never have to FTP using my PC again so u can just grab files from the shared folders and copy them thru the filemanager.
3. Set the triggers to change the song u are currently playing without having to use the Mplayer.
4. A small fix to the onscreen keyboard when using a real KB when u hit enter it inputs whats selected on the Onscreen KB instead of just entering the text.
5.I don't know if other ppl have this problem but when I use my gamesave explorer it locks up on me sometimes maybe a small fix for that if a problem is there.
6. A more reliable way of setting the skin to default I have done it once and have never been able to do it again lmfao

I know these requests may never be implemented I am just getting them out there b/c I feel UX shouldn't die like this, the dash has gotten alot of respect IMO and is worth too much to the community(I hope lol) to just die like this.


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« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2007, 02:17:00 AM »

Sorry for the double post I couldn't edit my last one and then relized what I was gonna edit was fine >.< Guess I need some sleep lmao


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« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2007, 07:58:00 PM »

I gotta agree with Hellknight.
UnleashX may be "finished" but there is still plenty of things that fixing up.  It can't just die like this after all the work that's been put into it.


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« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2007, 08:26:00 PM »

yeah because the dev has practically disappeared


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« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2007, 01:51:00 PM »

development of unleashx is pretty much done...however i will continue to use it as my boot-to dash because

(1) the FTP speeds are amazing - esp if i am moving large amounts of data or numerous files

(2) clean install of xbmc is as simple as renaming a folder (xbmc to xbmc-old) and then dropping in the new xbmc

i am not sure that even if the developers were even interested in continuing development that the demand would be present to make their effort worthwhile.


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« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2007, 04:52:00 PM »

QUOTE(794 @ Mar 12 2007, 06:58 AM) View Post

development of unleashx is pretty much done...however i will continue to use it as my boot-to dash because

(1) the FTP speeds are amazing - esp if i am moving large amounts of data or numerous files

(2) clean install of xbmc is as simple as renaming a folder (xbmc to xbmc-old) and then dropping in the new xbmc

I will always use UnleashX because:

1) it is fast and easy to use

2) XBMC is not designed to be a boot-dash.  It has an option to "return to dashboard".  If the default dash is XBMC itself, it's kinda pointless.