
Author Topic: Ics With Ethernet Connection To A Modem  (Read 51 times)


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Ics With Ethernet Connection To A Modem
« on: April 29, 2005, 07:52:00 AM »

yes, connect your xbox to a network card on your pc (call it card 1). now enable ICS for the network card that connects to the modem (card 2). provided the ip address of card 2 it not 192.168.0.x (x is just any number), then card 1 should be assigned a default address of Now in your xbox setting give it an ip address of 192.168.0.x (not 1 obviously), set the gateway to, leave DNS blank and finally make sure any firewalls are configured to allow the xbox to share the connection and it should work fine. if you still get stuck then look here and follow configuration 2, excellent guide
