
Author Topic: Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?  (Read 150 times)


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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« on: June 03, 2004, 09:28:00 AM »

I'm really looking forward to his next release. UnleashX and twgear are very awesome programmers. They have great features implemented in their dashboards that leave other designers behind. Text editor, Zip support, simplified menus, easy editable config.xml. And for his next release, .rar 3.0 support. I just can't wait to see what else they done with this new dashboard.

Safety in Nimbus

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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2004, 09:59:00 AM »

I think this is a useless poll, of course we're all looking forward to it (=


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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2004, 10:20:00 AM »

Yes, I know that this poll is useless but I just want to know what ya'll think


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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2004, 10:27:00 AM »

I am really looking forward to this next release. I recently moved over from evox.
biggrin.gif  beerchug.gif


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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2004, 10:31:00 AM »

Actually.. this is an interesting poll... (although mostly useless).. I'll be rather amused if (and there will be I suppose) anyone votes no...

I voted 'yes' yeS' 'yES' 'YESSSSSS'

oh.. that felt good...

laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif


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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2004, 12:49:00 PM »

Well, I did intentionally make this poll just to see if someone will vote for no. What do you know, someone did; blink.gif  not me, I voted for yes. The one voted for no, please reply and let us know why.


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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2004, 01:07:00 PM »

WHOA blink.gif , 2 people voted for no, unbelievable.


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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2004, 03:01:00 PM »

YES! I hope it will come out very soon and I hope the 'unwanted features' will be fixed like zip and key keyboard in texteditor. There are enough features in UX, the only NEW feature i want to see is mp3-support and maybe some options for the skins.


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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2004, 06:45:00 PM » is very nice

you people will be happy smile.gif


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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2004, 09:49:00 PM »

Yes , Yes ,Yes

The last UX dash was just so impressive , I'm looking forward to being amazed and bedazzled agian with this new release. biggrin.gif

Thank You UnleashX , Beta testers and any1 else who helps this next release

Cheers beerchug.gif


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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2004, 04:11:00 AM »

I was going to say I'm ok with what i have but  when I bought my xbxo I THOUGHT I was ok with it, then it got modded and I had Evox and again I THOUGHT I was ok with that too, then I got unleashX and I'm planning on being blown away again.


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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2004, 08:32:00 AM »

QUOTE (unleashx @ Jun 4 2004, 03:34 AM)
What? Two people selected 'No'? How many opted for the third? Hmn, maybe I should not do a release, no? ...NOT!!! doing the docs, patience people.  smile.gif

Docs we don't need no stinking docs



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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2004, 01:05:00 AM »

Oh... That first no was from me, i just had to ^___^ but actually i am really looking forward to the upcoming release especially because of the screen resizing feature wich i hope will save this sorry overscanned ass. keke.. so it was just a joke but as for the others... i dunno.. maybe they have a similiar bad sense of humour as me? oh well.. Hope i didn't hurt your feelings UX


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Poll: Are You Looking Forward To The Next Release?
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2004, 03:57:00 AM »

The new version will have the option to change to a lower frame rate for the dash (I only ever use the default skin anyway, no movies etc for me) and that will make it unbeatable. I have always loved the dynamic fan adjustment, and the fact that you can set the threshold and base fan speed in the dash options - as opposed to Avalaunch where you have to edit the xml.
I really can't wait for this release!
beerchug.gif to all.