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Author Topic: Hdtv  (Read 400 times)


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« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2004, 01:16:00 AM »



And I'm supposing this works for 16:9 also. Don't answer. Although, answer if this is incorrect.

You people here are LOVELY!


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« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2004, 11:59:00 PM »

I think 1080i is annoying!
I have an HDTV and i have seen what the XBOX can do in 1080i.
Games run choppy...
XBMC(P)'s text gets too small to read and its all flickery (its still interlaced!)
480p = 4:3
720p = 16:9
I wouldn't even bother testing 1080i.
Me and all my friends have tvs that support 1080i but we dont let our XBOX know that.
Otherwise it wants to switch to it on certain games... and thats no good.
The 480p already looks awsome.
I'd work on 720p for all the 16:9 junkies, if i were you.
Have you ever messed around with bios?
Cause if you could get a progressive bios out there (or a patch) people would love you.
It is annoying as hell to see your tv switch back and forth.


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« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2004, 07:08:00 AM »

There are actually 3 games that will run in 1080i that I know of:
MX Unleashed
Enter the Matrix
& Dragons Lair 3D

None of them run choppy (and MXU runs like butter!) but Dragons Lair does
skip a frame here or there to catch up. Unfortunately the Matrix almost looks
worse in 1080i because the tecture quality is so bland.

It's to bad more TV's don't do 720p... Everytone without it is really missing
out. If all games did 720p I'd be a very happy man!


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« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2004, 09:01:00 AM »

@BOT_toNka: You do know that 1080i is essentially the same as 540P doubled right? I've fed my Mits 540p signal from my laptop through powerstrip and asides from some overscan that I have to fix, 1080i still looks way better than 480p.

Yes, 720p games/signal look awesome. But not all TV sets support 720p. Take a look at most HDTV sets out on the market right now and you will see that the majority of them DO NOT SUPPORT 720p natively. Lucky for you that you got a set that is 720p, but that doesnt mean forget about the masses... HDTV is still in it's infancy and nobody has taken a clear lead in a set uniformed standard. Take a look at the US networks out there broadcasting hdtv signal right now. How many of them are broadcasting 720p vs 1080i? Who knows, maybe the next standard will be 1080P...

And your gripes about XBMP/XBMC text getting too small is just one of the things that they are working on right now since true hdtv resolution support is still experimental. Plus I do not think there is a 1080i specific skin out for them yet either.

And as far as the progressive scan bios goes, that's been discussed before in the audio/video technical forum up on top... But it looks like the THC dash team has made some sort of progress today with being able to finally edit the colors in the blob sequence.


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« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2004, 11:54:00 AM »

Unleashx should develop 1080i support as most people cant display 720p.
I was just in one of those rant moods. So i must say im sorry.
But i still think 1080i sucks cause it is interlaced and limits your visible fps to 30.
1080i might look great for TV and movies cause they dont go above 30fps.
But i believe anyone with a good eye would rather play a game progressive at 60fps, than play interlaced at 30fps.
We dont spend $1,000+ on TVs to look at a flickery screen.
And on the note to games running choppy...
Games even run choppy in 720p (eg. THPS)
If you cant see a frame drop, then you dont have an eye that would appreciate HDTV/Digital.
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