
Author Topic: Orbs For Dummies  (Read 296 times)


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Orbs For Dummies
« on: May 03, 2005, 11:38:00 PM »

Alright guys, I d/led UIX and wanted to use a custom orb but only seemed to find questions here in the Tutorial section as opposed to answers so I did a little research and decided to put this tut up to help those who come after me.

First off you must install UIX (duh). This tutorial was written after installing:

Now I'm not going to go into how to install this stuff, I'm going to hope that you can do that much yourself. After successfully installing you will notice that inside the folder
\(whatever the path is to your UIX root)\user.interface.x.dash\xips\
there are a lot of files with the .xip extension. Think of these files as .zip files. To replace our orb we will need to replace a file inside of one of these xip's so we will need... WinXip. A look through the XBS Tools section and you should be able to get a copy relatively easily. Now we need to replace that pesky orb.

First, take the .xm file that you are going to use in place of the orb (I'm hoping you already have one of those, if not check or for orb packs) and change the name of the orb to

Please make note of the capitilization and such when renaming your file.

***WARNING*** The next step will involve overwriting stuff inside of a necessary file. Please do the intelligent thing and CREATE A BACKUP of any files before changing stuff in them. That is all.

Now open up WinXip and use it to open main_menu.xip in the \(whatever the path is to your UIX root)\user.interface.x.dash\xips\ folder.

Once main_menu.xip is open, right-click on any of the files there and click "Insert..." .

Now select the OrbCell-FACES.xm file you renamed and click ok. The program will ask you to confirm the overwrite, go ahead and confirm.

Now Click "File>Save" and then close WinXip.

Now you need to FTP your new main_menu.xip file over to your xbox and overwrite the once currently in the \(whatever the path is to your UIX root)\user.interface.x.dash\xips\ folder.

Finally, go into UIX and select "System>Dash Configuration>General Settings" and set "Dash Style" to "modded".

Reset your Xbox and when UIX comes up again you should have a modded orb!