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Author Topic: Modding tHc LITE  (Read 265 times)

Cody Smile

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Modding tHc LITE
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2004, 03:08:00 PM »

I guess my patch work then as i have not recived any info about them so today i am going to realeas a G pack and E Pack and F pack Aswell as a Orig Pack so you can store you dash on any drive with a click of a button.


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« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2004, 09:49:00 PM »

Sorry man, didn't make much sense. I was talking about your MusicManager setup. Will you be releasing that now that you know the size of the blocks? Or do we just have to wait?


Cody Smile

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« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2004, 10:30:00 PM »

you mean memory manager i will try to ask Bob McGee first scince he has allready don'e it if he say's no then i will have another crack at it, Now i know 16kb = 1 gig (no it dos'nt it = 16kb to 1 Block fuck i am a dick some times) biggrin.gif

Cody Smile

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« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2004, 02:20:00 AM »

Well the update patch's are uploaded to Spike's Little Patch Site and hope we see them soon on biggrin.gif


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« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2004, 04:20:00 AM »

I have changed my nick name to Spike13 if you care


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« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2004, 08:28:00 PM »

OK...first off...I wrote the code for that pic cody seems to be posting as his.  No one has the "source" except for me.  There appears to be a high level of confusion in this area.  People seem to think the fuck_db patches  magically generate an info panel. They have been available in the download section for months and anyone who has applied them can tell you they won't do anything without the code to convert the output returned by the patches to bytes and display it.  I will be releasing it in a few days...

Second, I not really sure what cody's "patches" do.  It takes five seconds to open the xbe in a hex editor and change the number of the partition where the xip folder is located.  This is nothing new and tutorials to do it have been made countless times.


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« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2004, 02:07:00 AM »

I know that, that is how i made the patch's but i just wanted to make life easy for noob. And i never said i wrote the code i said i have done my own but could not figure out how to convert blocks to kb's to gigs. I used the patch by fuckdb for the memory manger i think there must be confusion as well coz i said i have got f drive to tell me how many blocks i got and that is +50000 that is as far as i got


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Modding tHc LITE
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2004, 06:53:00 AM »

this is a simple litte code i added to my tHc lite. it just made skinning the audio player background much easier!

The code just writes "Soundtrack" and "Song" on the audio player, so you don't have to write it on your audiplayerbg.xbx and you don't have to wory about how the aligning will be.

so, here it is:....

extract the default.xap from the controlpanel.xip
and then search for DEF theSoundtrackText Transform

when you find it paste this code right under where it ends:


DEF theSoundtrackViewText Transform
           appearance Appearance { material MaxMaterial { name "GameHilite" } }
           geometry DEF theSoundtracknameText Text { font "Heading" text "Soundtrack" width -21 }
    scale 6 6 6
    translation -50 22 0
DEF theSoundtrackViewUnderlineText Transform
            appearance Appearance { material MaxMaterial { name "GameHilite" } }
            geometry DEF theSoundtracknameText Text { font "Heading" text "_____________" width -21 }
   scale 6 6 6
   translation -50 22 0

now search for DEF theSongText Transform
and paste this code right under where it ends:


DEF theSongViewText Transform
           appearance Appearance { material MaxMaterial { name "GameHilite" } }
           geometry DEF theSongnameText Text { font "Heading" text "Song" width -21 }
    scale 6 6 6
    translation -50 2 0
DEF theSongViewUnderlineText Transform
            appearance Appearance { material MaxMaterial { name "GameHilite" } }
            geometry DEF theSongnameText Text { font "Heading" text "_____________" width -21 }
   scale 6 6 6
   translation -50 8 0

Now just save default.xap and put it back in controlpanel.xip resign and than ftp it to your xbox.

Now you don't have to write the "soundtrack" and "Song" Text on your aduioplayerbg.xbx

just make your audioplayerbg.xbx without any of the texts and put it in.
The "Soundtrack" and "Song" will be there.

user posted image


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« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2004, 10:20:00 AM »

these patches are cool: and nice code RapBoy ~ I'm using it now biggrin.gif


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« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2004, 11:08:00 AM »

thanks discworld.... biggrin.gif
and here is a update that i added to the code.

this time it just adds your name/screenname/id or what ever u want to call it to the audio panel!

just add this code right where the last code ends.
so, search for DEF theSongViewUnderlineText Transform
and add this code right after it ends:


DEF theSongSkinCreaterText Transform
           appearance Appearance { material MaxMaterial { name "NavType" } }
           geometry DEF theSongnameText Text { font "Heading" text ".:RapBoy:." width -21 }
    scale 7 7 7
    translation 15 22 0

now all you have to do is write your name or what ever you want to write where my id is. and make sure you leave the "<|these marks|> " there.

and when done this is what it will look like (but with your name) wink.gif

user posted image


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« Reply #25 on: May 29, 2004, 06:11:00 AM »

just thought of bumping this, so our peeps can see it.  wink.gif


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« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2004, 05:51:00 PM »

since someone changed the title shoudln't they've also pinned it?  wink.gif


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« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2004, 07:04:00 PM »

smile.gif would love to see some screenies of the games in the memory menu smile.gif

If this works and looks cool, I may actually move from tHc full as the games menu is the only thing holding me back wink.gif


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« Reply #28 on: May 30, 2004, 01:40:00 AM »

Thanks to xxwillisxx for this code
Orig thread

In mainmenu5/default.xap look for

DEF Main_pod_backing02 Transform
(its at the end)
and make it look like this
DEF Main_pod_backing02 Transform

           rotation 0 1 0 -2
           translation -2 -0.3 0
           scale 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030
           DEF consoleMat Transform
             rotation -1 -1 0 0.7
               appearance Appearance
               material MaxMaterial
                 name "MenuCell"
                 //name "MenuCell"
               geometry DEF console-FACES Mesh { url "console-FACES.xm" }
           DEF consoleGlow Transform
             rotation -1 -1 0 0.7
               appearance Appearance
               material MaxMaterial
                 //name "MenuCell"
                 name "MenuCell"
               geometry USE console-FACES
         scale 0.025 0.025 0.025
         translation -4.3 -0.3 0
   rotation -1 -1 0 0.7
   translation -0.000597 0.027510 0.099250


now go in memory_files2 and extract
and put it in mainmenu5

if someone can take a sreen shot of this and the other code it would be helpfull, i have got images but no were to upload it


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« Reply #29 on: May 30, 2004, 01:53:00 AM »

Orig thread by me!

This might help for those who have newer *Lite* dashes with the config.xap. I've modified the code slightly so that you can step through each background and loads the last set background from the Config file (Config.xbx).

Heres the code that I adapted from fornorst & vintster


First off you need a global variable to track which BG is loaded. So enter this
var nBG;

right after this:
var CurrentGameBoardAltViewpoint;

Now look for this:
DEF theSkinBackground Background

Then add this code below that function. Here I added a background with no image so that you can easily turn off the background.

DEF myBackgroundList Group
DEF background0 Background{ skyColor 0 0 0 backdrop ImageTexture { url "" }}
DEF background1 Background{ skyColor 0 0 0 backdrop ImageTexture { url "Background.xbx" }}
DEF background2 Background{ skyColor 0 0 0 backdrop ImageTexture { url "Background1.xbx" }}

function loadBackground(n)
//var n = Math.round(Math.random() * (myBackgroundList.children.length() - 1));
var m = myBackgroundList.children.length();
if(n > (m-1))
n = 0;
nBG = 0;
myBackgroundList.children[n].isBound = true;

Go down too:
DEF theMainMenu Level

Go down until you see:

Just put this above it:

Now go to:
DEF theMainMenuJoy Joystick

Go down until you see:
function OnBlackDown()

And replace it with:
   function OnBlackDown()
  if((RightTrigger == true) & (LeftTrigger == true))
    theGameBoardLayer.visible = true;
    theGameBoardInline.children[0].theGameBoardDisplay.fade = 1;

Now look for:
function GetBGM()

And add these functions after that function:
function GetCBG()
  var info = new Settings;
  info.file = "Y:\\config.xbx";
  var cbg = info.GetValue("CurrentBackground");
  nBG = ReturnInteger(cbg);

function ChangeCBG()
  nBG = nBG + 1;
  var info = new Settings;
  info.file = "Y:\\config.xbx";
  var ccbg = info.SetValue("CurrentBackground", nBG);


Now in Config.xbx add this at the top:

To add more backgrounds put them in the skins.xip and edit the default.xap like this for each background added:
DEF Background1 Transform
          appearance Appearance
              texture ImageTexture
                  url "Background1.xbx"
          geometry Mesh { url "skin.xm" }
  translation 0 0 300
DEF Background2 Transform
          appearance Appearance
              texture ImageTexture
                  url "Background2.xbx"
          geometry Mesh { url "skin.xm" }
  translation 0 0 300

now you are done to use just hold down left & right triggers and black to change backgrounds

will add code so you can move forwards and backward and maybe a full screen so you can see the hole background tongue.gif
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