
Author Topic: Font Modded Xbox Problems  (Read 39 times)


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Font Modded Xbox Problems
« on: April 01, 2004, 04:50:00 PM »


When I tried the font hack (MA Fonts) it moaned at me, I reolized I needed to use the Font-patched version and rename my Xbox and Xbox Book files to .fnt.

This worked, the system boots. But as SOON as I select the "Settings" menu I get Error 21??

I even tried deleting the tHc_Dash_v1G.10027100 folder from C and re-uploading it, again, it loads fine, but as soon as it gets to the advanced settings set up Error 21.

I even tried putting tHc_Dash_v1G.10027100 on E as I thought maybe the font-hacked version had been modded to work from there, but the same error.

Also, I have tried running the .xbe from E and C, no luck in that.

I am using PBL that at the moment boots MXM, however I want to change this once I have this sorted. I have the tHc dashboard as a menu item in MXM at the moment.

Any help would be nice smile.gif Thanks!


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Font Modded Xbox Problems
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2004, 11:34:00 PM »
