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Author Topic: Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation  (Read 333 times)


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2004, 10:42:00 PM »

i followed these instructions and i cant seem to program the spare 2 dash options after placing memory and music in settings ???

there's one thing unclear in all tuts! what if i shit on tabs like soundrack and memory? can i link a tab in the cfg to a *.xbe like evox or xbmp without messing the dash up when going to the config mode??

I agree.  It seems that once you place the "music" and "memory" tabs in the settings folder you should be able to program the extra main menu tabs for any .xbe you like.  I have tried selecting different folder types (settings with sub folders, settings type, etc.) to program the extra main menu tabs but there is no area to write code (specifically xbe targets)...I guess this option is not available.

If I could use the main menu tabs for xbmc and a game folder, i would replace evox as the main dash...


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #31 on: July 05, 2004, 10:34:00 PM »

hmmp.. mine freezes when it loads.. running off C:.. im running ude btw..


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2003, 06:07:00 PM »

thankz for the info.. i had it set up to a way that I like it..  but was wondering how to set it up on Hard Drive.. got it now... biggrin.gif


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2003, 09:13:00 PM »

ok.. i dont meant to sound dumb, but i am havin a prob listing my dashboards....
  So far they only way to get them to work is if I leave the thc folders on the root of C... otherwise i get error 21s. I can however place the xbes in a folder... "c:dash" leaving the thc folders on root... dashes load fine that way? But nothing shows up in my dash menu?
  I've tried moving all to c:dash e:dash.. (have no F) error 21s every time:( I've tried to have all at root, and for folder name input "root" still nothing... So... am I stuck with no list of dashes.... or am I missing something? Do I have to hex edit the dashes xbes in search of folders? I dont know.... tryin this for the last couple of dasy. and gettin tired of seein that stupid big green sceen 21!



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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2003, 03:57:00 AM »

thx for the GREAT tut, it's all inside ^^

The Axledental DJ

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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2003, 09:10:00 PM »

It took me about 4 hours to figure this tHc dashboard green version. There's a way to screw up the config so all Main menu items will be the same and thus leaving out the configt mode option in the settings.So after 3 re-tries of loadin in the clean Green tHc Dashboard 10027100. I got the "Hard Drive" Main menue Button to display my proper styles as Games, Applications, Emulators, Dashboards, all properly and all find the appropriet file applications on the HDD. We used  Music Copy Style with Submenue 1. What is needed is a better tutroial or FAQ, some of the configs options and helps were confusing. Still, we are tryin to get the Quick Launch features to work properly, readin the Tutorial pressing L+R and A, B,
Y, or X are supposed to launch the Quick launch apps, I only have 1 turned on and in the right path, still, doesnt Quick Launch it. I can Turn off the backgound MS dashboard music, Togglin the Right Thumbstick in launches a type of screen saver thingy.
All in All, I love this pre-release hacked dashboard. Love that I don't have to use Xdash Utils anymore to add in a new Game I put on the Xbox HDD.


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #36 on: December 22, 2003, 12:32:00 AM »

What is needed is a better tutroial


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2003, 04:29:00 AM »

Good to see u got it working Alx  ,  when doing quick launch options make sure u press X after setting it , and pm me so we can talk about those things  wink.gif


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #38 on: December 22, 2003, 04:57:00 AM »

damn i had been naming the xbe wrong the whole time.  This is fucking amazing.  Great job again guys.  Jbone how many times you gonna top yourself??!!??  You and Gcue own this dash now.


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #39 on: December 22, 2003, 06:41:00 AM »

more specficially, using mirc, how do youy get onto the channel?  like whats the irc server "address"?


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #40 on: December 22, 2003, 07:30:00 AM »

QUOTE (jacobesterque @ Dec 22 2003, 04:41 PM)
more specficially, using mirc, how do youy get onto the channel?  like whats the irc server "address"?

Network: EFnet
Channel: #xboxdash


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #41 on: December 22, 2003, 07:45:00 AM »

QUOTE (Cr4z33 @ Dec 22 2003, 05:30 PM)
QUOTE (jacobesterque @ Dec 22 2003, 04:41 PM)
more specficially, using mirc, how do youy get onto the channel?  like whats the irc server "address"?

Network: EFnet
Channel: #xboxdash

thats not working.  i was looking for something like:


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #42 on: December 22, 2003, 06:14:00 PM »

i kwow my next question will, to some extent, kinda defeat the purpose of the auto installer, but ... what if someone wanted to do this manually?  more specifically, what if i wanted to name tabs and shtiff to my likings and not depend on the auto naming thing?  does it not read off of the folders the .xbe are in?


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #43 on: December 22, 2003, 06:43:00 PM »

QUOTE (jacobesterque @ Dec 23 2003, 04:14 AM)
i kwow my next question will, to some extent, kinda defeat the purpose of the auto installer, but ... what if someone wanted to do this manually?  more specifically, what if i wanted to name tabs and shtiff to my likings and not depend on the auto naming thing?  does it not read off of the folders the .xbe are in?

have ya tried config mode ?
you can set whatever you want to whatever you want
if that ain't good enough for ya - happy coding


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Mini-tutorial On Thc Pre-release Dash Installation
« Reply #44 on: December 22, 2003, 11:46:00 PM »

QUOTE (BobMcGee @ Dec 22 2003, 05:14 PM)
ImOkRuOk - I added a little blurb in the tutorial on how to fix the dash if you've locked yourself out of config mode by messing with the menu types incorrectly.

Also it doesn't seem like you understand the concept of relative paths.  If you put all your dashes in a folder called dashes on e: or c: you wouldn't put root in the path name.  You would just put "dashes."  It will find the folder regardless of which partition you put the folder.

jacobesterque - it doesn't matter what EFnet server you go to.  Just pick any one from the list of EFnet servers in the options menu of can even select to have mIRC try a random EFnet server....then enter channel #xboxdash

I know:) I thought I said that.... when I left them at root, i put root as folder name...
 I've set it up so my dashes are at c:dashes.... in config I put dashes for folder name... still not showing up though...
 If I put the dashes and all they're subfolders into c:dashes, i get error 21's on all of them.... If i put the subfolders on the root of c... and leave the xbes in c:dashes.. they work? I do have the font xploit xbes, as they're the only way i can get this to work for me, duh:)
 So... would I have to hexedit any xbes to get them to work in c:dashes?
  (i hope i dont sound dumb dry.gif )
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