
Author Topic: What Are The Right Pathes  (Read 52 times)


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What Are The Right Pathes
« on: December 12, 2003, 01:50:00 AM »



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What Are The Right Pathes
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2003, 07:04:00 AM »

I was pleased to see this question asked and answered. I have had the same problem
linking my folders to the THc dash ( Sweet dash at that ) untill reading this post.

In config mode when i press X i see that i have my "Games Folder" named as HDDLoader, just as it is named on my F Partition.

And as i've just read the dash should now check all partitions for a dir named HDDLoader
and display a list for its contents but its not. Yet when i read the above post i ftp'd to my xbox and renamed my HDDLoader dir to "games" as per the default folder name for THc dash,  then my games were listed yet in the config mode my "Games Folder" is still set to HDDLoader and it found the games but when i ftp'd back to the box again and named it back to the correct name of HDDLoader, the games disappeared from the dash.

I have to have it named HDDLoader as i use PX HDDLoader. Is there a way to have PX HDDLoader add my games to F\games instead of F\HDDLoader?