
Author Topic: Changing Skins  (Read 39 times)


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Changing Skins
« on: November 30, 2003, 02:42:00 AM »

I have the blue tHC dash on my box at the moment, but i wanted to change the skin. I inserted all the xbx files into the correct files and saved. I also used hexbe editor to change the colours. I then resigned it to the xboxdash.xbe on the f, which is the same one i edited in hexbe editor. But now when i get to the boot screen, it saids x-select 0.6 but nothing happens. I even tried without resigning. And before you ask, i did ftp all the xip files over into the correct location.

The skin i am trying to implement is the vicedash.

Is there anyway i can put this skin on???


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Changing Skins
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2003, 08:40:00 AM »

sad.gif it's a black screen... but no err21 laugh.gif
I've tried last ver of Hexbe & DashColorPatcher (with f: support wink.gif ) to get the whitey ICE colours of Midnight_Worlock... but no way !

I think we gonna wait for next releases of hexbe/dashcolorpatch... or for the final tHc version wink.gif


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Changing Skins
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2003, 08:00:00 AM »

Thx for ya reply BobMcGee !

sorry... but i didn't undestand what you said :

we talk about da tHc pre-release (taken from irc #xboxdash) version 10027100 (i didn't know it's including "no-resign"... ?) & i know only 1 no-resign patch, it's from fuckdb and called 5659 Dash Full Noxip Resign Patch V1.1...

So you mean, i take an original xboxdash.xbe (version 1.0 or 2.0 ?) to change colors on it & then patch with fuckdb's "no-resign" ?

Perhaps i'm stupid... but i don't wanna mix 17e4cd00 (.xbe) & 10027100 (.xap) files... or maybe i would ?