
Author Topic: Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder  (Read 124 times)


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Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder
« on: October 07, 2003, 11:12:00 AM »

This was done on 10027100 version dash music easy config setup, it SHOULD work for other versions, but im NOT too sure about Live2.0, i cant test it, anyways here it is

First thing you will want to do is choose your sound(s)(wav) add them into a folder and define it as a new group, like this EG:

OPEN up the default.xip/default.xap and ADD it, like this

DEF theSegaSounds Group
               AudioClip { url "Audio/SegaSounds/sega.wav" volume 1.00 }
      AudioClip { url "Audio/SegaSounds/start.wav" volume 1.00 }
      AudioClip { url "Audio/SegaSounds/ring.wav" volume 1.00 }

Folder is just called SegaSounds, and add it into Audio folder in XBOX C:(you of course can use ANY names you want, but i suggest avoiding Spaces etc, to be sure)

ok in the default.xip/default.xap, lets say i wanted start.wav to play on dash bootup and i want ring.wav to play when i push the the "R" shoulder button,

BOTH are gonna be mainmenu, so look and find :
// Main Menu Area sounds

ADD your wanted sounds in at the bottom like this

DEF theStartSound AudioClip { url "Audio/SegaSounds/start.wav" volume 1.00 }
DEF theRingSound AudioClip { url "Audio/SegaSounds/ring.wav" volume 1.00 }
DEF theRestartSound AudioClip { url "Audio/SegaSounds/restart.wav" volume 1.00 }

(NOTE you can cross them into ANY Menu area from the SAME added folder thats not a problem and if you want a sound for menu transforms etc, thats EASY, no need for functions etc)

just add it like so :
DEF theSettingsMenuIn AudioClip { url "Audio/SegaSounds/Restart.wav" volume 0.92 }

ok now add the functions like this : underneath the last of the Menu Area sounds

function PlayStartSound()

function PlayRingSound()

OK, now with THAT done, i wanted start.wav to play on startup of the dash

so find :
function onLoad()
then add

and as for the other you can go like this, Find : OnRightDown
(if it dont FIND that try OnXDown and ADD a new one for OnRightDown nearby to it)

i am gonna use "R" trigger tho' so in this EG put :

function OnRightDown() {

you can also advance it to work WITH another function like if you have done the modification shown HERE

you can do stuff like

function OnRightDown() {

This will result in the sound effect AND background change at the same time.

so there ya have it, EnJoY, have fun, and experiment a little


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Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2003, 11:28:00 AM »

wow a fart sound when you click on a menu? Or a woman screeming when you choose a different dash?  Cool.


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Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2003, 12:39:00 PM »

did no-one find this useful or interesting ??

and yea, you can pretty much add a sound to ANYTHING you do function-wise


i am looking to add a "pause" or a "break" into the code does anyone at all know the correct syntax to do so, when i say "pause" i mean like this EG:

function OnRightDown() {
** BREAK or Pause for 2 seconds **

so if anyone can help me out here with this i have some really Cool ideas, but t make PROPER use of them i need to find out how to "Pause" the code if you like

and i already tried the period 2 command, it wont seem to work,

any ideas, or suggestions are welcomed


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Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2003, 02:16:00 AM »

ok firstly find

DEF theMainMenu Level

then just underneath you will see the one you want
you will be looking at something like this

function onLoad()
               // Adjust our transforms if necessary
               theMainJoystick.secretKey = "YX";
               var c = theMainMenu.children[0].children[0];

just add in whatever your sound effect is after the { and before the //Adjust line

if you used the same names as i used in the posted example, it can go like this:

function onLoad()
               // Adjust our transforms if necessary
               theMainJoystick.secretKey = "YX";
               var c = theMainMenu.children[0].children[0];

as for the wavs, it really dont matter, so long as they are .wav file they will work, also to note, when i was experimenting with this, as some are louder than others, it might also be worth tweeking and setting the volume for them, but thats done when you define them anyways

I hope this has helped, and also, after your changes dont forget to save and re-sign  smile.gif


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Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2003, 05:59:00 AM »

you shouldnt need to re-sign, but i usually do,

if you are running a no-re-sign dash, its uaually the case that text edits dont need to be re-signed, BUT if you ADD a NEW xap or a NEW XIP then you Will need to re-sign either way, i would suggest re-sign to make sure, this wont effect your dash in any way, so long as you have the chip turned on.

but make a backup of your dash before trying out any new, then if there IS a problem, you can restart from your current setup and try again.

i suggest keep a safeguard when doing ANY edits, like have Avalaunch or EvoX load up on initial boot, so you can FTP in if need be.

Lemme know how it goes m8, i think my added sound fx sound great. smile.gif


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Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2003, 07:21:00 AM »

Hi BigGanja ,

Well I'm still playing about with this and I have managed to remove all the ambient effects and all but one ambient track which I've replaced with my chosen tune ( Moon Toon from Alien Sex Fiend's 'Inferno' soundtrack ).
I have managed to get the tune to play even when I change to a different menu but not when I return to the mainmenu.
This is fairly obvious to me due to the menus not being launched as 'child' processes but as 'parent' processes and so starting the mainmenu is about the same as rebooting the dash in code terms.

Any ideas on how to resolve this so that the background track starts once and then loops without any of the menus , including returning to the mainmenu , restarting the tune ????




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Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2003, 07:47:00 AM »

Hey BigGanja , I've cracked it !!! smile.gif

In the default.xip , extract all the xap files and search each one for 'function OnActivate()' and remove the 'EnableAmbientSound' line from each of them.

This stops the background track from ever being restarted un-necessarilly !


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Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2003, 08:46:00 AM »

Spoke too soon , got a weird effect where the Ambient Track only starts when the Xbox LAN port is plugged into a live device such as the PC ( when it's on ) else the dash starts up but no background music !

This could take a while to find out why !


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Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2003, 01:48:00 PM »

? I never said you need to extract all the XAP's ?

u only need to edit default.xip/default.xap, then you place your chosen sounds into a new folder, and route your chosen sound effects into the new folder, if its music you want to use, you can

either A: set it like
function OnRightDown() {
PlayRingSound(); }

or B: convert your chosen music into .WMA format add it into your soundtracks and call THAT soundtrack whatever you like, STARTING with (and finishing like) EG:- (SegaDASH)

THAT plays as first soundtrack for me, and if you only put that one track into it you can guarantee that it will load THAT track up first, so long as you use the soundtracks play code

anyways, not sure if this has helped or not, as im not entirly sure of your problem m8 uhh.gif but if this hasn't helped, please let me know what you properly mean

Not got as much access to a computer atM, LoL


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Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2003, 03:32:00 PM »

ok, you want this moon_tune to play on the launch of the dash ?? and at no other time ?

i dont understand why you had overwritten the original Ambient sounds ?  LoL , but hey, thats your choice, the reason why i did mine the way i did, was because i didnt have to erase the original sounds, and i could easily revert them back at a later date, if need be.

anyways, if this is what you are wanting to archive firstly ADD a new folder and put your sound into that folder, follow just as my example, just name your folder something like Extras do it as i stated, and dont skip any steps,

its like with my modded sega themed dash, i have it so on boot its got that megadrive segaaaaaaaaaa voice also found on your sonic games etc, from off the megadrive smile.gif

if i STiLL have the wrong end of the stick, just lemme know, LoL its kinda hard atM, coz im not at home and cant really look at and play about with my dash code.


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Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2003, 10:25:00 PM »

I think I see what you mean , I should do this in the default.xap :-

function onLoad()

Is that it ?

I think I tried that already but to be sure I'll give it a go this afternoon and let you know.

As for over writting the original ambient stuff it was , in retrospect , unnecessary. I did it because I wanted to get rid of all the ambient stuff and just have the original sfx and my tune so it seemed like the right way to do it , at the time !!  smile.gif

Thanks again !



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Adding A New Dash Music/sfx Folder
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2003, 03:08:00 AM »

That did the job BigGanja , Thanks !!!

I think it failed when I tried the same thing before because there are about 6-7 OnLoad functions and the one I chose the first time wasn't any good but the one I have just done it with works fine.

