
Author Topic: Trouble Shooting  (Read 50 times)


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Trouble Shooting
« on: September 26, 2003, 08:00:00 AM »

rolleyes.gif  blink.gif
this is my config but it dont show the games/media player where have i gone wrong ????

function setvar()
   configloaded = 1;
///                                     ///  
///                                   DASHBOARD SETTINGS                     ///
///                                     ///
/// Set to true to use the 5 Button Main Menu // Set to false to use the 4 Button Main Menu

   use5ButtonMainMenu = true;
///                                     ///
/// MAINMENU BUTTON NAMES...                           ///
///                                     ///
/// Set the main menu items                           ///
/// You can set them to whatever you like                     ///
///                                     ///
   MainMenuItem1 = "STORAGE";
   MainMenuItem2 = "MEMORY";
   MainMenuItem3 = "DASHBOARDS";  // This will be removed when using the 4 Button Menu
   MainMenuItem4 = "XBOX MEDIA PLAYER";  
   MainMenuItem5 = "SETTINGS";
///                                     ///
/// MAIN MENU BUTTON LINKS...                           ///
///                                     ///
/// Set the Launcher menus to launch from the main menu (requested)            ///
/// Doing this will skip the Settings style menu and bring you straight to your launch menu   ///
/// If you would like to use the Settings Style menu just set to 0;            ///
/// Options you can use:                           ///
///                                     ///
/// 0 = Settings Style Menu with SubMenus                     ///
/// 1 = Apps Launcher menu                           ///
/// 2 = Emus Launcher menu                           ///
/// 3 = Games Launcher menu                           ///
/// 4 = Dashboards Launcher menu                        ///
/// 5 = Original Music menu                           ///
/// 6 = Original Settings menu                           ///
/// 7 = Original Memory menu                           ///
/// 8 = Launches Xbox Media Player straight from the Main Menu (Requested)         ///
///                                     ///  
   MainMenuLaunch1 = 0;
   MainMenuLaunch2 = 7;
   MainMenuLaunch3 = 4;  // This will be removed when using the 4 Button Menu
   MainMenuLaunch4 = 8;
   MainMenuLaunch5 = 6;

// Select the style of the menu you want for your Main Menu Items
// options are either musicstyle or newstyle
// 1 = musicstyle
// 2 = newstyle

//  Dash Menu
   subMenutype1 = 1;

//  Apps Menu
   subMenutype2 = 2;

//   Emu Menu
   subMenutype3 = 1;

//  Games Menu
   subMenutype4 = 2;                              

   XBMPpath = "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\apps\Xbox Media Player";
///                                     ///
/// Settings Style Menu with SubMenus...                     ///
///                                     ///
/// Set the SubMenu Items                           ///
/// You can set them to whatever you want                     ///
/// Set how many SubMenu items you are goin to use                  ///
///                                     ///
   SubMenuItems = 5;  // 6 or less

   SubMenuItem1 = "Games";
   SubMenuItem2 = "Applications";
   SubMenuItem3 = "Emulators";
   SubMenuItem4 = "Reboot";
   SubMenuItem5 = "Shutdown";
   SubMenuItem6 = "Shutdown";
///                                     ///
/// SubMenus...                                 ///
///                                     ///
/// Set what Menus you want to launch from each SubMenu item               ///
/// Options you can use:                           ///
///                                     ///
/// 0 = Dashboards Menu                              ///
/// 1 = Apps menu                              ///
/// 2 = Emus menu                              ///
/// 3 = Games menu                              ///
/// 4 = Reboot Xbox                              ///
/// 5 = Shutdown Xbox                              ///
///                                     ///
   SubMenuLaunch1 = 3;
   SubMenuLaunch2 = 1;
   SubMenuLaunch3 = 2;
   SubMenuLaunch4 = 4;
   SubMenuLaunch5 = 5;
   SubMenuLaunch6 = 5;

/// Customize the Names For Your SubMenus this is what will appear in top of menu

   appsMenuName = "APPLICATIONS";
   gamesMenuName = "GAMES";

///                                     ///
/// Original Settings Menu...                           ///
///                                     ///  
/// Customize the options available in your settings menu               ///
/// as well as change the language of non translatable menu items            ///
///                                     ///
/// Settings Menu may either conatin or not contain the following... true or false wink.gif

   memorymanagerpresent = true;  //Memory Menu
   musicmanagerpresent = true;   //Music Menu
   dashboardspresent = true;     //Dashboards Menu
   rebootpresent = true;     //Reboot option in menu
   shutdownpresent = true;     //Power Off option in menu

/// enter the correct translation-customization for menu text

   memorymanagertext = "Memory Manager";
   musicmanagertext = "Music Manager";
   dashboardstext = "Dashboards";
   reboottext = "Reboot System";
   powertext = "Power Off System";
   audiotext = "Audio Settings";
   videotext = "Video Settings";
///                                     ///
/// Miscellaneous Options...                           ///
///                                     ///

// Background Music on boot instead on button press - true-false

  autoBGM = false;

// Pop Up for Power Off Xbox Hot Key Text

   powerofffunctiontext = "Power off Xbox ?";

// Enable-Disable Launch Animations - true-false - if you have problems launching titles
// set to false - may still have some snags ;(

   enablelaunchanim = false;

//  Custom System Info Screen...
//  Customize the Text in Your SysTem Info - here's an example using unicode character values
//  Start/Run/charmap will bring up charmap util - select character you want - then use the
//  code in lower left inside the quotes preceeded by a u - i.e. u2122 = TM symbol

   xboxname = "Xbox Nextu2122";

   customsysinfo = "Xbox Nextu2122 n Brought to you by JbOnE and Gcue. n Nothing on this system is copyrighted, and if it was, it isn't anymore. n The basic design and programming were done by MS and the guys at REZN8, all modifications to their code was done by Team XboxDash wink.gif n Enjoy your system !!! n n pEAcE n tHe XboxDash CrEw";

/// Auto Launch DVDx2 when DVD is inserted in drive - true or false

   autoDvdx2 = false;

/// Set path to dvdx2

   dvdx2path = "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\apps\dvd player";

///                                     ///
/// Main Menu HotKeys...                            ///
///                                     ///
/// Set the launch paths paths for Hot Keys (so you can launch xbe's from Main Menu with   ///
/// a press of a button )                           ///
///                                     ///
/// Left Trigger
/// on or off - true or false
   ltlaunchon = false;
/// launchpath
   ltlaunch = "path to defaultxbe of title you wish to launch";

/// Right Trigger
/// on or off - true or false
   rtlaunchon = false;
/// launchpath
   rtlaunch = "path to defaultxbe of title you wish to launch";

/// Black Button
/// on or off - true or false
   bllaunchon = true;
/// launchpath
   bllaunch = "DeviceHarddisk0Partition2dashboardsevoxevoxdash.xbe";

/// White Button
/// on or off - true or false
   whlaunchon = true;
/// launchpath
   whlaunch = XBMPpath;

///                                     ///
/// PASSWORD Options...                              ///
///                                     ///
/// Left Trigger = L // Right Trigger = R // X button = x // Y button = y // A button = a //   ///
/// White Button = W // Black Button = B //                     ///
/// D-Pad Up = u // D-Pad Down = d // D-Pad Right = r // D-Pad Left = l //         ///
/// Dont use b button !!                           ///
///                                     ///
   password = "aaaa";

/// 0 = No Password // 1 = 1st SubMenu // 2 = 2nd SubMenu // 3 = 3rd SubMenu
/// 4 = 4th SubMenu // 5 = 5th SubMenu // 6 = 6th SubMenu

   nPsswrd = 0;  
///                                     ///
///                                      Storage Settings               ///
///                                     ///
///                                     ///
/// Set the names of the folders you use for your launchables.               ///
/// These are the paths which the dash will look to fill your menus.            ///
/// Dash will look on both E and F for Apps/Games/Emus/Dash folder names you set here.      ///
/// Dash will also look on C for Dashboards in the folder you name for Dashes.         ///
/// If you want Dash to look in a folder within a folder (ie - /games/emus/)         ///
/// set the game name like so...  emulatorsfolder = "games\emus";            ///
///                                     ///
   applicationsfolder = "apps";

   dashboardsfolder = "dashboards";

   emulatorsfolder = "emu";

   gamesfolder = "games";

///                                     ///
///                     End of Configuration File            ///
///                                     ///


   if(autoBGM == true)
