
Author Topic: True_blue_msdash_patcher_1012a700  (Read 82 times)


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« on: September 09, 2003, 04:22:00 PM »

ohmy.gif where in the heck can i get it? its not in the ussual places or the really unusual places either, I have searched the forums asked on irc channel and all and i cant seem to find it, i only found the other version which is incompatible with my dash since its 1012a700 dash ph34r.gif


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« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2003, 04:45:00 PM »

Have you tried here....


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« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2003, 05:27:00 PM »

yes i have and i didnt find it theres only the 5 in 1 pack and its not compatible with my dash since the pack is Xbox Dash 10027100 and mine is 1012a700


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« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2003, 06:03:00 PM »

biggrin.gif well i couldnt and i finally found it, including the red version in the internet junkyard  beerchug.gif  rotfl.gif when I look for something I find it.....even if it doesnt exist


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« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2003, 09:39:00 PM »

Where did u find it cuz im having trouble finding it my self


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« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2003, 04:28:00 PM »

wink.gif it was on a ftp server, if you want it pm me...But on the other Note -__- Anyone having any probs with the submenus?? my Dash crashes when i select it other than that Everything works on the other tabs.
    use5ButtonMainMenu = true;

    MainMenuItem1 = "GAMES";
    MainMenuItem2 = "EMULATORS";
    MainMenuItem3 = "XBOX MEDIA PLAYER";
    MainMenuItem4 = "APPLICATIONS";
    MainMenuItem5 = "SETTINGS";

    // Set the Launcher menus to launch from the main menu (requested)
    // Doing this will skip the Settings style menu and bring you straight to your launch menu
    // If you would like to use the Settings Style menu just set to 0;
    // Options you can use:
    // 0 = Settings Style Submenu
    // 1 = Apps menu
    // 2 = Emus menu
    // 3 = Games menu
    // 4 = Dashboards menu
    // 5 = Original Music menu
    // 6 = Original Settings menu
    // 7 = Original Memory menu
    // 8 = Launches Xbox Media Player straight from the Main Menu (Requested)

    MainMenuLaunch1 = 3;
    MainMenuLaunch2 = 2;
    MainMenuLaunch3 = 8;
    MainMenuLaunch4 = 0;
    MainMenuLaunch5 = 6;

    // Set path to Xbox Media Player

    XBMPpath = "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\XBMP\";

// Set the SubMenu Items
// You can set them to whatever you want
// Set how many SubMenu items you are goin to use

    SubMenuItems = 4;  // 6 or less

    SubMenuItem1 = "Applications";
    SubMenuItem2 = "Dashboards";
    SubMenuItem3 = "Reboot";
    SubMenuItem4 = "Shutdown";

    // Set what Menus you want to launch from each SubMenu item
    // Options you can use:
    // 0 = Dashboards Menu
    // 1 = Apps menu
    // 2 = Emus menu
    // 3 = Games menu
    // 4 = Reboot Xbox
    // 5 = Shutdown Xbox

    SubMenuLaunch1 = 1;
    SubMenuLaunch2 = 0;
    SubMenuLaunch3 = 4;
    SubMenuLaunch4 = 5;


    password = "0"; // Dont use b

    // Left Trigger = L // Right Trigger = R // X button = x // Y button = y // A button = a //
    // White Button = W // Black Button = B //
    // D-Pad Up = u // D-Pad Down = d // D-Pad Right = r // D-Pad Left = l //

    nPsswrd = 1;  // 0 = No Password // 1 = 1st Menu // 2 = 2nd Menu // 3 = 3rd Menu // 4 = 4th Menu // 5 = 5th Menu // 6 = 6th Menu

// Set the name of the Dash/App/Game/Emu to the same name as the folder it resides in on your xbox hard drive
// And set the two paths to the main directory of your games/apps/emus/dashes

    dashsMenuName = "DASHBOARDS";
    numberOfDashs = 2;  // 10 or less for now
    dashespath = new Array ( "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\Dashboards\",
         "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\Dashboards\Media X Menu" );

    dashname = new Array ( "Avalaunch",
       "Media X Menu" );


    appsMenuName = "APPLICATIONS";
    numberOfApps = 4;  // 15 or less for now

    appspath = new Array ( "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\Apps\",
       "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\Apps\Config Magic\",
       "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\Apps\HDD Loader\" );

    appname = new Array ( "Xpad",
      "Config Magic",
      "HDD Loader" );


    emusMenuName = "EMULATORS";
    numberOfEmus = 5;  // 15 or less for now

    emuspath = new Array ( "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\Emulators\",
       "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\Emulators\Nintendo 64\",
       "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\Emulators\Sega Genesis\",
       "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\Emulators\Super Nintendo\",
       "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\Emulators\Playstation\" );

    emuname = new Array ( "Nintendo",
      "Nintendo 64",
      "Sega Genesis",
      "Super Nintendo",
      "Atari 2600",
      "Playstation" );
Anyone help me out on this one, I have tried everything and it keeps on crashing. blink.gif


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« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2003, 04:48:00 PM »

ya i know your prob, u have to many paths like in  emus and dashboards only use the 2 u start with and change them it finds them automatically as long as say u got GENESIS put GENESIS in config.xap and also for the emu name the folder GENESIS it finds it auto u dont have to put every path that could be your prob


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« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2003, 04:54:00 PM »

sad.gif Thnx for your quick replies


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« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2003, 09:40:00 AM »



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« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2003, 09:17:00 PM »

ohmy.gif Anyone at all help?? My submenu tab freezes when I select it, other than that every other tab works. The submenu tab is named Applications. I removed the extra Directories to the submenu items and put the apps the same name as the dir but it still freezes, I even tried a re-install and I still get the same freeze when going into the submenu sad.gif