
Author Topic: Collections, Arrays, Menus In Actionscript...  (Read 181 times)


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Collections, Arrays, Menus In Actionscript...
« on: August 25, 2004, 06:45:00 AM »

Hello All,

Well it has indeed been a long time since I have been around. I had talked a while back about writing an installer using mxm. I wish I could wait for the next rev. But I need to do this now... with that in mind, I have a couple of questions about limitations of actionscript in the currently publicly released version of mxm.

Can actionscripts let you loop through a collection say folders or files performing an action on each item in the collection?

Does action script allow for arrays. Can I, for example, make an array of install options and add to it, each option the user chooses. Then when they are done, install based the elements of the array.

Can I make a menu similar to if they were just using mxm to choose a game? I mean, I know I can make a menu of options and say "Press A for this, B for that, X for the other...." But if I could just make a list of items they could scroll up and down through and choose an item from the list. It would also be cool in that then I could make preview videos for those menu options.

I would also like it if I could make a list of apps from a folder available as a submenu. For example, I keep a lot of tools on the Install DVD. So if they choose the Tools menu option, it would a menu with all of the subfolders containing xbe's.

Anyway, that is what I am looking for at the moment...  any help would be greatly appreciated...



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Collections, Arrays, Menus In Actionscript...
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2004, 08:38:00 AM »

You can use an array of sorts simply by using XML functions.

For loops you'll have to use "If's" and "Goto's"

As for scrolling through a list. That is a bit more envolved. Check the WIP Script forum for the FileManager. Obviously it WIP MXM only but you'll get a better understanding.


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Collections, Arrays, Menus In Actionscript...
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2004, 09:22:00 AM »

There's quite a bit more data manipulation for the WIP ActionScripting, as Flattspott said, you can scan the WIP forum for examples and details.

Obviously, most of it is not available in "n6", but I'm generally open to adding to the WIP Tester stable when users contribute with clever/useful scripts and skins. wink.gif


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Collections, Arrays, Menus In Actionscript...
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2004, 05:45:00 PM »


Thanks, I will check that out...


As always, Thanks for (IMHO) the best available dashboard, which also happens to have the brightest future.... You are awesome man...

That said, Thanks for the feedback. I will check that out and I will contribute some scripts. I also really like the idea of playing with... I mean um testing the latest WIP, however, I wont kid you by letting you think I am a good one for that... I only have one xbox and I like to keep it pretty stable since my son uses it more than I do. More importantly, I will drop the ball as it were for 6 months or so. Then all of the sudden I will get all into it for a month and then I will drop it again... (too many hobbies to spend my time on and too little free time to actually spend...) Anyway, even if you felt I was worthy (which in itself would be an honor) I just dont think I could live up to the title of WIP tester... But like I said, I will still contribute what I can during those stints where I am all into it...
