
Author Topic: Oddity In Search  (Read 99 times)


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Oddity In Search
« on: November 18, 2003, 04:41:00 AM »

Whenever I search, for the name of the file or path using %s_name% it always adds a * to the name.  For instance E:*mxmdash.xbe.  Or, when using your test script for searching anything that starts with T it'll be something like E:*TDATA.  If this doesn't effect doing an XBEID check on a file than it doesn't matter too much to me, but if MXM is freezing because of this when I do that, it's kinda annoying.

Also, does the search recurse down into say, E:AppsXBMC from the root of E:, or how far does it recurse if at all?


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Oddity In Search
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2003, 06:10:00 AM »

yea, the C:\*\Foldername is kinda annoying.  I just use a


to get rid of it.

it only searches the current directory files and folders, you need to call the search again using a callfile to go deeper.  

You have to use callfile, because the BEGIN SEARCH must have an ENDSEARCH before another search can be started....but this only applies to the "local" script....and when you use callfile, you are calling a "remote" script....if that makes any sence to you.