
Author Topic: Help Gathering Files For A Skin.....  (Read 102 times)


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Help Gathering Files For A Skin.....
« on: April 12, 2005, 01:52:00 PM »

Hope this is in the right place. Since this wasn't a skinning question but more of a request I figured it would go good here. On to the post......

When I had Evox I created a skin for my FAVORITE band TOOL. See'n as how now I have switched to MXM I would like to do the same. My request, if this is allowed (if not I am sorry and please remove immediately), is that anyone who has items relating to the band TOOL that they please email them to me as an attachment at [email protected] so that I could possibly include it in this skin.

The background image of the main page is all that I have pieced together so far. I will be taking the intro image from their Salival DVD of the man with out streached arms spinning in a circle, animated of course, possibly with various songs from their albums playing in the background. This is all that I have as of now but give me a few days.

I am looking for nice images or even video clips that I can use for a intro while MXM is loading and a outro video that I can use after an item has been launched. I have alot of images and a few video clips to use but I know there are some things out there that I dont have and thats what I am looking for.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
