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Author Topic: Web Browser Out  (Read 45 times)


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Web Browser Out
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2004, 05:38:00 PM »


I'm interested in your idea about a shell that is extensible by using DLL's.  Perhaps you could convey some more of your thoughts, it sounds very interesting.  Would the DLL plugins have the capability to control the GUI (thus, a DLL to handle custom skins or skinning engines), or have you not thought about it enough?

Perhaps, after O, we could open a thread to have everyone brainstorm on the design and come up with an agreed upon DLL format, "OS" shell format, etc?


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Web Browser Out
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2004, 06:23:00 PM »

How do I set up PPOE on the xbox

What the hell is PPOE?


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« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2004, 06:27:00 PM »

Yes... I was thinking of several levels of potential OS involvement. At one level, practically ALL resources are available to the app, while in other levels, a standard UI might be available and co-exist with some underlying stuff, like an FTP and Web server. At the most basic layer, would be BASIC scripts, of course....

DLLs could use as little or as much of the shell's power for their own useage. GUI and server components would also be served out of DLLs.

Of course - that's the "Shell" concept. For MXM, we could go with a format that allows much of the GUI in place, as well as server(s). Then we can have things like CD rippers, VoIP, IRC, Web Browser, simple games, etc... all running with the underlying MXM stuff in place. When the follow on of a full Shell comes along, the dashboard stuff would also become a separate "DLL" based app, loaded when nothing else is running.



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« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2004, 07:42:00 AM »


I don't know what your plans are concerning my port and MXM (you said you had "some ideas"), but if you're willing to make something out of it, and have any questions, I'd be happy to answer.

Reusing the Links' engine can be a painful task, even more than porting it, and while I'm beginning to understand the architecture a bit, I doubt anyone but the original author masters it in its integrity.


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« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2004, 07:50:00 AM »

QUOTE (-FourDoor- @ Mar 8 2004, 09:40 PM)

2. sounds like the dev is going to be actively working on it.

For the time being, probably, but I'm not so sure this will last forever.

I just want to complete the port, reenable the things I disabled, add the stuff i want to add, then I'll probably say "ok, i'm done" and (I hope) let someone else take on.


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« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2004, 07:55:00 AM »

QUOTE (ysbox @ Mar 9 2004, 12:42 PM)
Hi BJ,

First of all, your idea of DLL-based plugins sounds great. I had a similar idea once, probably others did too, but I don't know whether that can be done easily. It would be impressive for sure smile.gif

I don't know what your plans are concerning my port and MXM (you said you had "some ideas"), but if you're willing to make something out of it, and have any questions, I'd be happy to answer.

Reusing the Links' engine can be a painful task, even more than porting it, and while I'm beginning to understand the architecture a bit, I doubt anyone but the original author masters it in its integrity.

Well, first off, I haven't tried your excellent browser YET (too damn busy), but what I've seen looks very impressive.

As far as the DLL stuff goes, the XBMP/C team has done some great stuff in making it happen - but their effort has been solely focused on DLLs as media drivers. What's needed to make it a reality in a shell is a standard, I would think. I would want something failry complete, with access to much of the Xbox APIs through exports, to avoid loading multiple libraries. Perhaps some functionality could even be split into their own DLLs too...

Geez... sounds like I'm trying to reinvent Windows wink.gif still, it's relavent and a decent model to follow in many ways.

Maybe after "o" is out, I can devote some serious attention to the concept and get the ball rolling.


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« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2004, 03:48:00 PM »

Well, since MXM is open source anyway, adding functionality to scripting through the source code (as opposed to a DLL) shouldn't be a problem.  

The only possible problem I see is the code being too large and inflating MXM, and MXM will have to be re-released after every upgrade.


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« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2004, 05:03:00 PM »

im gunna be an idiot here and ask

BJ WHAT THE HELL IS "O"!!??  please i beg of you enlighten me

well as for the browser since that IS what the browser is about, and not DLL support for apps.

the brower is nice but the text is too damn small,, it hurts my eyes.
is there a way to enlarge the fonts or the entire thing ?
the video is auto config which i dont like,, i want to change it. plus there needs to be some smoothing for screen fonts.
i used to have the same issues with tV tool on my Nvidia card, but since switching to a 9700 pro i havent had or had the need to use tv out,.  but tc tool had the option for ,, errr damn i cant remember what it was called but it smoothed the screen and the fonts. the browser needs this.  although i do like the crispness.

onscreen keyboard just like every other app out there with typing functions,, i HATE the "Roullette Wheel" keyboard, and for those who havent used it,, its not a big wheel on screen.
its a pain, and if you could please pretty please make a standard onscreen keyboard like avalaunch or other apps.

java and video support i think is a must,, maybe link to XBMC dll's ?  would be cool to be able to watch trailers and other stuff from the net.
what else,, hhmm java,, flash,,, quicktime maybe.

over all im very impressed and very glad to see this app come out for us that asked for it ages ago but are unable to program.

the menu buttons up on top are horrible,, mygod i had no idea they were even buttons.. it would be nice for hem to actually be large enough to see. and spaced apart a little.

scroll bars arent needed since the right thumb stick controlls the screen scrolling.

the menu is totally screwed.
once you open a few of the menu items the screen no longer scroll sproperly, the menuitems overlap and you cant even tell what your doing.
overall the entire menu is hard to read, because of the fonts, and near impossible to use. there isnt too much really you can do to change things i guess. its just too hard to use.

i love it though and have played around with it, but cant use it too much cuz , again the fonts and screen overall is a big eye sore. the constant white background isnt a good thing.

sounds like im bitching about the whole thing but in general im not,,  just the fonts,, the onscreen keyboard and selectable screen resolutions.

other than that just the usual browser plugin support would be good,, given time of course.


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« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2004, 05:16:00 PM »

"O" is just a version number

Current MXM version is 0.9n7
Next will be 0.9o
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