
Author Topic: Items Out Of Order In Menus  (Read 69 times)


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Items Out Of Order In Menus
« on: May 29, 2003, 04:33:00 PM »

I think I recall reading in one of these threads that  different ways to sort Autoconfig'd item would be in a future release of MXM, i.e the ability to sort the games list alphabetically, by size etc.  Is that still on the table for a recent revision?  I know alot of people with some chaotic looking games lists from their hard drives (as it looks to list by file date, whatever was on the xbox first gets listed first).  It'd be a very welcome feature I'm sure.

An easy workaround for anyone that's interested is to make an empty folder on the same partition and use boXplorer to Move (not copy) the entire contents of the games folder to the new folder, then do the same thing and Move them back to the original folder, resetting all their file dates and moving them into alphabetical order.  It works well for me.