
Author Topic: Two Most Important Features Of A Dashboard  (Read 50 times)


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Two Most Important Features Of A Dashboard
« on: May 01, 2003, 11:50:00 PM »


Something to keep in mind.  To me...the two most important features of the dashboard is a solid reliable and quick ftp server, and have a good implementation of auto detecting game default.xbe's.  Provide those two features and I end up choosing my default dashboard on just how cool those are implemented and maybe what other minor cool features are available.

Now MXM looks cool, has the image feature for games, preview it's all set and ready to become my default.  It's gonna be a tough call between MXM, Evox, and Avalaunch.  I'll probably end up rotating all 3.

I know your working on those two features Ben...but once those are done I think you'll see a huge jump in MXM popularity.  Those are the two most important things IMO.

P.S.  I'm throwing in a vote for not merging with Nexgen.  You don't need them and they'll probably just slow you down anyway.


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Two Most Important Features Of A Dashboard
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2003, 03:20:00 AM »
