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Author Topic: Newest Version+debug = Ok?  (Read 81 times)


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Newest Version+debug = Ok?
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2003, 05:55:00 PM »

Perhaps the Evo-X crew should get rid of their Matrix chips and develop in a real environment  laugh.gif maybe that's why they haven't developed anything really new in the last 4 or 5 months.  blink.gif

If that wasnt a pot shot, I dont what one would be.  Do you really think that that a debug bios wasnt used at all during development?  Come on...
(Yes, I realize your comment was a joke, but a harsh one at that)
How long did it take EVo-X to get IGR stable?

There is no IGR in any other dash, so IGR OFF in evox is just as good as no IGR in mxm/ava/nexgen/unleash-x/whatever, no?
Yes, it did take a while after later xdk releases broke compatibility with IGR, and even though I have been a steadfast evox user, I didnt use it, and recommended that others not use it.  How many times have we all said the phrase "turn off all 3 IGRs in evox"? tongue.gif
IGR in the dash.... Oh this one is a sore subject for me! Evox IGR just plain sucks. It fails 3 out of 4 times, hanging as Evox comes back up. This is the same no matter if using the IGR in the dash, or a BIOS with IGR and the IGR in the dash turned off. Also, many games just won't run with IGR turned on in the dash. You know how many times I have had an IGR failure with the X2 and MXM? Zero! How many games wouldn't work? Zero!

Have you used one of the last 2 releases?  All games load fine, and the only ones that have problems resetting have equal problems with the x2 IGR (like soul calibur 2).  FlashX will not load because of the TSR code, this is known, it was a problem with xromwell as well, which was fixed.
The difference is plain to those with half a brain: I've CRITICIZED EVO-X for their attitude toward the scene (aloofness) and the lack of development on their dashboard. The only other times I've gotten on anybody's case? Team Xodus for the way they handled the Chameleon affair (we're cool now - and they accept some of my arguments)  patch).

I would think you know of all people that one should not be criticized for lack of developments.  There are many projects that were left half finished, no one is getting paid here.  However, I have not seen you in the evox forum for a quite a while with those remarks.  Yes, MXM has a hell of a lot more features that evox.  So does Unleash-X and Avalaunch.  But more features != better product.
Slow with new releases?  You bet on it.  The newest released build has been done for a while now, with the FTP bugs (the biggest) done just a few days after the 3921 release, and the rest within a few short weeks, but releasing is out of my hands.
As for the FTP, that'll hopefully get worked out soon. Did you ever gett hat PASV thing figured out?
How's the password protection going? How about a decent skinning interface? Real scripting language? Oh, I see. Oh dear. Other dashes (and MXM will soon have, too) have file managers... did I miss that feature in Evo-X? How many other apps are using your source code... oh, that's right.... you've only released an incomplete header file to let others limp along in their network support.

(Watch out folks, here comes my mxm bashing)
I dont use MXM as my primary dash.  Why?  The ftpd is 'better'.  Ok,  you have implemented passive support which is great for fxp'ing and many people see greater speeds with the mxm ftpd, I do not, so this feature is moot for me.  However, when people have problems with evox's ftp, I dont hesitate to tell them to try mxm/ava/xbmp.
Preview videos & speed : yes, preview videos are cool, MXM kicks ass as a multi game menu, I use it all the time , but the videos slow the dash down :/  Am I impatient?  Hell yes.  When I turn on my xbox, I am at my dash for 20-30 seconds TOPS, mxm takes close to that time to boot with a hard drive full of games.
Password protection is cool, but I dont need it.
Yes, the scripting language is awesome, I've seen some of the work done with it, very nice indeed, (esp. the one to fix all of pc hdd loader's folder names), but nothing stops me from loading mxm as an app to use a feature like that.
Does this mean others dont need any of the above? No, simply that one dash isnt for everyone.
and that "fake" BIOS release (the one that took an Evo-X BIOS and used the X2 Media patch and LBA48

Dominion-X was lame, no question about it.  cool.gif
The image and argument in question was directed at the overzealous Evo-X users who refuse to even TRY another dashboard, but insist on calling Evo-X the greatest thing since sliced bread. I've seen these people jump on others, and I'm really puzzled by their behavior.

Ones that post stupid questions and knock on stuff they havent tried are morons in the first degree.  However, I have seen that image, and it clearly says "we would rather die than switch".  As I have pointed out to you before, I think that is arrogant because you are assuming that the dash that you made is best for everyone, and that everyone should use it.
For the record: While I have criticized the Evo-X dashboard, I have also made my reasons clear. I also give them credit where it's due.

Yes, evox has had some great moments, in dash progress and that in the bios area.  I think everyone  can understand that you are a dev. and are proud of your work.  Also, you would love for more people to use your dash.

Should evox share more?  Hell yes.  I think if you look up of my comments in a recent GPL thread, I spoke of this.  Evox has had 2 big advantages over other dash's.  Flashing and formatting.  Even though there are 'small' features that need to be done once in a while, this is what make evox so popular, everyone uses it FIRST.  I think this code should have been released from the git-go.  Xecuter has their own flashing software, and I am not aware if they are sharing that with homebrew devs, but it would be great if they did.
Maybe some time of the loyal MXM users could be spent on making guides for setting up a newly modded xbox with MXM instead of evox, the process isnt different, so just a few things would need to be fine tuned.

And evox has said all along that the sources will be released when the group is done with it.

Anyway.... I cant believe I just typed all that, and I know the board isnt going to let me edit this, so lets hope I didnt make any huge errors.  ph34r.gif

And btw, how the hell does a simple question about mxm running with a debug bios lead to all this?  Because BJ made 1 comment about evox and their inferior chips.  Yes, BJ likes to poke fun of the 'other side' now and then, but come on guys....


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Newest Version+debug = Ok?
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2003, 06:12:00 PM »

Well, the statement was made back in April (CraiZEAH decided to go loopy and dredge up old crap....) and I believe it was in the midst of a round of attacks on MXM from an Evo-X fan or two, so to a large degree, the "pot shot" was taken out of context.

The other comments more recently made were merely tit-for-tat on CraiZEAH/Jokk's posts (scan back a bit) - in retrospect, I should not have let them drag me down to their level; :::sigh::: it's just been a stressful week (trying to manage a software team halfway around the world that doesn't speak my language well, through overloaded interprators that cannot comprehend the word "compiler" and finding out your promised software update only works in hardware a still a month from delivery, instead of the hardware it was supposed to go into! - well, it's not easy)

Anyway, I'll just have to try harder and take the high road more consistently. I won't ignore children, but I'll find more effective ways of dealing with them.


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Newest Version+debug = Ok?
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2003, 06:15:00 PM »

Maybe some time of the loyal MXM users could be spent on making guides for setting up a newly modded xbox with MXM instead of evox, the process isnt different, so just a few things would need to be fine tuned.

Installer disc is in the works cool.gif (by users more "loyal" than me) , and hopefully guides to go along with it.
As for setting up and customizing MXM, there's a whole site full of how-to's and guides.


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Newest Version+debug = Ok?
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2003, 06:17:00 PM »



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Newest Version+debug = Ok?
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2003, 06:20:00 PM »

QUOTE (geniusalz @ Dec 17 2003, 10:15 PM)
Maybe some time of the loyal MXM users could be spent on making guides for setting up a newly modded xbox with MXM instead of evox, the process isnt different, so just a few things would need to be fine tuned.

Installer disc is in the works cool.gif (by users more "loyal" than me) , and hopefully guides to go along with it.
As for setting up and customizing MXM, there's a whole site full of how-to's and guides.

Great news, because all we all know, many xbox modders are not the sharpest tools in the chest, eh?  MXM can be very simple or very complex, hopefully such guides will encourage newbs to start off slow, we know how overwhelming the simple evox.ini can be for some tongue.gif


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Newest Version+debug = Ok?
« Reply #20 on: December 17, 2003, 06:23:00 PM »

QUOTE (heinrich @ Dec 17 2003, 11:20 PM)
many xbox modders are not the sharpest tools in the chest, eh?

Report this post does NOT mean "Reply to this post"

Guess that's why that is in ur sig  wink.gif


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Newest Version+debug = Ok?
« Reply #21 on: December 17, 2003, 07:03:00 PM »

QUOTE (jokk @ Dec 17 2003, 11:07 PM)
I think it's over now, i'm no one on this scene and wont judge anyone even after trying all dashs...

People will make their own idea, and will not wonder anymore why everyone laught at you in the homebrew community !

Your out of line to criticise Ben Jeremy in any shape or form. It is obviouse he has put tremendous time in MXM. He brought in features and options a long time ago that new dashboards are just now offering. He's been a tremendous contribution to the Xbox commnunity. You must be one of those punk-ass's who are insecure, with to much time on his hands, or someone who wishes they were someone but ain't. Ethier way you need knuckle sandwich in your mouth for talking so much shit, punk.




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Newest Version+debug = Ok?
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2003, 07:11:00 PM »

ya dman7, personal insults always help....


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Newest Version+debug = Ok?
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2003, 07:14:00 PM »

rolleyes.gif  (Tempted to say more, but taking the high road...)

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