
Author Topic: Make It A Total Game Manager.  (Read 98 times)


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Make It A Total Game Manager.
« on: June 04, 2004, 11:13:00 AM »

1. Have Qwix scan your Xbox HD and also give it an option to scan a known dir on your computer for a total listing of your games.  Then allow batch uploading AND downloading for managment.  Say you want to remove 10 games from your Xbox HD and then upload 15 games TO your Xbox, have qwix batch DL the games from the xbox hd and make iso's out of them, then delete them from your xbox.  After thats done then upload the requested games and then delete them from your computers HD.  (I sometime forget to delete a game from my computers HD after I upload it to the xbox, this causes me to run out of storage space on my computers drive)
I have a 120GB hd in my Xbox and a 120GB had in my computer for storage.  Allowing qwix to dl a bunch of games and to upload then afterwards would save time.  (IE done at night)

2. I would also like to see the ability to scan your games and then like IMDB for music, go to a website to D/L info about that game.

3.  Qwix can do multiple uploads to the xbox, but canot do multiple d/l FROM the xbox to iso's, only one at a time.  THis would be a great help.
