
Author Topic: Avalaunch  (Read 61 times)


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« on: October 15, 2003, 02:53:00 PM »

Well I just downloaded the latest avalaunch from #xbins on my slow dialup connection. Had a peek in the XML as I read the change log and found that they rewrote it or something. Well I must say, it locked up on the first go but when I tried it again from my Evolution X 3921 dashboard it worked flawlessly. The LED cycles now works (red) and RSS is a nice treat, now I don't have to load there site everyday to check for news. I was also surprised that it started downloading QWIX 1.0 from a setting menu for me in Z:qwix.rar. FTP’d it over to my PC. I say QWIX eye candy. Well superb dashboard. 10/10. Like the DHCP not locking up any more as well.